Great escape

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Hi guys quick intermission! I just wanted to thank the people that have actually read my story! The number keeps going up every day and I just feel so happy that people are actually reading it! Again thanks, now onto chapter 5!

Tucker's POV:

The god called Mianite made a bridge to our cages and gestured for us to exit. I liked this god, he seemed cool, and he kinda saved us from an evil demon. After learning my two names, I was happy I didn't get a name like sparklez, poor guy. We crossed the bridges and walked on a soft squishy substance that felt like sand. I looked at it in disgust, I could make out faces moving in the grey sand, and I looked away.

"Ah, tucker, that is soul sand, lost souls live there after being imprisoned by Dianite. Don't worry, the netherrack up here is much more solid." He reassured.

I ran/hopped ahead of the others to get to land first, and suddenly found myself face first in the soul sand. I looked up, and found the green zombie called Tom snickering at me.

He tripped me.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"What? It was funny! Oh, you got a bit of lost soul on your shoulder there." He laughed.

I quickly shook it off and growled at him, the jerk. We barely knew each other and he had already been mean.....I liked him, he knew how to lighten a mood. I saw the other two laughing at our dispute, and started laughing as well. I had a good feeling about these guys, I couldn't explain it if I was Einstein, and, the girl. Sonja her name was, I felt something special from her, like when she's around, my life gets 10 times better. I think she felt it too, the way her emerald eyes were looking at me. Or maybe I'm just being dumb. I'm probably being dumb.

"If you are quite done heroes, then we need to leave, otherwise Dianite could catch up with us." Mianite warned.

"Calm down dude, it's fine. No need to get your robe in a knot." Said Tom.

As if on cue, a spurt of lava flew across to the platform we were on, and left Dianite in its place.

"You were saying Tom?" I said to him.

"GET TO THE PORTAL!" Yelled mianite, pointing to a purple rectangular vortex in the distance.

We all ran, while mianite held him off, before joining us. I watched Mianite fly through the portal, then Tom ran in, Jordan close behind. I reached the portal, but a scream stopped me from going through. I looked back, and saw Sonja lying on the ground, Dianite towering over her, and readying a fire ball. I started running automatically, and didn't know what my body was doing. A white flying massive squid like creature floated nearby, and it shot a fireball from its mouth at me.

I knew what I had to do, I stood still, I had to time it right. The fireball came at me, and I punched it with my fist, straight into the face of Dianite, sending him flying. My hand hurt like hell, but still I ran to Sonja, and pulled her up. We ran hand in hand, to the portal, and went through.

Hey guys, I'll update the story tomorrow! Sorry for the short chapter.

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