Chapter 31

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Kacchan had brought me up to his room as he began packing the few things that Hisashi had bought him.
I curled up in the soft blanket that covered his bed and nuzzled my head against the fluffy pillow.
"We can leave in about an hour. I need to make sure the motorcycle has gas."
I pushed myself up weakly after a minute or two. "Maybe we should just go grab my stuff and get back to UA rather than staying the night at the motel?"
He glanced at me while pulling his bag onto his back and sighed. "Are we taking the motorcycle all the way back to UA or are we going by train?"
"If we go by train it would be all night before we get back but at least we would be around the public. If we go by motorcycle it will still take a bit of time but we won't have to wait around for the train."
He sat down beside me "if we go all the way back to town on the motorcycle he could get us for stealing it. He's the kind of asshole to try that."
Kacchan's hand ran over my cheek softly "and honestly if we stay at the motel tonight there's a chance he will come after us and catch us. I can't stand to see you hurt anymore."
"Kacchan. I'm okay really." As the words left my lips he ran his fingers over that gash on my forehead causing me to wince.
"Just because you say you're okay does not fucking mean you're okay." He growled at me "He will be sorry he ever laid a fucking hand on you. I'll rip out his fucking throat and shove it up his ass." He hugged me tightly against his chest.
"We should probably go to the train station tonight. I can call Mina to come get us. She was talking about getting a new car in class last week and I'm sure she would be elated to see you."
"Pinky got a car? Surprising. She seems like she would be a chaotic driver with how distracted she gets."
I shrugged "Iida has been helping her practice quite a bit. Well more like Ochaco convinced him to. I don't think she's been as distracted lately."
He let out a sigh before getting up and pulling out his phone. "Let's go. You can sit outside with me while I check the gas and then we need to get the hell out of dodge before Hisashi gets back. We will stop grab your stuff. I'll get a refund for the days you arent going to be at the motel and We can use that money to get tickets home. In the meantime get a message sent out to Pinky or whoever and get us a ride. We are going home."
Weakly I pushed my feet into my shoes and within seconds he was kneeled down tying them.
"I didn't-"
"You didn't have to fucking ask. You're too damn weak to do more than hold on to me at this point. The first thing we are doing when we get you home is getting recovery girl to your dorm. You aren't allowed to leave it and I will fight any fucktard who says differently."
I let out a small but happy sigh gently pushing myself off of the bed.
With Katsuki's support, we walked out the back door of the enclosed porch and down the steps to a small shed. He grabbed the keys to the motorcycle and pushed them into the ignition. Full tank. Good, we could make it to where we needed to be quick.
"Hurry up Deku we need to fucking leave." He held out his hand trying to help me onto the bike. Using the little bit of energy that I had I swung my leg over the motorcycle and wrapped my arms around him. The backpack was a bit irritating but honestly, it was something I could deal with.
I felt like I was going to fall about 90% of the time we were going down the road. All we had to do was make it to the motel and then I could get my stuff. That shouldn't be too hard but I was getting tired again. Had I don't too much with the energy suppression still on me? I gripped onto Bakugo's shirt tightly. My vision was going in and out. I needed to eat and regain the little bit of energy I could.
"Izuku. We're here. Izuku." I heard after a moment. It was like I had been asleep.
"Go grab your shit. I'll deal with the receptionist." Kacchan said as he was helping me off of the bike.
I nodded to confirm I had heard him and stumbled towards the room. When I finally found my key I pushed the door open with a sigh. Everything was where I left it for the most part. I sent a quick group message to Mina, Sho, and Ochaco that way they would all know we are okay.
Need pickup at train station closest to UA explain later. Tell you when I'm about 20 minutes out.
As I packed my few things up I could hear kacchan arguing with the receptionist. After throwing my bag on my back I decided to check out the issue.
"I'm sorry sir but I can't give his refund to you. I don't care if you're in a rush I still need his key back."
"I already said I'd bring you the damn key! I will go get it when you give me the money back for the next few days. We are going home."
After a second she glanced over at me.
"Oh my God. Are you okay?" Her hands covered her mouth.
I nodded softly walking over to the desk and placing the key down.
"He didn't do this to you, did he? He seems rather aggressive."
I sighed gently glancing over at Kacchan who was obviously more irritated at her now than ever.
"It wasn't him. If it weren't for him I probably wouldn't be able to walk right now." I forced an awkward smile because the tension was so high you could cut it with a knife.
She didn't look like she believed me "do you need an ambulance dear?"
I shook my head in response. "Id just like the refund for the 2 nights that are left. Got myself in a bit over my head and I'd just like to go home which is where we are going." She nodded still looking concerned before walking into a small room behind the counter.
Kacchan looked over at me. "I'm gonna kill the mother fucker who did this I swear it." He put his forehead against mine and sighed "how are you so damn mature?" He wiped away a few crumbs from my shirt.
"Practice I guess."
A sly smile crossed his face. "I missed you so fucking much."
The woman walked out with a police officer behind her and handed me the money. He squinted his eyes at us.
"Arent you the boy that went missing from UA?" Katsuki snapped around towards the man.
Kacchan let out an audible groan. I guess they must have informed all of the officers around the area of the fact he was missing.
"yes and I'd just like to go home and forget this all fucking happened. I'll talk to the damn heroes and teachers at UA when I get back. If you actually want me to not just fuck off I'd appreciate it if you would."
"I only came out here because she was concerned about your friends wounds but.."
This was getting rather repetitive.
"Just let us fucking leave! I just want to go home and lay in my bed beside my boyfriend who's been missing for 2 months!"
All of them including Kacchan seemed slightly taken back by my words.
"Alright, boys but you need to get those wounds looked at okay?"
The woman slid her hands into her pockets and turned away from us.
I followed Katsuki away from the building to the motorcycle.
"People can't just stay out of other people's fucking business."
I sighed softly getting on and hugging close to him again. I didn't know what to say I just know we needed to make a stop when we got to town. I'd have to ask him about it when we got onto the train.
Luckily we had just enough for our tickets with the money I had recovered from the motel. I had snacked while packing my bag up but I didn't realize how little I had really eaten during the time we were out.
I heard my stomach growl and I sighed. Kacchan was passed out beside me my head in his lap. Id have to eat before doing what I wanted to do. See my mom. She had to have some idea about what happened to dad. Did she actually know how awful he was? Did she know about the other kids? Maybe I could put it off for a few days.
My phone buzzed in reply to my 20 minutes out text.
Be there soon
It was from Mina. I sent her a quick picture of bakugo sleeping above me and smiled. Soon we would be safely home and we would be able to fix the issue that my brother's quirk had caused me. I knew things could only look up from here. I snuggled as close to kacchan as I could possibly get. We would eat something good when we got home and possibly face the wrath of the teachers but it would all be worth it. I had my Kacchan back.

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