Chapter 17

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He was curled up to me close. After the few days of being sick, it felt nice not to worry about passing it to him. It was also great not to think I'd vomit on him.
I threw my leg over him and pressed my forehead against his. He was calmly scrolling through his phone beforehand and moved his head to continue despite my whines.
"Hey, Izuku. Remember what Kirishima said the other day?"
I glanced up at him from where my head had receded to his chest. Which could he be talking about? The date or the foursome? Probably the latter. I sighed thinking about other people messing with my Kacchan especially Kirishima after what had happened. It made my heart hurt. Kirishima had apologized the next day but I was still a bit uneasy.
"Depends on which thing." I whimpered softly trying not to look at him but also to make him notice I was pouting.
"Well, I was thinking that we aren't exactly ready for a foursome yet. I don't really want to share you." He chuckled noticing the pouting. Yes, I had succeeded. "You have a thing for IcyHot though don't you?"
Did my ears deceive me? Was he talking about Sho?
"What do you mean Kacchan? I love you. You know this."
"Oh be quiet nerd. Everyone knows you fucked him. He literally sucked you off in front of me to make me jealous." He groaned setting his phone down and pinning me to the bed by sitting on my abdomen.
"J..Just because that happened doesn't mean..-" I was cut off quickly
"It means you like having his dick in you. You even said that while you were fucking drunk. I figured you might be more comfortable with him rather than Eijiro. You know because of the circumstances. While I may not like the guy much, I'd rather you be comfortable." He was a bit loud at first but slowly got softer at the end.
"Call him then. If you want to do that..." I whispered softly.
"You think I have half and half's number?" He laughed and grabbed my phone. I could hear it ringing but I couldn't hear Sho.
"What kind of lame-ass way is that to answer a phone?" He paused for a second then responded to what Sho had said on the other line "hey don't be too fucking rash half and half Deku wanted to ask you something but he's a bit pinned up at the moment so just come over here." Katsuki groaned and set the phone down. I assumed they had hung up.
"What happened?" I softly asked trying to sit up but failing as Kacchan pushed me back down.
"He said he would be here in a minute. Said he wanted to know what was going on from you. So you've gotta tell him." He pushed a finger to my chest. I gulped in anxiety. I really wanted to know how this was going to play out. Kacchan and I hadn't really had sex for a few days. I guessed it was because he didn't want me feeling used.
There was a small but familiar knock on the door Katsuki kicked his leg over me and got up to answer it.
"Wheres Izuku and what's going on?" He said with a slight panic to his voice. Kacchan opened the door slightly and I sat there waving at him awkwardly.
Sho sighed and closed the door behind him.
"Deku tell him."
I sat up nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. It was hard to put into words what I wanted.
"K...Kacchan I cant." I pouted my bottom lip out.
He walked over to me putting his lips close to my ear. "If you don't I'm going to put you on my lap and tease you while I tell him. I'll tell him in detail what you told me before." His voice hissed in my ear and made me tingle.
I couldn't remember what I had said before or even how long ago before was. Katsuki sat on the bed and pulled me forcefully into his lap.
"Lock the door Todoroki. This is going to be a minute. You can enjoy a bit of the game we are going to play." Kacchan said with a chuckle unbuttoning my uniform pants. Sho locked the door looking extremely confused and sat in the beanbag chair after turning it to look at us.
Kacchan tugged my pants along with my boxers down and sat me on his lap. I was exposed and a bit aroused by the thought of messing with them both. As I thought more about it things were starting to make sense. That's what he was going to tell Shoto. I whimpered softly looking up at him.
"Bakugo what are you doing?" Sho said after a moment his face turning slightly red.
"I was about to start icyhot don't get impatient." He adjusted me on his lap and spread my legs gently putting all of me on display for todoroki to see.
"So I'm going to tell you a little story Half and half. About a horny boy named Izuku." He spat on his middle finger and gently pressed it against my entrance while wrapping his hand around my length. "The first time this boy named Izuku and I messed around I found a special little secret box of pleasure when searching for lube. In this box was a vibrator that was very realistic." He said softly in a hushed tone that didn't match the speed he was pumping his hand. I felt his finger push into me gently causing me to let out a soft moan. It was weird to think he had spent three days beforehand just avoiding the topic of sex after we started dating for this to happen today.
"Now there was a story in itself behind what horny little Izuku had done with the toy." His tongue ran from the base of my neck to behind my ear. The hot breath that came with it made me squirm. "I had to know the story that the slutty boy had for his toy. Who he had thought of and how often." He low chuckle escaped Kacchan's lips. Sho was watching and listening intently looking flustered himself. I watched as he softly bit his lip after a moan slipped from my lips then dropped my head while biting my own.
