A sudden relationship

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Sonja's POV:

We arrived at the beach, and sat down, while Mianite moved in front of us, ready to tell me and tucker what was so important.

"Tucker, Sonja....." he began.

Mianite was looking worried, and that made me worried, what was he going to tell us that was so bad? I start to panic, thinking that we were someone horrible back when we had memories, and he was going to send us away, to a prison. Were we criminals?! Did we murder someone?! Oh god! We murdered someone didn't we?!

I think tucker saw how hysterical I was acting, and he grabbed my hand and held it in his. Immediately his warm smile filled my heart with calmness, and my breathing returned to normal. I don't know why but I felt really calm and happy when he was around. He squeezed my hand, and we looked back at mianite, who saw the whole thing.

"Wait? Do you already know? That's impossible! Well, maybe your relationship was so strong you already knew!" Mianite said.

"Wait what?! Relationship!?" We both said.

"Oh, well it's out now.... when you two had memories, you were......together. Boyfriend and girlfriend, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I just, didn't know how to tell you." He explained.

Me and tucker, were dating? That explained the feeling I had when it came to him, the one that made me feel on top of the world. I didn't know how to take it. I didn't know whether to be happy or upset or both. I just sat frozen, mouth hanging open.

Tucker's POV:

Oh my god. Me and Sonja dated?!! I just couldn't believe it, I-I..... that was why I automatically ran to help her in the nether, when I barely knew her, and why I felt so happy around her. My mind knew that we were together, and made me help her, or however that shit works. Sonja was frozen, maybe she didn't want to know that.... maybe I'm just a joke to her, she probably doesn't want to be with me....

"I-I don't know what to say....." she said.

"I know this must be hard to hear, to be told that you had commitments in previous lives, but believe me when I tell you this, you too were the happiest couple I had ever seen. You fought together, mined together, built together, and were always with each other. You loved one another with all of your hearts."

"Mianite, thanks for telling us this but....." Sonja began.

"I-we can't just start loving each other when we barely know each other, and I know we were dating back then, but this is different. I don't know tucker, and I'm sorry tucker I just can't start doing this out of nowhere....I'm sorry if I've upset you, it's not you honestly!" She said.

I felt hurt, I did like Sonja, and even though she didn't feel the same way, I could understand why she said what she did. I wouldn't expect her to fall in love with me because mianite said we were dating before.

"Hmmmm, maybe I can fix that. I have been working to recover bits and pieces of your memories from the nether, where Dianite is keeping them, but without going in there...I have gathered a few parts of yours, would you like me to show you?" Mianite asked.

"Yes" I said.

"Ok then..."

A white oval appeared in front of us, and a video was portrayed on there, no, not a video, a memory, my memory. I was in a field, the one near where we were, and I was running after an orange figure. Sonja. She was laughing, and I was too. I caught up to her, and tackled her to the ground, and hugged her. She gave me a kiss on the nose, and I returned it.

A new memory showed up, Sonja's this time. She was hiding behind a cow, in a farm like area, and I saw myself in the background, feeding wheat to the cows and sheep. I neared where Sonja was hiding, and she jumped out and scared me, I had a panic attack, and fell into a puddle nearby. She laughed hysterically and collapsed on the grass. Soaking wet, I approached Sonja with open arms, and chased her trying to hug her.

The memories stopped, and the oval disappeared.

"These memories came with feelings as well, I can give them to you, if you wish?" Mianite asked.

"Yes" Sonja said immediately.

I felt an overwhelming sense take over me, and when I looked at Sonja, my heart exploded. I saw her in a way I didn't see her before, even though she was exactly the same. Her emerald green eyes, her long brown hair, I loved every bit of it. I knew immediately what the feeling was, I loved this girl, and wanted to be with her forever.

I stood, and walked to her, and she stood as well. I looked into her eyes, and saw beauty beyond anything I'd ever seen. I was in love, with the most beautiful girl in the world.

10 minutes later:

Me and Sonja were walking back to her house, hand in hand, smiling. We agreed to take things slow, but I knew what I felt was love. I felt a vibration, saw my communicator, and we headed off to help Jordan find Tom.

Hey guys sorry for the late upload I was a bit busy today, I'll upload sometime this weekend!

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