The wizards quest

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Waglingtons POV: I KNOW RIGHT!!

Me and my brothers had finally finished settling into our new home, but some dark magic was forcing us to put up a magic barrier to hold it at bay on the west of our castle. It was getting stronger, and our field couldn't hold it forever, we would have to search out and destroy the force. Only problem was that we were unfamiliar with this land... I had an idea, but I would have to confide in my brothers first. I walked through the halls of our grand castle all the way to the throne room, where my brothers were talking about how to stop the dark force. As I approached all heads turned to me and I gulped.

"Brothers! I have an idea of how to stop the force. Since we are unfamiliar with this land, we need some brave heroes of this land to search it out and vanquish it. My first thought is those kind islanders we met upon first arriving here. Will you allow me to go to them requesting assistance for a reward?"

IFirez looked at me and smirked.

"Really wag? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the magic floating hammock?" He laughed.

BruteAlmighty and Killertom laughed, before looking at me.

"Look wag, we support you and all, but honestly we don't know these people! They could make it worse!" Said KillerTom.

"That's why only I will go! I will ensure they do not make the situation any more dire! If I do not return, keep attempting to find another way, but I believe this will work!" I said.

I walked off, grabbing my stuff and flying out to the mainland...

Jordan's POV:

I spent some time with capsize and the others, and we all found a place in the mountain where they wanted to build a base. They told me to bring lots of TNT, and I did, thinking they might need gunpowder for their new ships cannons. They took it from me and placed it by the mountain, all 150 pieces of it. They rigged it up with red stone, and I panicked. Their base wasn't far from my home, so if pieces flew off......

"Matey! Are ye with us?!" Said Bluebeard waving a hand in front of my face.

I shook my head and blinked rapidly, knocked out of my trance.

"U-uh yeah! Sorry I'm just a bit worried about what you want to do with that TNT?"

"Matey, we can't build a base of operations if it ain't in a cave! Tis the booty cave!" Said skipper enthusiastically, to which I snorted and giggled a bit.

"But in all seriousness matey, we best be getting as far away from here as possible. Earl is deadset serious about leaving no trace of there not being a cave there to begin with!" Said capsize pulling me away.

"LIGHT EM UP EARL!" Yelled skipper running away with us.

I heard a massive explosion, and screamed as it rained TNT around us, leaving gaping holes and craters in the ground. The pirates beside me were cheering and laughing as they ran, while I screamed like a baby. I saw a nearby rock, and crouched behind it covering my ears as explosions boomed across the area. I felt the pirates crouch beside me, and we waited until the explosions stopped, before heading back to see if Earl survived that.

"Captain I don't see him anywhere!" Said skipper.

"Keep looking!" She said.

"Guys I found him!" I yelled out.

They ran over and helped me pull the rubble off of him, and he coughed and sat up.

"That, was better than a cave full o gold!" He shouted, pumping a fist into the air.

I sighed in relief, as they danced around the gaping hole in the mountain. I heard a hissing sound, and looked up to see a piece of TNT coming at me. I crouched and covered my head, expecting the blow. It didn't happen, so I looked up to see the TNT surrounded by a bubble, that was containing the explosion. To the left of it was a grey hooded figure. It was Waglington, the wizard we met before.

"Uh, thanks." I said cautiously.

"No worries" he said extending a hand to me.

I took it and stood up, and he smiled.

"Jordan, wasn't it?" He said, to which I nodded.

"Good. I need your help. Me and my brothers have settled in, but a dark force is threatening to drive us out of our home! We need to find it and destroy it, but we don't know what it is, or anything about this land! Will you help me?"

"Ummm, sure? I need to see the force first." I said hesitantly.

He nodded, and gestured with his hand, bringing the TNT bubble over to us. The TNT disappeared, and a picture formed inside the surface of the bubble, that was visible from all angles.

"Woah..." I said gaping up at the magic bubble.

"Woah indeed." He said.

The picture cleared, and I saw a black ooze climbing up a blue and grey castle, with a clear barrier trying to keep it out. The bubble disappeared, and waglington turned to face me.

"I have done some research, and it seems that it comes from this realm, but not this dimension. You have heard of the nether yes? Well there is another dimension, called the end. We thin-  I think, that this might be where the force is coming from."

I nodded along, actually understanding what he was saying, which was weird considering I lived with Tom as a friend.

"Let's go then!" I said.

He nodded.

"To the end!" He said.

"To the end!" I shouted.

"To the end!" The pirates yelled behind me.

We looked at them blankly.

"Matey, we be going too! Ye can't talk us out of it! ADVENTURE!!!" Skipper yelled.

I shrugged.

"Ok then." Said wag.

They cheered loudly and smiled, running off to get their things.

"Cool necklace by the way." Said wag.

I clenched it with one hand, smiling.

"Thanks. It's not mine though. It belongs to an old friend." I said.

"Oh, well it's still cool, now let's go, I think I know where the portal is."

I nodded and ran off after him, memories flooding back into my mind. Some good. Some bad.

Hey guys! I hope you know what this means, but if not, then that's cool, you will soon. I'll update next Thursday byeeeeeee!

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