Why did i build my house on a mountain again?

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Tucker's POV:

After we headed our separate ways, I gathered the materials need to make a house, and started climbing in the mountain that I claimed. I was about halfway up, when I felt something tap my shoulder. I flinched and yelled, startled, and started falling down the cliffside. I felt a sudden jerk, and realised I wasn't falling any more. I was floating fifty metres above the ground. I screamed, and not a manly scream, a girly one. I started floating upwards, and landed on my feet where I fell from. I gripped the rock with dear life, and started shaking.

"Many apologies Jericho, I did not intend to startle you. I just came to let you know something, I should have told you first thing. You would probably want to know."

It was just mianite.

"N-nah it's o-ok d-dude." I stammered.

"I need you and Sonja to meet me at the beach, it is urgent." He said.

With that he disappeared, and I wondered what was so urgent. I started to walk to the mountain Sonja was building on. Wait. I'm on the side of a cliff.

"Oh shi-" I said with horror as I started falling again.

I landed face first in a river, and man my stomach hurt. I got out and, shivering, made my way to Sonja's house.

Sonja's POV:

I finished mining out the space I wanted to put my house in, and to be honest, it looked like a meteor went clean through the cliff. I started moving my things into the hole in the mountain, and when I finished, I sat down on a pile of wood. I was exhausted, and sore, and I just wanted to lay down and sleep.

I heard grunting, and lifted my head to see someone half walking half crawling up the set of stairs I made to my designated building area, that is way too long to say out loud, I'll use DBA instead. I spotted a red and white cap, and realised who it was immediately.

"Hey Tucker!!!" I shouted happily.

"Hey.... Sonja.......So...Many......Stairs" he said between pants.

"Hehe sorry, it was just easier than climbing up every time" I explained, feeling guilty for poor tucker to have to climb all those stairs.

"Nah.... it's ok......I......need to talk......to you..." he said panting, having finally reached my DBA.

"What about?" I asked.

"Just let me....catch my.....breath.... ok, I'm good. Mianite wants us to meet him at the beach. I don't know why, but I fell off of a mountain to come get you, so be grateful!" He said jokingly.

"WHAT!! You fell off a mountain?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, landed in a river though, I'm ok. Though I'm pretty sure I broke the world record for worlds most painful bellyflop. We should talk while we walk to the beach."  He said, motioning for me to follow him, which I did.

"Haha ouch. By the way how's your hand? You kinda hurt it because of me so..."

"It wasn't your fault, I just had to help you out, nothing much. It's still hurting, but it's healing."

"Good, how far are you with your house?" I asked him.

"Gathered the materials, and was making my way to where I wanted to build, when a certain god scared me out of my pants."

"Haha I'm sure he didn't mean it."

We arrived at the beach, where mianite was waiting. He motioned for us to sit at the stools he had placed, and he stood in front of us. What he told us next would change our lives forever.

Hey guys sorry for the cliffhanger, and the short chapter, I wanted to add some suspense, and just got a bit busy, but I will update tomorrow, and if I don't, then lady ianite may smite me, hope you enjoyed!

Btw leave suggestions as to what I should add, maybe incorporate it into the story? I'm open to suggestions, I have a bit of a plan already but you guys are reading it so you should get a say! Bye for now!

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