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Jordan's POV:



Nothing else......

No people......

No land.....

No mobs.....

Not even any fish......



It's been just ocean for ten days now, and I still haven't seen any signs of life. My only method of keeping track of time is my communicator, but its battery life is at 20%. I've used seven of my boats, leaving me with three, not including the one I'm sailing in. I'll never be able to get back unless I find wood, which is highly unlikely, seeing as I haven't seen a fish in five days, and I'm in the middle of the freaking ocean!

I'm so tired, and hungry. I'm left with five more pieces of cooked stake, and twenty cooked potatoes, so I have to ration my food, meaning that until dinner, I'm starving. The signal from the others communicators is dead, so I can't contact them, until I get back, which I'm not even sure if I'm going to get back at this point.

I lay back in my boat, and hear a cracking sound, and open my left eye wearily, to see a hole in my boat. Another leak, great. I sit up and gather my bags, throwing them into the boat attached to the broken one, and jump into the other boat. I cut the rope with my sword, and watch the boat sink down into the depths of the sea. I grab my oars and start rowing again, heading in the direction of my destination. My arms are pretty much broken at this point, so I can't row very well, and when I try to, I look like a fish trying to use chopsticks ten times it's size.

I hear a sudden high pitched squeak, and look in the direction of it to see a small dolphin poking its head out of the water. Oh my god, another living thing!!!!! I haven't seen one since about a week ago, or was it ten days? I can't remember, but I don't care, I found life! It squeaks again and starts to swim off.

"Hey! Wait! Come back! Please...." I yell out.

It seems to hear me and turn back. It pokes its head out of the water and then dives down, appearing right beside my boat. It starts to nudge it with its head, and then swims to the left, away from the direction I'm heading. Maybe it wants me to follow it? But then I'd be heading away from ianite....

It seems to notice my hesitation, and dives down, bringing back a message in a bottle. I open it and read it.

Jordan, this is my dolphin friend, his name is Wilson. You don't know me yet, but I know you. Please, follow Wilson, he knows where the code really is. Mianite got it wrong, and his source was actually a minion of Dianites, that sent you on a wild goose chase, from which you'd never return....I sent Wilson to seek you out, and if you are reading this, he found you. Good luck my hero, I will not be where Wilson will take you, I am trapped somewhere, but I do not know where, because Dianite has blocked my vision. I will hopefully see you soon....

Kind regards

Lady Ianite

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and all the castaway references, I'll upload in two days blah dee blah. Anyways, bye!

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