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Jordan's POV:

I open my eyes groggily, to see eight shadows looming over me. As my vision focused, I could make out four people at my sides. Dec, champwan, waglington, and Sonja.

I could make out a few conversations, but as my eyes closed, the only thing I could do was hear everything around me.

"Wag how you holding up?" Said dec.

"Fine! Just try to hurry it up, I'm losing him!" He groaned.

"Ye be doing well wizard!" Cried capsize a bit further away.

"Cmon Jordan wake up!" Cried Sonja desperately.

"Champwan! Read me the status now!" Yelled dec.

"Severe fifth degree burns on the chest area, stomach, and the forearms. All of which are starting to get infected with the strange darkness. Five broken ribs. A fractured left ankle. A moderate concussion, and to top it all off, a very deep cut across his shoulder, and the stitches sewn earlier are starting to come out." Champwan explained with no emotion.

"Holy Shit! I didn't realise it was that bad!" Cried out someone I recognised as Tucker.

"Just hold that dragon back Tucker!" Yelled Wag painfully.

I heard a loud roar from the back of the room, and realised it was the baby dragon from earlier. They were trying to keep him off of me. He kept roaring, and he sounded upset.

I tried to open my eyes to see what was happening, but I felt something strong keeping my eyes closed. It wasn't physical, more like magic.... Waglington...

I heard swearing from Tucker, and then I immediately felt the strong magic force disappear.

"Shit! I lost it!" Yelled wag.

I took advantage of it and quickly opened my eyes, then took in the scene around me.

Dec and Champ were at my left side, treating a very serious looking burn on my left arm. Sonja was trying to get the dragon off of wag, who was being pinned to the floor by said dragon. Tucker was running over with the pirates to help, but he wouldn't budge. Suddenly the dragon flew off of wag, towards me, and he landed on my chest with a loud roar. I was too injured to move, and watched as he opened his mouth. A purple glow was forming in the back of his throat, and I expected a stream of fire. What I got, was tonnes of black magic liquid coming off of my body, and being sucked up into his mouth. When it stopped, he licked his lips and smiled. Sonja grabbed him and threw him to the floor, pinning him down.

"Dec! It's amazing! All the infection is gone! The dragon....ate....all of it!" Cried Champwan.

Immediately Tucker and the pirates hesitantly let go of the dragon, and he stood up. Making a small roaring sound, he jumped on the hospital bed again, and sat by my side, looking into my eyes. I think skipper noticed his gaze, because he shouted and pointed at me, but at that point I had lost my hearing. Dec turned to look at me, and gasped. His mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear anything. He grabbed a pen and paper, and scribbled something down. He turned it to face me, and I read it slowly.

Blink once for yes, twice for no:

Can you hear me?

I blinked twice, and he nodded to himself, writing something else.

Are you in pain?

I blinked twice again, and he sighed in relief, then started writing again, but it took longer this time.

You were very badly hurt, and we had to wrestle the dragon, because he wouldn't get off of you! It took five of us to even get him to stay in one place! You are in a really bad condition, but wag kept you alive while we treated your wounds, even though a side effect, was you not being able to see. The darkness wag asked you to help with earlier, was defeated, sort of. It transferred to your body after the explosion, and you had it. It was slowly killing you, until the dragon absorbed it all. He doesn't seem to be affected by it. Also, just between me and you, the pirates found your locket broken with the liquid inside gone.... wag said the egg which the dragon came from, absorbed it..... sooooo...... from dolphin to dragon I guess.

After reading it, my eyes widened and I came to a realisation. The glass breaking sound in the end.....teeth that can pierce diamond.....the locket containing the soul of......

I looked at the baby dragon on the side of my bed, and saw the familiar eyes staring back at me...


Dec shoved the paper in my face again:

We're going to need to put you back to sleep now, but we'll make sure Wilson is ok. YOU'LL be ok...

As soon as I read the last word, blue particles were emitting from wags hands, and I slipped away into a black void of sleep...

Hey guys! Hope you liked! I'll update on Thursday! Bye!

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