Chapter 2

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The hall light flickered slightly as Bakugo and I walked down the hall towards the training area with Mr. Aizawa. I trudged slightly behind them eyes filled with exhaustion. Katsuki was still angry at me for something that could have been avoided if he had been patient. It was very quiet in the halls which was a nice change from the hustle and bustle of the large school. I suppose that's because the classes were out for the day and everyone had either retired home or to their dorms. It surprised me immensely that Katsuki didn't try to skip out on training. He really didn't believe it was his fault and that I should be training for both of us because I was the one who was late. His words were that if I wouldn't have been late we could have avoided the whole situation.
As I walked slowly behind them both and I could hear Kacchan murmuring to himself.
"Stupid Deku. If he would have just been there on time I wouldn't have to do this stupid bullshit." He groaned
"Its just as much of your problem now. Just try not to cause any more trouble." Aizawa glared over at him with tired eyes.
"It's not my fault he was late!"
I thought I heard a growl escape his mouth before he spoke. Mr. Aizawa seemed to ignore his plights to escape extra training.
Half the time I swear he just thought that I couldn't hear him. The other half I swear he just didn't care. Either way, I was starting to get tired of being a punching bag.
"Mr. Aizawa! Do you mind if I use the training room with them? I need to practice on using both the hot and cold at the same time." a voice yelled from the adjacent hallway
Todoroki was walking up from said connecting hallway. His bi-colored hair slightly hanging over his eyes. Katsuki wasn't the only one I thought to be beautiful. We honestly had a lot of attractive people in our classes. I felt like one of the few who well wasn't. I looked up to meet his multicolored eyes.
"Sure, if you don't mind keeping an eye on these two. I was up doing paperwork late last night and I have so much still left to do now. Plus I need to get someone to replace midoriya's door now."
"Oh right. I can do that. I just know I need to practice. It's not a big deal. Midoriya is my friend anyways. I can tolerate the hothead." He glared over at Kacchan for second who looked like he was going to pummel him for the name hothead.
"I'll leave you to it then. I'll send someone in after 3 hours to lock up and make you guys leave if you haven't already. There may be a few detentions in there today too since we've had a few other disruptive students. Feel free to leave if another teacher shows up. You can fill them in and then go."
Todoroki nodded and Aizawa was on his way.
It surprised me a bit to see that he trusted todoroki so much though I could understand why. Todoroki was almost always calm and composed. He didn't often make any rash decisions.
"You training to get your heroes license since you didn't get it at the thing?" I softly asked trying to make conversation and genuinely curious.
He slightly smiled and nodded. He didn't really smile often but I had noticed that lately, it had become so much more so.
"I have to train hard even when I'm not in class. I figured it would be a good time to go against my two biggest competitors. Since you both technically got detention." He chuckled slightly. Now that was something that came as a surprise. "That and I need to work through some of my issues to become an even better competitor for the number 1 hero."
"I still can't believe that I'm one of your biggest competitors. Honestly." I chuckled a bit running my fingers through my hair trying not to think about how pretty his smile was.
I twirled my green curls around my finger mindlessly while walking.
"You're strong. Don't forget that. You do need a lot of work but that's mostly on focus." He gave me another small smile. I rarely got to see him happy so it made me glad to see even the slightest bit of emotion other than anger. He had been so consumed by it earlier this year that he couldn't focus on what made him happy.
"He's not that strong. I've beaten him multiple times." Bakugo chimed in.
I gritted my teeth as I found myself doing a lot lately. Todoroki didn't look too pleased about his interjection either. He called me his rival but was so easy to put me down. I couldn't comprehend it.
He had to keep doing that. It was starting to piss me off. Yeah, I'm weak to him. So what? I'm going to get stronger and he just can't let me live losing to him down. Even after yelling at me that I should have beat him. Ugh!
"And you'll lose to me. Does that really mean that we are in definite spots for the rest of our lives? No. I'm sure he was just trying not to fight you because you are supposed to be friends." He was right. I didn't want to fight him any of the times we have fought. I cared about Kacchan a lot. He was the only one that had kept me sane when we were kids. I had always felt alone.
"Friends? No. He's just a pest I can't get rid of." He said it without even a second thought.
I could almost feel my heart breaking in my chest. Even though he had acted like he hated me I just needed him to at least want to be my friend. Maybe I was dependent on him. That wasn't healthy but what he had said made my eyes start to swell with tears.
Even after all that. Everything we had been through. A pest. Wow. No. I can't pretend like it doesn't bug me anymore. Things were getting hard on me lately and it was already difficult enough to keep composure. I had to say something before I had a mental break from stress.
"Fine then kac-- bakugo. We aren't friends then. After everything I have done because I care. I'm done."
He rolled his eyes at me as if he didn't believe me.
"Whatever loser. Give it a few days and you'll be back attached to me. Not like I like it. Just because I can't get rid of you." He snapped with an annoyed look.
"Bakugo. You need to stop. He's one of the only actual friends you have."
"Had," I muttered
"Like I care." He groaned "I just want to get today over with."
I really wanted to get the day over with as well.
When we got into the training room it was quick into the locker rooms to change then straight to fighting. I still needed to work on training my legs up but also getting faster and less obvious with my movements. Maybe fighting alongside todoroki I could actually get some decent practice in. I had to avoid Bakugo because if I didn't he would be right. I'd be attached to him again like a little lost puppy or a small child.

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