"So I asked. Who have you thought about and he replied with both our names. Isn't that a shock? Not even just one at a time too. He wants to have us both play with him." He slipped another finger in pumping slowly. I wanted him to go faster. I needed him to. I grinded against his hand softly "isn't that right my slutty Izuku?" I glanced up at Shoto who's cheeks looked like cherries he was clenching his thighs together. "Izuku?" Sho mumbled softly "p..please answer his question." My brain hadn't properly processed the question causing me to glance up at him. "You wanted to play with us both together didn't you, my little whore?" His hand pumped faster around my length.
"Uh-huh..." I said softly while mewling
"I can't hear you well enough. Why don't you tell Sho what you said. Be loud." He had used my nickname for him just as sho had done to him. I couldn't control the words that came out. I closed my eyes in pure pleasure. "I...I want you b..both to.. me... U..Use.. me like... a.. t..toy." it was hard to speak while I was in such ecstasy.
"I..Izuku..." Shoto said softly "God you've become a bit of a slut haven't you?"
I only whined in response as I felt myself twitch.
"He's my pet now. My sub but I do it all for his pleasure. He's kind of a cock slut if you haven't noticed. Watch." The movement stopped on my length and I felt his fingers pull out.
"P...Please..." I whined.
"I told you I was going to tease you. If you want to have fun with both of us you are going to have to convince Todoroki." He grinned at me. What did he mean by convince?
"In the floor kitten." He said softly but demanding. I did as I was told. He had used the name kitten. I liked that... It was easy to tell Sho was turned on. I crawled over to him and gently nuzzled his leg.
"Izuku do you actually want to do this?" The look on his face was full of worry and concern. I nodded.
"Kacchan had me take a quiz. It had a lot of things on it and I've started to like a lot of things. I still like you though Sho... I find you really attractive... I have for a while...he screenshotted my results from it so I can have him show you later..."
Shoto looked over at Katsuki who was smirking looking down at us.
"Izuku... I don't know if I like you being all of these things to him.." he said not meeting my eyes.
"Do you not like me anymore...?" My voice filled with sadness. My chest hurt as I tried to figure out whether I was okay with his possible answer since I was with Kacchan.
"Zuku. It's not that. I'm just... a bit jealous I guess." His warm hand touched my cheek.
That wasn't exactly what I was expecting as an answer.
He nodded "he's gotten to mess with you in ways I wanted to but didn't. You know I didn't want to push boundaries."
Katsuki chuckled "tick-tock icyhot. I could change my mind at any point and he will stop."
"Then let me help with it at least a little.." I laid my hand on his thigh. At first, he was tense but soon he eased up and stood just long enough to undo his pants.
"Are you sure...? Its been a bit and I don't want to seem too forceful."
I nodded. I wanting to help him release. He seemed nervous but spread his legs so I could get to his length. I started in by licking from the base to the tip making him shiver. Taking his head in my mouth I slowly ran my tongue over the slit.
"Fuck... you've gotten better at this.." he softly moaned
"Half and half. Are you a top or a switch?" Katsuki said slightly loud from where he sat on the bed.
"S...Switch why?" Shoto shivered once more as I bobbed my head.
"Its a three-way isn't it? Don't you want a dick inside of you?"
I took a bit more of sho in my mouth swirling my tongue around the head.
"I..I mean I guess I don't mind but... a..are you serious? I.. didn't even know what was going on when I got here..." His breathing hicked for a second as Kacchan walked over towards us. I was almost completely lost in what I was doing and the sheer pleasure I got out of it. I could feel every movement he made and every little moan. My length twitched as precum slowly dripped off of it into a small puddle.
"Alright, Izuku I think you've got him to stay and play with you for a while." I pulled off of him with a small pop.
"And yeah why wouldn't I be serious? It's just sex and it's more for Deku than for you. I need him to be comfortable with this kind of thing in case it happens again with anyone else." Katsuki started undoing his belt with one hand while gently running his fingers through my curls with the other.
"Izuku." He tilted my chin up with two of his fingers "I'm going to face fuck you then you're going to get a bit of time with Shoto okay?" He pressed his lips gently to mine after I nodded. He was always quick to stop if I didn't answer or said no. Consent was a big thing to him so I made sure to always let him know if I was uncomfortable.
Katsuki looked over to Shoto who looked like he wanted to speak.
"Spit it the fuck out." Kacchan groaned petting my head.
"I want to mess with him while he does it. This is for his pleasure right?"
I looked up to Kacchan who nodded in agreement after letting out a chuckle then looked down at me
"Is that okay with you?"
I nodded "it will be fun to play with you both." I giggled softly.
"That fake innocent shit is going to kill me one day you little brat. You know what that does to me." Kacchan hissed softly into my ear. My response was another giggle just to tease him. It was fun.
Katsuki sat on the end of the bed leaning against my wall. He had positioned me to where I was free to mess with but I could suck him off too.
I did the same as I had with Shoto to him starting wise anyways. It caused a similar shiver which made me laugh slightly.
