Chapter 20

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The day was Halloween. Classes were over for the day and we were getting ready for a Halloween party that Kyoka and Mina were setting up. The common area was draped in black with different shades of purple and orange surrounding it. Fake spider webs trailed the edges of the counters and tables. Since the decorations weren't all put up I couldn't wait to see what else there would be.
Katsuki was slicking his hair back with large amounts of hair gel. He had decided that he was going to go to the party as a vampire. He looked so good. His canines were sharp enough that he didn't have to wear fake ones.
I watched as he ran his hands through his Champaign hair slicking it back.
"Hey, Kacchan?"
"What do you want nerd? I'm a bit busy trying to finish putting my costume on." His hands moved to a red tie that was undone around his neck.
"Don't be so mean... I was just going to tell you that you look nice." I whined at him from where I was laying on the bed.
"You're so lame. You know that right?" He chuckled and I pursed my lips in frustration.
"I'm allowed to call my boyfriend cute." My arms fell to my sides as I looked up at my ceiling.
Recently he had went back to his old ways of not being as nice. I knew it was just him being playful but I kind of missed him being overprotective. I hadn't liked it when he was doing it but maybe I had just gotten used to it. He was still trying to be around people more though so I couldn't blame him for picking on me a bit.
"I'm not cute. I'm badass."
"A badass adorable little vampire." I giggled looking back at him. My field of vision was upside down from how I was sitting.
"Shut up. I'm not adorable I'm sexy if anything." I let out a loud laugh and snorted from lack of air.
"What are you going to the party as anyways you fucking dork?"
I thought about it and I hadn't really decided. There was an All Might costume at my house I could run and get but that seemed like it would take too long.
"I'm not sure."
"Wait are you serious? You were the one who fucking said we should go to this damn lame party. You don't have a costume? It's costume only. They were very clear about that." He looked frustrated.
He was right. I wouldn't be allowed into the party without a costume. Even if it was something small I could pass with that.
"I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I didn't really think going as All Might was a good idea."
He sighed "it's not a good idea. Do you have black slacks and a white button-down shirt you don't use anymore?"
"Maybe? We can check."
Before I even looked up he was digging through my clothes.
"I forgot how fucking small you are Deku."
"How could you forget when I was on you last night?" The words slipped off my tongue quickly. I hadn't even realized what I said.
"Damn it. Don't try to turn me on before this fucking party or we won't go." He was glaring at me with a slight red blush covering his pale cheeks.
All I could do was let out a small chuckle.
"Did you find anything?" My response was to him standing with something in his hand.
"Yeah. You're going to be a newly turned vampire. My victim. I've got some fake blood and I got vampire teeth so I guess you can wear them. My teeth are sharp anyway so I don't need them." A button-down that was a bit too big and slacks that I had only worn for school events that required us to dress nice were thrown onto my stomach.
"Leave the top two or three buttons undone. I have an idea." He had a sly smile on his lips. It made me a little uneasy because his ideas were always a bit out there. Whether the end result was good or bad it didn't matter.  I dressed quickly while his eyes followed me every step of the way.
"If anyone here is adorable it's you." He said softly. I almost couldn't hear him. I walked over and sat on his lap. The consequence for that was a deep breath and a husky-voiced reply.
"What did I say a few minutes ago?"
"But I wasn't trying to do anything. I just want to be close to you." I whined laying my head on his chest softly fiddling with his bright red tie.
"Doesn't change the fact you did it anyway." He glanced down at me for a second with a large blush covering his cheeks and lips pursed. His eyes quickly darted away.
I had embarrassed him even though we were alone.
"Hey look at me." I pestered trying to move his face towards me.
"I.. can't."
A loud whine escaped my mouth as I threw my arms around his neck.
His eyes darted over to me.
"You're too cute."
My face felt hot and I hid my face in the crook of his neck.
"Do you want to finish doing your costume?"
I nodded not moving from his neck. Softly I placed my mouth on his neck and bit. He softly gasped.
"Hey... What the hell are you doing?"
"You're being weird."
Was I being weird? No, I was being affectionate.
"I'm the one being weird? You do this to me all the time."
His breathing hicked "T...That's different."
I giggled softly and kissed his neck before getting up.
"It's not really different. Eyeliner, please. I know you've got it." He dug in his pocket and pulled out a black pencil then placed it in my hand.
"Do you need help?"
I walked over to the mirror that was hanging on my wall. Pulling down my lower eyelid I applied it slowly on my waterline.
"You've done this before?"
My head nodded leaving him with a surprised look. He laid the fake fangs on my desk.
"The eyeliner looks good on you." His voice was soft. Almost as if he was embarrassed. I turned around to meet his eyes.
"Thanks. Can you help me with the fangs?"
A small smile crossed his face once more and he picked the fangs up and dug in his pocket.
"Open your mouth." A small tube traced over the top of one fang. I did as I was told and he pushed it against my canine. After tracing the other one with what seemed to be glue he pushed it against the remaining canine.
"You'd be a damn sexy vampire Deku."
I felt my face grow hot as a blush crept across my cheeks.
"T...Thanks, Kacchan.."
The fangs were sharp and poked against my bottom lip. It hurt a bit but I just had to figure out how to reposition my mouth until I got used to them.
"I'm going to put some of the fake blood on you okay?" He picked up another tube from the desk and opened it. The liquid was cold on my skin. It honestly almost looked like real blood.
"C...Cold." I whimpered
"It will warm up when it dries." He looked hyper-focused. A few drops trailed down my shirt and then a few more as Katsuki decided how much looked realistic.
"You know I would rather go out and scare people but I know you want to go to this party." He looked up meeting my eyes. "So I'll go."

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