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Tucker's POV: ikr! Someone aside from sparklez!

I didn't sleep much last night. I was tossing and turning worrying about today. I might've gotten a few hours in. I got out of bed sluggishly, and went downstairs to the kitchen. Sonja was sitting at the bench smiling at me when I walked in. I was so tired I almost forgot she stayed at my place in the spare room last night.

"Morning sleepyhead!" She smiled at me.

"Morning....." I groaned.

I smelled something really good coming from the stove, and there was a nice warm feeling in the air.

"Mmmm! What smells so good?" I asked, my mouth watering.

"That'd be the pancakes. I had some spare time  so I decided to make breakfast! That reminds me! They're almost done!" She exclaimed waltzing over to the stove top, spatula in hand.

I smiled as she flipped a pancake, and it flew through the air, landing gracefully on the plate in front of me.

"TA-DA!" She exclaimed.

I pulled the best smug face I could, then started lightly clapping.

"Bravo bravo. However your flipping skills have room for improvement young apprentice." I said regally.

I received a slap on the head with a spatula, and I laughed.

"Oh crap! Toms meant to be coming isn't he?" Sonja asked.

"Uhhhhh.... yeah I think so." I said grabbing my com.

I texted Jordan so she wouldn't see, and heard a small bling in return.

Hey sparklez! Quick I needs a distraction!

Gotcha covered.

"What's that? Who ya talking to?" Sonja asked apprehensively.


I heard Sonja's com start ringing, and I sighed in relief as she answered.

"Heya jardon! What's up?"


"Not again! How bad is it?"


"Shit.... I'll be right over!" She said hanging up.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Sparklez blew up the animal farm again. Creeper." She said grabbing her stuff.

"Again? That's like the third time this month!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. I gotta go help. Can you handle Tom while I'm gone?"

"Yeah. I'll probably get him to help with my red stone elevator." I lied.

"Ok. See you tonight?" She said walking to the door.

"Yeah. See ya!" I waved.

"Bai!" She said walking out.

That was close...

I grabbed my com and started texting Tom. He was the only one who didn't know about my plans.

Hey Tom get over to my house ASAP!

But I'm soooo tireddddd!

I don't give a fuck! Get over here now!

Make me.

Boy if you don't get your lazy ass over here now I'll burn your house to the ground, and take your shit, then burn said shit in a bucket of lava. Then, I'll push you off a cliff into a river!

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