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Jordan's POV:

"M-My lady! Y-you're actually here!" I exclaimed to the floating woman before me.

"My hero, I'm afraid that this form isn't exactly physical. I'm merely a spirit form, barely here, but thanks to you retrieving my heart, my consciousness can transfer over to this form temporarily." Her majestic voice sang out.

"Sooooo you just a ghost?" Tom asked.

"Can I put my hand through you?" He continued, resulting in a slap on the arm from me.

"TOM! This is a goddess you're speaking to! Be polite!" I scolded him.

He rolled his eyes, and Ianite laughed.

"I can see that this one has a sense of humour. He's quite amusing! Is this the Tom you've been speaking of my champion?" She laughed.

My face went red, and I nodded reluctantly.

She smiled, and Tom gave me the look of: haha your god likes ME now!

I sighed, and looked at the floor, embarrassed.

"Anyway, onto more pressing matters. I believe that you have come to me for guidance on where to go from here?"

"Yes my lady. We need to know how to revive ye for good, and vanquish the dark one..." skipper said bowing.

"I see... in that case, you'll need to go to a different part of ianarea. It is long away from here, but that is a longer story..."

"We got time!" Tom exclaimed.

I punched him in the shoulder, and he went silent.

"As you wish. You see, my home town was not ianarea. It was a different place far from here, called aethoria. When the war raged, Dianite took me, my heart, and the temple of Ianite, and scattered them. My heart was hidden in the depths of his temple in the nether. I was transferred to a dark place. The temple of Ianite was transported to the end, and the rest of aethoria was destroyed. The small town we are in currently, was aethorias sister town, ianarea. I built it long ago, for all my followers to reside in. Dianite found it out, and destroyed it during the war. The only way to fully revive and rescue me, is to place my heart in the temple of Ianite, where it belongs. Twisted guy should be able to assist with building the portal to the end, and the temple."  She explained.

"But why can't we revive you here? Your heart is in the altar?" I questioned.

"This shrine was built as a communication hub, where the village could create a spirit form of me, and my consciousness would be transferred to it, if I was willing. It was made so that if I were to disappear, my heart could allow me to talk with the people here. As a last resort. It doesn't have the power to revive me, like my temple does."

I nodded, taking in the information.

"Well that's stupid." Tom said blankly.

I had enough of his childishness. I turned to him, and threw a bucket of water I had on me from before on his head. He screamed, and fell backwards, landing on his back, and dripping water all over the quartz floors.

"You were saying my lady?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

She giggled, before gesturing to Tom with her hand. Suddenly he flew upwards, and was brought to his feet, all while becoming dry. His hair was fuzzy, and standing up in places. Tucker laughed loudly at him, and he got pissed. He shoved his hands in a nearby termite mound outside the door, covering them with dirt. He ran up to tucker, hands out, and he squealed, bolting outside the shrine, Tom hot on his heels.

Sonja sighed, before walking out after them, leaving only twisted guy, skipper, and I in the room.

"Beware my hero, it will be a perilous journey, and I can not guarantee your safe return..." she said grimly.

"It'll be my great honour to fight for you my lady..." I bowed to her.

She nodded, before gesturing to all of us left in the room.

"I believe you should return home, before Dianite senses I am not in my body. Good luck my heroes, and I hope we shall meet again soon..."

"Thankyou my lady." I said, before reaching for the heart in the alter.

I grasped the edges of it, and smiled up at my lady, before removing the heart from the alter. Suddenly Ianite disappeared, leaving only a few purple sparks in her place.

The journey back was gloomy. We knew our adventure was coming to an end. Whether we survive at the end or not, was left up to fate...

Hey guys! Sorry for short chapter! This is sort of a part 2 to the last one. Anyway I'll update on Thursday! Byeeeeee!!!

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