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??? POV:


So dark......

Is this death?........

Just blackness?.......

Death feels so cold.......

At least I don't have to make the pirates boat anymore.....

I hope Sonja is doing ok without me......

I wonder, if I try to open my eyes like when I was alive, whether I could see the world I died in?.......

Only one way to find out....

I try to open my ghost eyes, and it works! I see my bedroom. I'm lying on my bed, and I'm completely healed. I watch the steady rise and fall of my chest as I breathe.....


If I can breathe then....

I shot up to a sitting position, and eyes wide, I made a small squeal sound as I realised I could feel my hands moving, and my legs as well. I was alive? But how? What the fuck is going on?

I looked around my room, and saw it was covered in, signs?

I swung my legs over the bed, and went to stand up, when I felt something beneath my feet, and heard a hissing noise. I screamed and backed up on my bed head, watching as the spider climbed up the side of my bed, and stopped right in front of me. It's eyes were locked onto mine, and I grimaced.

My eyes fell onto a small parchment of paper rolled up, and tied with a string around the spiders neck. I pulled the drawstring on my bedside curtain, and saw sunlight. It was daytime. That's why he wasn't attacking me. I reached forward slightly, aiming for the paper around his neck.

"Heeeeyyyyy buddyyyyy. How ya doin? Can I just grab that for a sec? I'll give it back I promise!" I cooed at it.

It hissed at me and jumped onto my chest, pushing my head hard against the bed head. I groaned from the pain, and expected fangs on my eyes, but only got a spider looking at me. I hesitantly reached forward and grabbed the paper, sliding it out and clenching it in my fist. The spider backed off, and sat where it was before. I opened the paper and squinted at Sonja's tiny handwriting.

Do not be alarmed! This is Tyler the spider! He is my friend! I know you must be very confused, but if you are reading this, then obviously my plan succeeded. I brought you back to life! Please read the signs for more information!

I rolled the paper back up and slid it back into the string around the spiders neck.

Or should I say Tyler's neck? Goddammit Sonja! I said fifty pets is enough but you just had to go and make it fifty one!

I sighed and glanced at the signs across the room, then walked over to them, carefully avoiding Tyler. I stood in front of the first sign, and read them all.

Hey tucker! It's Sonja here! You were a dingus and decided to get yourself kidnapped! Yay! I received a letter from a demon called Furia, who I'm pretty sure is being helped by Tom. The letter asked me to kill the pirates, or sacrifice you. I had an idea, after chatting with Tyler and accidentally killing him, and that's why you are alive now! I'll ask you one question, and then I need your help. Furia will probably kill the pirates anyway, so I need you to help me stop him. He thinks you're dead, so that'll give you the element of surprise! Anyway I'll probably get beaten to a pulp or tortured for disobeying, but don't worry about me! Here's the question:

What day is it today?

I glanced at my calendar, and realised what she did. Clever little fox. I smiled, and then grabbed my stuff from my chests. Waving at Tyler (the apparently magic spider), I headed off out the door, and ran down my stairs, drinking my invis potion. This was gonna be fun.....

Toms POV:

It hurt me to see tucker being tortured, but to see him die in front of his gf, was heartbreaking. Sonja screamed, and then Furia dropped his body to the floor. Then, the weirdest thing happened. Instead of his body just lying there like it was meant to, it dissolved and disappeared.... That generally means that someone is respawning somewhere else... But that only happens on-

I checked my communicator, and my eyes widened.


It was Saturday......

Purge Day.....

I heard the footsteps too late, and I turned around to see Tucker's sword floating mid-air, as it plunged into my chest.

Suddenly Tucker appeared in front of me, the handle of the sword in his hand, and a smirk on his face.

"Tucker one, Tom zero..." he said blankly.

I swore under my breath as I died, and appeared back on my bed in my base.

"SHIT! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!!" I yelled angrily.

"I should've known! Sonja planned this! Arghhh!!!!!! Why didn't I see it!"

I was mainly angry because on purge day, I always got the first kill... I was actually ok with Tucker being alive, but Furia would be pissed!

I grabbed my stuff and headed down to the place I died. I was too late...

Tucker and Sonja were backing Furia into a corner, and he was hurt, badly...

"Tom! Come over here and help me!" Yelled Furia.

I started to walk over, when Tucker glared at me with one eye.

"Tom if you take one more step I swear to Mianite I will fucking kill your ass! Sit down and throw the sword away and we might let you live!" Tucker roared at me.


I took a deep breath, and glared at Furia.




Within the span of five seconds, my sword was out of my hand, and was buried deep in Furias chest.

He coughed out a red substance, then looked up at me and laughed.

"You've just made a big mistake....." he said quietly.

"Piss off!" I replied.

He laughed once more.

"Checkmate..." he said.

Furia teleported away, and took the sword of Dianite with him. The sword Dianite gave to me day one. Tucker has one just like it...

I didn't resist when Tucker and Sonja ran over to me and pushed me onto the ground, cuffing my hands behind my back.

I didn't resist when they lifted me up and started to drag me to the courthouse..

I didn't resist when they threw me in the trial cage and chained my wrists to a hook on the ceiling...

I didn't resist when they cuffed my feet to the hook on the floor...

I didn't resist when they took my weapons and cleared my inventory...


I didn't resist when Tucker plunged the needle full of sedative into my wrist, and my vision went dark....

Hey guys! Tucker's alive!!!!!! Hope you liked and I'll update on Thursday! I decided to update early cause I'm on a writers high! Byeeeeee!

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