Chapter 3

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I tried to get everything I should need packed in my bag as quickly as possible. It was probably a good idea to double-check so I did. A few shirts. A pair of boxers some night pants and Jeans for the weekend. As well as a toothbrush and my shower stuff so I didn't have to rush back over here before showering. I groaned looking for the one thing that was missing "ah my charger." That was that. I had everything. I was free to finally sleep. Quickly I grabbed it out of the wall and stuffed it into my bag. Throwing a pillow and blanket on top of my stuff and I was completely packed. For sure this time. I flopped onto my bed feeling exhausted definitely needing at least a 30-minute nap. My eyes were heavier than they ever had been. Even though I could still hear the laughter from the common area it was easy to ignore in my lack of sleep state. It didn't even seem like even 5 minutes passed after laying down and I heard a knock. My heavy eyes shot open to see Todoroki. He had his bag draped over his shoulder and looked pretty cool as he leaned in the burnt doorway. My face flushed red at the thought of his attractiveness. His hair hung over his eyes slightly.
"That was fast." I tried to sit up in an attempt to see him better but ultimately failed from the exhaustion.
"Yeah, Midnight showed up saying she had students to train for detention. Mineta and  Kirishima were following her. Didn't bother asking what happened but she said she would keep an eye on bakugo for me so I could leave." He paused "it's not like he had long left anyways but I figured it was a good idea to leave."
"Probably Mineta being a perv and Kirishima interrupting the class. Plus Aizawa said it was likely for other students to have detention today." I thought back to earlier in her class how Mineta kept talking about midnight's outfit and how he preferred the old one. Not to mention all the pervy muttering under his breath. It was disturbing and even though I wasn't a girl it sent a shiver down my spine. Kirishima really could have just been trying to get detention to hang out with Bakugo. I couldn't recall what he had done but I knew that they had gotten close lately and it really wouldn't surprise me.
He nodded "probably. I stopped by and talked to Aizawa. He said that it was cool and honestly I didn't need to ask because it's not like I'm a girl. Then told me it would give him more time to get your door fixed. He has to see if there is anyone who is available to do the maintenance this weekend but said its unlikely."
I pushed myself up on my hands to sit up and yawned.
"You might be more comfortable napping in my room. Since you can close the door." He chuckled slightly
"W..Was that a joke?"
He nodded
"Not necessarily a good one. Not really a good one."
"Usually your jokes actually at least sound like jokes.. are you okay?"
That was one of his worst 'jokes' and they were honestly never good.
"Yeah, I guess I'm a bit tired too. I have some snacks in my room and I'm pretty hungry. Want to take your stuff over?"
I shrugged "if you want to go. We can."
I almost couldn't tell he was trying to make a joke. He must be really exhausted. It didn't even sound like a joke to me.
We walked up the stairs to his floor and he fidgeted with the knob.
"Locked. Good thing I brought my key. I usually don't lock it though. Maybe I did by accident this morning?"
I shrugged when he glanced back at me. I was lucky that I hadn't come over here to nap like he had suggested it would have been a sure waste of time. It only took him a minute to unlock the door but he seemed on edge. I guess exhaustion does that to people. It was almost as if he had something to say but didn't know how to put it.
His room was still one of the nicest ones out of all of the dorms. He took his shoes off by the door which compelled me to do the same.
I sat on the bed next to him but he immediately stood.
"Want some snacks or just to nap?"
" I mean either way I'm fine. Dinner is soon so I don't really need to eat right now. I am still exhausted though."

"You can nap then it doesn't bug me. I should probably sleep a bit too." He took a bite out of a granola bar that I didn't even see him grab.
I looked around noticing that one of us would have to probably sleep on the floor. Me being the guest he would try to give up his bed and I couldn't let him do that. I stood grabbed my pillow and tossed it onto the floor.
"Midoriya what are you doing?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I'm going to sleep on the floor? You need to rest too. You've had a long day."
He sighed and then chuckled a little.
"Is it weird for you to sleep by another guy?" He questioned quietly.
It wasn't that weird but it also wasn't common for me. I didn't have any siblings or many friends to speak of. The closest thing I had was when I passed out on the trash piles while training and All Might carrying me home.
"I mean if you want I can sleep on the floor you're a guest and I was the one who offered so.."
"I'm not going to let you give up your bed even during a nap Todoroki," I said as soon as the words left his mouth.
"Then it looks like we are sharing the bed because I'm not letting you sleep on the floor. Even for a nap." He smiled and it was one that actually seemed sincere which didn't happen often.
I sat back down on the bed after grabbing my pillow off the floor.
"Are you sure you don't mind? I still feel kind if bad."
"It's not a big deal Izuku."
I could feel my cheeks flush red at the sound of him saying my name. Why was I blushing? It made me want to scream. He was just being nice to me nothing more no matter how attractive he was. I placed my pillow by him and laid down with a loud yawn. He laid beside me smiling.
"Get some rest you really need it cause you need to stop missing so much class." He gently poked my nose.
I closed my eyes and was almost immediately to sleep.

Dont Tell Me What To Do. Midoriya X Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now