Toms Journals Part TWO

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Journal two:

It's been one month, and I've gathered about fifty five blocks of obsidian. I found a wandering trader on a nearby island, and went to see what he had to trade. He said that he had three hundred blocks of obsidian for fifty diamonds. I asked if he could stay a while until I finished getting the diamonds, and he got angry and impatient.

He said that if I didn't have the diamonds then he would leave. I got really mad and blacked out. I originally thought I passed out but when I came to, I realised that wasn't the case...

I woke up on the ground, and sat up. My head hurt like hell, and it felt like it had been hit with a moon. I felt the back of my head and felt my own sticky blood. I looked at the shovel beside me stained with my blood, and immediately knew the trader had hit me with it. I found the trader in front of me, my own diamond sword clean through his stomach. I gagged at the sight of his blood pooling everywhere, and knew that he had taken control again. He did this to the trader..... and so technically, I did this to him......

I made a burial for him, and found his bag near where he died. It had the three hundred blocks in it, but they were miniaturised, and an ID; his name was Terrence. I used the machine in his pocket and they enlarged to full size, then I took them back to my island. I felt really bad for killing this guy and taking his stuff, but for the good of the entire world, I needed that obsidian...... I won't let anyone else die at his hands if I can do something to stop it....... this is my fault, now I need to fix what I've done....

Anyways, this happened in the last month, so I'll update again in a month.....

Terrence the trader..... may Mianite carry you to heaven and let you Rest In Peace....

Later ya sausages....

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