Chapter 28

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*Bakugo's POV *

"What do you mean you aren't letting him out of here? You torture guys to death in this room man!" My body was starting to fill with rage. There was an obvious bruise forming on this poor boy's face and it wouldn't have surprised me if he had Kenny block his abilities. He had to do it to me often when I would become irate with him about him beating the poor boy. His excuse always was that Ken reminded him too much of his biggest mistake. Now I assumed that this boy was his mistake. The reasoning I had no idea though.
I glanced over at this boy who looked to be about my age. I had the overwhelming urge to run my fingers through the mop of curls on his head and hug him tight but had no clue why.
"He's a danger to our family and I'm not letting that mess of a person out to destroy us. He could easily tell the gangs our whereabouts. I told you I found him outside our house."
"Why not let me watch after him then? Maybe I can convince him not to say anything and he doesn't seem like he's too strong anyways. It would be so easy for me to overpower him with my quirk. It's not like he knows it anyway." I glanced over at the male tied up in the chair and my face turned red hot. The boys' curls hung over his eyes slightly. The eyes pleaded for help that I couldn't give...
"Kai he will corrupt you. That's all that boy does."
"Hisashi, you can't leave him alone while you have your big meeting this weekend. It's not a good idea." He sighed and shook his head at me.
"I'm not going to let him fucking corrupt me. It's not like he can do anything. I'm stronger than a little stupid twerp like him."
Twerp. I hadn't used that word in a while. In fact, I only remembered using it once when Izumi tried to steal my lunch because what I had made smelled better.
"Fine. But don't let that faggot try anything."
Wait was the reason he had such an issue with this kid because he liked guys? No, that couldn't be it. There had to be a bigger reason. He was all about protecting his daughter so it had to do with that.

