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Tucker's POV:

Today was the day. The end of our adventure. Whether it continues after this for some of us, I had no idea. Whether I perish or not, I was uncertain. All I knew, was that I'd rather die than risk Sonja's life. I stood in the kitchen of our house, arguing with my wife about this fact.

"You can't dictate what I do in life!"

"I'm not trying to!"

"Well you're doing a shit job of it!"

"I just want to protect you!"

"I can look after myself! I don't need protecting!"

"Sonja I'm serious! You could die!"

"SO COULD YOU!!! You don't think I'm worried about you getting hurt?! I'm terrified! But I won't keep you here against your will! Because I trust you know how to look after yourself!" She half yelled, half cried.


"Please just let me go with you! I want to help! This is my home too! My friends, and my life! I want to protect them all!" She protested.


"So please! Just let me go....." she sobbed, tears starting to flow freely down her red face.

For the first time in a while, I stood speechless, and unsure of myself...

Toms POV:

"WHY ARE YOU SO PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS?!" I yelled at the angry penguin before me.

"Because you are betraying us! And your god!!!" The yellow skinned one with the crossed eyes piped in.

"Yeah! You sack of shit! I can't believe you want to help the other side! You're a traitor!" The penguin continued.

Nade stood quiet, leaning against the wall of his castle, where I had asked for us all to meet so I could tell them the news.

"And I can't believe you won't support my decision! If you were actually my friends, you'd be ok with this!" I yelled, pointing in Tony's face.

He laughed sarcastically.

"You think that we're actually your friends! Ha! You really are pathetic! We were never friends! We simply followed the same god you idiot!"


"You were always the soft one! The traitor that Dianite took pity on! If you're not with us, well, then you're against us!" Tony yelled, drawing his sword.

"And you know what happens to the people who are against us..." Josh said, also drawing his bow.

For the first time in a while, I was scared that they'd actually flip on me...

Jordan's POV:



The eyes!....

He stared at me, his cute purple eyes staring into my soul. He didn't know it, but he was slowly killing me inside.

" can't go...this is too could die...and I don't want that...." I said sadly to the tiny black and purple dragon sitting before me.

His head cocked to the side, and his tongue hung out limply.

I sighed.

There's no way I can bring him along. He'll probably die! But what if we don't come home...he'll be here all by himself...

Mianite Season 1Where stories live. Discover now