Bargaining chip

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Sonja's POV:

"Aaaaaaaaa!!!! Why doesn't he ever listen to me!!!" I yelled at the sheep in front of me.

It gave me a simple baaa in response.

"Oh shut up! It's not like you know him any better than I do!" I shouted angrily.

Baaa was all I got.

I pouted and ran to my house screaming furiously.

Why does he think that he can build them a boat?! He didn't even think to ask me if I wanted to help.... I'm not going to save his ass when he drowns...

I wasn't really mad about him helping the pirates. They seemed like nice people, minus the attacking us the instant they saw us. I was just furious at tucker for forgetting that he promised to spend today with me. On this day. Our one year anniversary of being together...

He promised me something special, but here he was promising to do something for complete strangers...

As I walked past the mountain that Tucker's house was built on, I heard an explosion of a fire charge nearby. I turned around to face the source of the unmistakable sound, but only saw the remains of an explosion. A door in the mountain opened to reveal Tom, coming out with a sack slung over his shoulder.

"Hey Tom! Whatcha got there?" I called out to him.

"Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh nothing! Just some taters!" He called back.

He was acting really weird...Maybe he and Tucker were organising a party for our anniversary! And he had the balloons!!! Of course! It all makes sense!

"Ok! Have fun with those 'taters'!" I yelled making quotation marks in the air when I said taters.

He ran off, thinking he got away with it. Haha, idiot. I smiled and walked home, humming along to the song 'high hopes' by Panic! At the Disco.

When I got home there was a red envelope on my bed, with bright orange letters saying My Dearest FireFox. Awww Tucker wrote me a letter!

I opened it, and looked at the writing. Attached to the letter was a photo. (Chapter photo)

Dearest fox,

Tom has told me much about seem like a smart individual. But let's quit the small talk and cut to the chase. I have something of your interest. Or, should I say, someone? The pirates have arrived yes? So I have one request...


Do this and you shall receive the thing most important to you. If you would kindly look at the photo attached to this letter you will find out who. I have plans, that need the pirates out of the picture, so if they suddenly had to go back home, with no warning or goodbyes, your boyfriend would be returned to you immediately. If anyone is told of this, or if it isn't done by tomorrow night, then Tucker would unfortunately suffer from a horrible accident. Choose wisely fox, a life depends on it. This note will burn approximately fifty seconds after opened, and the picture will be shown in your mind every time you deviate from the plan. Magic.

Kind regards

I glanced at the picture, and saw my boyfriend lying down with his eyes partially opened, and what looked like a big wound on his right side. I got very worried about the burning thing and threw the letter into the ocean, receiving an explosion of water in return.

Oh my god what if Tucker is dead already and this more was left here two days ago?! Wait, calm down, the pirates only arrived today. Phew. WHAT THE HELL AM I MEANT TO DO!!! I can't tell anyone, and I don't want to kill the pirates! But tucker.....

I decide to console in my friend Tyler the Spider.

"Tyler what do I do?! Tucker might die! But the pirates!!!" I yelled at the harmless spider in broad daylight.

The spider looked up at me, and started coming closer, hissing. I stepped back on instinct, and tripped over a rock, sending it flying into Tyler's eye, while I fell back.

I heard him take damage, and I mentally facepalmed.

He crawled on top of me, and I pulled out my sword as he started biting my arm. I tearfully slashed him in half, whispering my goodbyes to Tyler the Spider.

"Rip in pieces Tyler, you will be missed..."

He poofed, leaving behind his punctured eye. I picked it up and shoved it into my pocket with a cloth so my favourite, and only, hoodie wouldn't get ruined.

I heard the sound of shifting dirt behind me, and turned around to see the tail end of a monster spawning. The black mass swirled and shifted around, before it settled on the shape of a spider. The spider popped into existence, and it gazed up at me with a face that said, ouch, I thought you loved me. It reminded me of Tyler...

Suddenly an idea popped into my head, and I ran back to my house to prepare for my master plan.

These idiots would never see it coming...

Furia, watch out...

Hey guys! It's a me! Hope you liked, and I thought the story needed a bit more Sonja. Soooo I'll update next Thursday byeeeee!!!

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