The fire that didn't belong

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??? POV:

I open my eyes, to darkness, and feel heat like a billion suns. I shift uncomfortably, feeling cold hard metal beneath me. My ankles and wrists are bound, and are tied to the bars of a cage, hanging above a fiery world below.

I look around, shaking my long brown hair out of my face. My eyes are drawn to a cage similar to mine hanging a few metres in front of me. I focus my gaze, and see a male looking to be about in his twenties or thirties, wearing a red and white cap, and a short sleeved shirt. He looked so familiar, but I couldn't figure out where I knew him from.

His face tilts up, and I see the same look of recognition in his eyes as he sees me. Actually, what do I look like? Who am I? I look at myself, I'm wearing an orange hoodie with orange shorts, I must really like the colour orange. I look back at the other person with me, to see him looking at himself as well. He reminded me of a character I watched in a show once when I was a kid, his name was something about a condiment? Ketchup! That was it! But it had a different last letter.... oh! It was Ash Ketchum! That's who he reminded me of! Wait... I don't remember anything, so how come I remembered that?

Maybe this guy was really important to me or something? I felt a strong connection with him, and by the look on his adorable face, he felt it too. Wait, I barely know this guy and I'm calling him adorable? maybe? Maybe, back when we had memories, he might've been my....boyfriend?

Haha what am I thinking! He is way out of my league! He's so handsome and he looks hella badass! He would never date me! Or maybe he would..... I had no idea at this point....

I felt a sudden rush of hot air as our cages moved quickly across the hot world. We were speeding across the sky, and I could see two other cages coming into view. I screamed as I realised we weren't going to stop. Then a sudden jolt, as our cages came to halt. I looked up, panic in my eyes, to hear a red figure in front of us say one sentence:

"I am the god of the nether! But you can call me.....Dianite"

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! I'll keep updating as soon as I can!

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