The battle of the ages

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Sonja's POV:

I was struggling to untie the ropes around my wrists, I had to go and help the others. I finally loosened them, and untied my ankles as well. I gathered my stuff from toms chest, and started to walk to where my boyfriend was standing. I was behind the Dianitees now, and the one called Nadeshot turned and looked at me. I was caught.

He quickly advanced towards me, and grabbed my right wrist, which was holding my sword. He pulled me to him, and turned me around forcefully. Twisting my wrist behind my back, he made me drop my sword, and swept his leg at my knees, buckling them. He did this all in the span of three seconds, the frickin ninja.

I was now kneeling on the sand, arms pinned behind me, and my own sword held against my neck. Nade turned me to face the others, and I watched as Tucker's face turned from anger to fear.

"Nobody move! Or else the fox dies!" He yelled at the mianitees.

"Woah nade, nice!" Said Tom, noticing what he had done.

"No blood has to be spilt here today brother!" Said mianite.

"Oh I agree, so let us go in peace." He said, nodding at Nadeshot, causing him to dig his sword deeper.

I felt a drop of blood trickle down my neck, and a sharp pain as the blade cut through the smallest bit.

Immediately tucker backed off, causing the others to do the same.

"Alright, now drop your weapons and kick them away." Tom ordered.

They all dropped their swords and kicked them in different directions. We were definitely going to lose this fight, all because of my captured sorry ass.

Dianite ordered the others to kneel down and put their hands up, while I thought of a way to get away. Tom and the modesteps walked to them with rope in their hands, and started to tie their wrists. I noticed that Nadeshot wasn't applying as much pressure as he was before, and I still had my dagger in my pocket. I used my free hand and slowly started to retrieve my dagger.

Dagger in hand, I waited until nade was looking away, and I stabbed the hand holding the sword to my neck.

He howled in pain and dropped the sword, clutching his hand as crimson liquid stained the sand and dripped onto his feet. I grabbed my sword and pulled away from nades grasp.

I jumped to my feet and held my sword ready, as he looked at me angrily, and unsheathed his own sword, gritting his teeth through the pain....

Tucker's POV:

Sonja was free, and Tom was looking at the scene, so I took my chance. I pulled my hands down fast, that were attached to the rope Tom was holding, and shot my head up, pulling Tom into a headbutt, to which he recoiled in pain.

Jordan and the others were already free, and were running to get their discarded weapons. I stood and faced Tom, anger flaring in my eyes. He wiped his nose, leaving a red stain on his black suit.

Grabbing his sword, he faced me and smiled menacingly.

"Good hit......"

Jordan's POV:

I ran away from Josh, towards the bow I had kicked away. It lay in a pile of sand, 10 metres away from me. I was so close, and then my face met sand, as I was tripped up by my pursuer. I reached for my bow, my fingertips brushing past the string. I stand up on one leg, as josh pulls my other one, and jump forward. I close my eyes and reach, and when my fingers curl around wood, I smile.

I whip around and arrow pulled back, shoot in his direction. He ducked in fear, but the arrow tip caught on the collar of his shirt, mere millimeters away from his neck, and the sheer momentum yanks him backwards. He lands in the sand, and I nock another arrow. He puts his hands up and puts his head down.

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