Chapter 24

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*Bakugo's POV*

I stumbled drunk and pissed off. The brisk fall air slightly stung my cheeks. I felt like a complete asshole because I let my dick do the thinking. I swung my fist back hitting the nearest object which happened to be a tree. In my state, I tried my hardest not to cause an explosion as it would trigger those damn robot things and I would end up in Aizawa's office and that would not be good while drunk. I wanted to scream. Izuku was so sweet and I let myself get jealous while I was sleeping with someone else! Right in front of him! Why did he have to say his name? He had said it so many fucking times without realizing it. No one else's name needed to come from off his lips. I had made him run to someone else and Ugh!
My feet slowly trudged towards the edge of campus. I was lucky that the pros that patrolled the perimeter weren't anywhere near this part. I needed to go somewhere to clear my head. I was such a bad boyfriend. How could I have just walked out like that?
A loud groan escaped my mouth as I walked towards the nearby park. Maybe sitting by the koi pond would help me calm the hell down. Should I apologize? Yeah probably.  I sighed thinking about the way he was acting with Icy Hot. Was I being too possessive? 
I sat on the ground by the pond with a loud thud. A dim light hung over the edge of the pathway.
"I'm a fucking idiot." I muttered softly to myself trying hard not to slur my words. I hated one thing about being drunk and that was that I was more emotional. Everything I felt was like 100 times more so. I felt like I was going to cry. Luckily I was alone. A few tears slipped out of my eyes and rolled down my face.
"He fucking loves me and I'm awful." I mumbled under my breath.

A slight chuckle came from behind me. I jerked around so fast that I almost fell into the water I was gazing so intently at myself in merely seconds before.
"Don't worry I'm a friend." Said a very familiar-looking man. He looked almost like.. Izuku. That couldn't be right though.

He wasn't completely in the light so it was hard to tell but he looked very similar to him just older.
"Who the hell are you?" I snarled trying my best to pretend like I hadn't just been crying. Some gross weirdo that looked like my boyfriend didn't need to know I was crying.

"Hisashi Midoriya. Nice to meet you." He stepped directly into the light of the light post. He looked just like Izuku only his hair was darker almost black, it was slicked back, fewer freckles seemed to speckle his cheeks, and he was much taller.
"Wait what?" I tried to force myself up but my balance hadn't completely recovered yet.
He held out his hand and a devious grin became plastered on his face.
"So you're the bloke dating my son?" I couldn't tell if he was trying to be menacing because he knew about Izuku and I or another reason.
I took his hand and pull myself up with his help.
"It's not like its any of your business who Izuku dates. It isn't like you are in his life anyways."
The smile on his face quickly faded.
"He's still my son and you would be better off to show me a little more respect kid."
Who did this guy think he was? You abandon your kid and think you can just walk up to their boyfriend all cocky. That must have been where izuku's attitude came from. He always was cocky as a kid.
"You think you're something special? Just because your kid is talented and is on his way to becoming a hero you think you can just waltz back into his life? Fuck no! You aren't allowed to hurt him like that. No one is. Fuck you and your cocky bullshit."
A chuckle escaped his mouth and then it turned into a long almost psychotic laughter.
"You really think you can talk to me that way?" The eerie smile he had at the beginning of our meeting had returned. He gripped the collar of my shirt pulling me near him. The alcohol had made my quirk unstable and almost impossible to use. Our eyes met. There wasn't a shred of sanity in his whatsoever.
"Apologize." He spoke in between laughs that could wake the dead.
"Why would I apologize to some deadbeat that abandoned his kid?"
All of a sudden I began feeling dizzy my vision was going in and out. What the hell had happened? Was this because of a quirk? This wasn't his at least. Izuku's mom had always talked about breathing fire as his quirk when talking to my mom. A silhouette of a girl came into vision. She was too far back for me to make out any details.

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