Chapter 13

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I let out a whimper of pain trying to adjust laying in my room. How did I get here? The last thing I remembered was Kacchan and Toga disguised as Dabi. My whole body ached. My eyes started to water as I relived the night in my head. I had thought it was all a dying hallucination but it wasn't. She was hurting me. It made me want to die. I wanted to forget. I wished that she had killed me so I didn't have to remember.
My sight was starting to come back and I noticed all of the bandages on my body. Kacchan was asleep on the bed next to me. I glanced over thinking I heard someone and saw Sho asleep on the floor. He looked so sweet.
I checked my phone and had quite a few text messages from my mom. Above all of those, there was a message sent out that I didn't send. It read: Mrs. Midoriya I thought you would want to know that izuku got hurt on our little camping trip. I feel horrible that we let him go walking on his own but he's resting now. Katsuki is keeping a close eye on him to make sure that nothing else happens I will make sure he calls you when he wakes up but try not to ask what happened it's not something he will want to talk about to anyone for a while.he is safe now I can promise you that. I take full responsibility for this.
- Shoto Todoroki

He sent a paragraph to my mom and didn't reply to anything she sent which was mostly things like did he have to go to the hospital? Where were the adults? And are you sure he's okay? There were at least ten messages like that from my mom.

I coughed and whimpered at the pain. Kacchan's eyes shot open. "Deku!" He jumped up and ran over to me. It almost looked like he had tears in his eyes. He did... he was crying? His hand gently touched my cheek.
"I'm sorry about last night Kacchan... you can hate me if you want..." my eyes started to water again thinking about how I had probably ruined his life. I truly believed he should have left me for dead.
"Okay moron what the hell are you talking about?" He raised his voice seeming aggravated as he wiped the tears away with his thumb.
"The game of truth or dare..." I said softly.
"Oh that. I don't fucking care honestly. I told them I was really horny and that I'm bisexual. I'm not exactly happy about you telling them but I couldn't care less in the long run. You were wasted." He shrugged "I was still super drunk at the time or I might have been able to steer them away from that question. you were gone for so long though when you went for your walk. I decided to come to look for you. You don't really drink so I was worried. Why the hell was Dabi there?" His face looked angrier as he finished his last sentence. It was as if someone took something that was his and defiled or destroyed it.
"That was Toga... I found out her quirk... I don't know how she found us but... I was scared. She can use the quirks of others after she drinks their blood. She can fully transform into them.."
"So you had sex with her as Dabi? Without my permission? We had an agreement Izuku. You didn't really look like you wanted any of that though." He growled. I sincerely doubted he believed it was consensual considering I was crying and asking for him to help me. Maybe I had been too quiet? Maybe he didn't hear me crying last night. If I could ever get over this then I would have to ask him.
I shook my head answering his question despite the pain I was in and started to cry again.
"That's what I thought." He sighed climbing into the bed beside me. His lips gently pressed against my forehead. "I won't let anyone hurt you again. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I will fucking kill her. No one touches what's mine." I felt his arms wrap around me pulling me close to him. His heartbeat was loud in my ears or was that my own? He had said I was his. My heart fluttered in my chest like an overexcited butterfly but my mind started to wander to the night before. I remember the pain I felt. My body felt disgusting. I wanted to bathe in bleach to get the feeling of her off.
All I could do was hold onto him and cry. I hurt so much and was surprised they hadn't taken me to the hospital.
I heard the door to our room unzip.
"Hey, Midoriya is awake!" Denki said seeming excited.
"Shut the hell up and get the fuck out Derp Ass. I don't even like IcyHot being in here but he's asleep so fuck off." Kacchan hissed.
"You didn't make this or buy it. Momo did so I can be in here." Denki stuck his tongue out at him.
Kirishima walked up behind him. "Kaminari leave them be. They've had a really rough night so far but Midoriya we need to take you to the hospital soon." I sighed and nodded. I wondered if they knew now or they just thought that he was being kind to me because of what happened. Either way made sense to me.
"I don't want him walking I'll carry him to the car. Hey Half and Half. Wake the hell up and take this phone. Call his mom." Bakugo grabbed my phone and chucked it at him. I was just glad my phone didn't break. Poor Shoto had woken up to the phone hitting him in the chest. He looked irritated as he winced in pain but forced a smile seeing I was awake. Kacchan repeated himself getting a simple nod in reply.
He picked me up bridal style in his arms. I could hear his heartbeat as I laid my head on his chest. I just wanted to be close to him.
This weekend had been a bust. We were only on the second day and not even fully. It was still dark outside so I hoped that no one was still intoxicated. I needed to cry I wanted to die and honestly if it weren't for Kacchan I would probably have tried if I would have survived last night without him.

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