That night I snuck down to the holding rooms in the basement after Hisashi had left for his weekend-long meeting. I was alone with a boy who was a prisoner to the Midoriya clan. I needed to pry for information because something wasn't adding up.
I slowly opened the door and almost immediately our eyes met. He had been quiet the entire time I had been in the room before but had looked like he had so much to say. His body was covered in so many more bruises than before he even had a few burns that I assumed were from Hisashi's quirk. His head even had quite a bit of blood dried on it. What had this man done to his son?
"K...Kacchan..." he whimpered glancing up at me. That wasn't my name but my heart began to ache.
"That's not my name. My name is Haruki Kai. Most people call me Kai." I sat in front of the chair he was still tied too. He reeked of piss and blood.
"Please you have to believe me. Your name is Katsuki Bakugo. Please." He sounded so desperate to get me to believe him I almost did. You could hear the pain in his voice.
"What's your name...?" I sighed walking around to the back where the ropes were tied.
"Izuku Midoriya... We've been talking through text."
I took a step back thinking about it. What he was saying couldn't be true. That Izuku kid had a deadbeat dad that left and kidnapped his boyfriend. Me on the other hand I was rescued by Hisashi. He took care of me and treated me better than his own son. Which honestly I was on the fence about.
"That can't be right. I've been here for years. I just hit my head super hard and haven't been able to remember much. Thanks for your concern though." I untied the ropes a bit because they were clearly too tight.
He really smelled bad. Hisashi was always good at torture for info and I had seen it hundreds of times. This was different for some reason though. This young boy didn't seem like he would hurt anyone without reason. It didn't surprise me that he was left to wallow in his own filth but honestly I couldn't have that. Not if I was going to be watching over him. I knew what his father would tell me. He would say he deserved it and not even feed him. It was starting to seem like he was planning on killing him after all of this torture. Who would do that to their own kid though?
I sighed looking at the young male after releasing the ropes keeping him in the chair.
"You're letting me go?" He whimpered softly
I shook my head walking back around to the front of him. "I cant. You did something that Hisashi wants you punished for. If he comes back and you're gone I would get that punishment." I gently wiped away a few of the tears that were running down his cheek. Why was I more attracted to this guy who was covered in bruises, blood, and piss than I was the girl that I was supposed to be dating. Hisashi didn't seem very keen on the idea of gay relationships. The moment I insinuated that I thought I might like guys a little he found a girl he thought would be perfect for me. I let out a small sigh.
"Kach... Kai... Are you okay?" The damn boy was injured and yet he was still worried about me? Geez, this kid was too pure for the world what could he have possibly done to deserve this?
"I'm just lost in thought. Hisashi got me a girlfriend. She's pretty and all but she's a ditz and kind of boring." I ran my fingers through the mop of curls on the top of his head. He winced every time I got near the spot that had a gash. I needed to take care of that.
"Do you like her though?" His voice sounded full of despair and the last word had a slight crack from his voice as if he was trying not to cry more.
"Like I said she pretty. Gorgeous actually. Long black hair deep brown eyes and a perfect figure. That doesn't mean that she's perfect for me though. She freaked out and said my quirk was too dangerous." A small chuckle escaped my lips. My heart ached for something more than what I had. I felt lonely.
"I mean it is dangerous but it's not like you can't control it." He mumbled softly.
I sat on the bed across the room trying to figure out what I should do. If Hisashi found out I was being kind to Izuku he might take the anger out on him worse than before. I glanced over to where he was sitting. It looked like he was gathering all of his strength just to stand.
"You might not want to do that." I sighed standing back up.
"I feel disgusting... I just couldn't hold it anymore. I've been in here for hours. I just wanted to get out of these nasty clothes before he comes back and makes me wear them again."
I could understand why he didn't want to wear them. It was obvious that Kenny was told to suppress at least half of his energy.
"Let me help you." I walked over to him and took his trembling hand. It was so cold and he could barely balance."Do you want to take a shower?"
He slowly nodded his head putting his weight against me. The smell got worse the closer he got to me. It was okay though. I felt like I needed to protect him.
Slowly I guided him towards the bathroom we had down in the basement for the people Hisashi would torture. Luckily he had listened to me and Izumi about leaving the hot water on down here.
"Listen I know I'm not your missing boyfriend or whatever but you don't have the energy to stand and I'm not going to leave you in here to shower alone. I also really don't want to get my clothes wet so I'm just going to shower with you." I paused for a second trying not to think about the fact I was going to be washing a very attractive guy. "You can wear my clothes because yours are kind of ruined at this point." I sighed sitting him down near the shower so I could grab some clothes for me and him. When I got back into the room he was whimpering softly to himself gently touching a few burns on his arms.
"It wouldn't hurt so much if you didn't touch it."
He let out a small whine "it hurts either way and the water is going to hurt too."
"I'm not going to lie to you. The water is definitely going to hurt like a son of a bitch but I'm going to be easy as I possibly can when I wash you okay? We need to get you clean though. You reek." I set the sets of clothes on the sink and grabbed a few towels out of the hall closet after getting a small nod from him.
With my help, izuku stood up and slipped out of the clothes that were now full of holes and stained heavily with blood. I sat him against the wall in the shower so I could undress and pulled the shower curtain closed before starting up the water.
He was looking up at me like I was some sort of god as I grabbed the soap
"I missed looking at you..." he whispered so softly I barely heard him. Even if I wasn't the same person I enjoyed the sentiment.
"Alright. I'm going to wash your hair. You have that spot on your head so it's going to sting." He nodded softly and winced as I leaned down to lather up his hair. He was so beautiful and his emerald eyes poured into my soul it seemed. He was still so visibly sad. I rinsed my hand off so I could run it over his cheek.
"He really did a number on you." His hand gently touched mine and a faint smile spread across his lips as he hid the emeralds behind their curtains for a moment.
"I'd go through it all over again for you kacchan.."
I wasn't this person and I wasn't sure if he realized that though I didn't have the heart to tell him that again. Slowly I rinsed the soap out of his hair and began going over his body with a damp warm soapy washcloth.
I looked over his bruised and battered body and felt my blood boil. He was so innocent and there was nothing he could have done to justify being treated in this way.
"I know you don't believe me." He said after a moment.
"About what?" I cocked my head to the side in slight confusion forgetting what we had talked about.
"About who you are and whats happened."
"Well you're right about that but something weird is going on."
I sat back on my knees beside him working conditioner into his sopping curls. He moved his head backward making my hands slip out and causing our eyes to meet again.
"I want to kiss you. To show you that I believe you are Kacchan. Even if you don't believe it I know you are." He softly pressed his lips against mine. It felt so familiar. His lips were soft plump and so warm against mine. It's like he had been craving even just a small kiss. I pulled him closer to me trying to be gentle with his injuries and fragile body. It was like I was moving without thinking.
"What are you doing?" He whispered softly in my ear.
What was I doing? Hisashi was going to kill me for all of this but at this moment I honestly didn't care. I felt actually loved if even just for a second.

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