Welcome your faces to the world of Mianite!

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Jordan's POV:

We emerged from the portal, and I felt really dizzy. I regained my bearings and looked at the world we ended up in. I noticed Tom at my side, also looking at the beautiful landscape in front of us with wonder. Ahead of us lay a green grassy plain, surrounded by a beach, and miles of ocean. It was covered in flowers and two large mountains laid a few hundred metres in front of us. A hill to our left, and flat land to our right. Animals roamed peacefully and trees of all kinds were scattered across the land. I had to say compared to the nether, this was a big step up, it was just beautiful and peaceful, and brought a warm nice feeling to my heart.

"Beautiful, isn't it gentlemen? This is your new home, the overworld, where I rule, but you are free to stay here as long as you like, and can build anything your heart desires. The world is your oyster heroes. Do with it as you wish."

"It is really something." I said in awe.

I heard a grunt from behind me, and turned to see tucker and Sonja emerging from the portal, tucker holding his right hand tight. I saw blood dripping from between his fingers, staining the grass.

"Oh my god dude are you ok?!" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, just punched a fireball no big deal." He protested.

"You are definitely not fine!" Said a very worried looking Sonja.

Sonja opened Tucker's hand and he winced. We all gasped. Majority of the skin was burned off, leaving bloody raw skin underneath. The rest of his hand was charred black, and he was obviously in tons of pain.

"Tucker, hold out your hand and stay very still" Mianite said.

A white bandage materialised from out of no where, and wrapped around Tucker's injured hand.

"Unfortunately I've used most of my strength fighting my brother, so your hand will have to heal on its own."

"Nah it's cool man. Also, mountain on the right is mine. I'm claiming it right now."

"What!? No fair! Fine I'll take the left one then!" Tom announced.

"I guess I'll use the hill over there then." I said, pointing to the left.

Sonja looked around for any landmarks she could use to build a house on, but a look of disappointment crossed her face as she realised there was nothing else.

"Firefox, there is a mountain not far from here, where you can build" said a floating mianite.

Sonja smiled, and thanked mianite. He then turned to all of us.

"Before anything else, I need to give you these."

He gave us all small devices that looked like something from the future.

"These are your communicators. They will allow you to text one another, and all of each other at the same time, same for calling. You will need them for long distance communication." He explained, while showing us how they worked, and putting in each other's contact details.

We all thanked Mianite, and said our goodbyes. Then we all went our separate ways. I headed to a small grove of trees laying ahead, and started gathering some logs from fallen trees. Before heading off, Mianite explained to us, that we remember certain things if they were with us for longer, so the knowledge we had about this land and it's resources, had come from years of living here. Apparently our old houses and structures were all destroyed by Dianite, so mianite returned the land to its natural state. We had to start over.

I had gathered enough logs to build a crafting table, and made one next to the beach. I started to craft sticks, and more planks, so I could make some tools and something to protect myself. Knowing all of this, felt weird, but good, like it was second nature.

I quickly had myself, a sword, an axe, a pick axe, a shovel, and a hoe. All made out of wood. I decided to venture out to try and find some stone, or iron, so I went to find a cave.

It soon grew night, and so monsters would come out soon. I had to hurry. I had made myself stone weapons, and tools, but that wouldn't do much at night. I heard the clicking of bones, and hisses of bugs, and hid behind a tree. Peeking out, I came face to face with a green face, a zombie.

I ran, with the zombie close behind, when a small root tripped me up. I lay on my back, scurrying backwards, and swinging my sword wildly. It grabbed my foot, and I tripped it up. It was still hanging on to my foot.

Within 1 second, it's rotting teeth had clamped down onto my ankle, and I screamed. I called for help, and screamed as it crawled up my leg. I felt my ankle going numb, and the numbness was spreading. I closed my eyes, and accepted my fate.

I heard a dying groan, and opened my eyes to see an iron sword, through the back of the zombie, and holding that sword, was Tom. He pulled out the sword, and slung it onto his back. He kicked the zombie off of my leg, and it dissolved, leaving rotting flesh behind. Tom extended a hand to me, and I took it. He pulled me up, and I stood. When I put pressure on my injured leg, I winced, and the leg went limp. Tom caught me, looking worried.

"Dude, you ok? You might have poison. I have some milk, you might need it." He said.

"Y-yeah, I'll take that milk" I said, groaning from the pain.

Tom half carried me to a small temporary living station in front of his mountain, and sat me against a chest. He pulled out some milk from the other chest, and handed it to me. I drank it, and felt immediate feeling back in my leg, which Tom was bandaging.

"Thanks Tom, I would've probably died if you hadn't been around." I thanked him.

"Yeah, you shouldn't go out mining at night sparklez, that's just stupid. I had to save your sorry ass."

"A simple you're welcome would've sufficed"

"Whatever...hey sparklez? What god are you going to follow?" He asked.

"Wait? Aren't you following mianite? The guys who saved us?"

"Well who are you following then?"

"I haven't decided yet, I'd rather be neutral."

"Yeah well, ok you can't tell the others about this ok?"


"I'm gonna follow Dianite" he said hesitantly.

Hey guys! I'll update within the next two days! I'm a bit busy so look forward to that!

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