"Quit your fucking giggling. It f..feels weird."
He was a bit bigger than Sho so it took me a second to adjust. Soft moans spilled from his mouth as my head bobbed. I felt hands spread my legs a bit and then my cheeks. I let out a soft mewl with Kacchan's length in my mouth as a wet warm tongue ran over my entrance.
I squirmed softly feel his warm hand brush over my length.
Small moans and mewls escaped my mouth only to be blocked by Katsuki's length. I could feel myself twitching in Sho's hand. Quiet curses came from Kacchan's mouth mixed with a large number of moans. His hips bucked with pleasure gagging me slightly.
"F..Fuck... Deku... I'm getting close." His hands tangled in my green curls forcing my head down as I bobbed and sucked. It was hard to focus like normal with Sho making me squirm. I felt like I could come in his hand.
"Am I in complete control or do you want to be partially in charge?" Katsuki seemed to be talking to Sho.
"I mean it would be nice to be controlled. I like the thought of it." A shiver went down my spine as he started licking again. Kacchan groaned loudly "I..I'm going to come... Do you want the salty treat?" He moaned
"Mhmm" I licked the underside making him twitch. There was a slight salty taste that I believed was precum.
"F...Fuck... D...Do you mind sharing your treat with sho?"
"N..No sir I can share." I softly purred after pulling off. I continued to tremble in Shoto's hand while dripping precum
"I know you're enjoying yourself but get over here Icyhot."
Sho's arms snaked over my shoulders and pulled me back into him. I felt him place small kisses on my neck causing me to softly moan. He giggled softly in my ear.
"Sho stop..." I cooed my face flushing red.
"Deku lets finish getting you undressed. I don't want you to have to rewash this shirt so soon."
I cocked my head to the side slightly in confusion. It was already dabbed slightly with precum at the bottom. Maybe he hadn't noticed.
His hands moved to the top button and slowly undid each one until he was at the bottom. I glanced up at him. He was so beautiful. Honestly, how did I ever get so lucky? I met his bright crimson eyes and could feel my face getting hotter. I knew I already had a blush but it was definitely getting worse. A smirk crossed his face. He pressed his lips against mine forcefully and passionately. I felt myself twitch. His hand wrapped around my length causing me to gasp. He ran his thumb over a sensitive spot on the head. I quivered at his touch. I licked at his bottom lip begging for entrance. He didn't comply but did the opposite pulling away. I watched as he walked over to Sho doing a similar thing to him though he wasn't as gentle. A bright red covered his cheeks as if he was in shock at Kacchan's lips crashing into his while he undressed him. For some reason, this didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. It honestly turned me on a little more. I hid my face behind my hands to hide my blush, ever so often peeking out to look at them. Sho looked almost as delicate as I did compared to Katsuki. It was taking them a lot longer because Shoto still had most of the school uniform on. A small whimper passed my lips involuntarily. Kacchan glanced back to me with a smile.
"Is my little slut getting lonely?" He cooed causing me to bite my bottom lip
"Izuku is still the better kisser." Sho chuckled trying to tease a bit.
"I'll back you up on that." Katsuki ran his fingers through my hair "Now that your toy is unwrapped. Don't you wanna play with him?"
Sho let out a tiny embarrassed squeak at his words.
"What about my treat...?" I whined reminding him
"I ended up edging myself because I let you stop before I got to come."
I looked down pouting at his words.
"You can still have it but you're going to have to work for it." He paused with a sly grin "Both of you. Floor now." Sho grabbed my hand and laced his fingers between mine. We both sat on our knees on the floor. I was met with a grey and turquoise set of eyes boring into mine. His lips pressed against mine softly. He begged for entrance. I opened my mouth just enough for his tongue to slip in. It was a never-ending battle for dominance that went back and forth between us. Small gaps followed nips and before I knew it I was pinned under him softly moaning as he straddled me sucking on my neck. His hand was behind him gently pushing his fingers in and out of himself. He would stop to moan ever so often. Soon he stopped and blushed looking down at me.
"C...Can I ride you?" He whimpered softly.
I looked up to Kacchan who looked like he was amused by what had transpired.
"P...please." he whined, "I... a..ache"
Kacchan chuckled "Deku you're going to have to wait for your treat till we are alone or until later. I think you have a bit more of a pressing matter. Though if you think you're getting out of getting fucked you're wrong. So get on the bed and I'll grab you the lube." He smirked. It must have been funny for him to see Sho begging.
Once we moved to the bed I pinned Shoto down with a large amount of kisses.
"Z...Zuku..." he whines softly his length twitching against my stomach.
"You still want to..?" I couldn't even finish my sentence because I was embarrassed slightly to say it. He nodded while blushing. I took the lube Kacchan was holding out for me and slowly rubbed some over my length and coated two of my fingers gently pushing them against his entrance. He softly gasped as I pumped them inside of him. It was strange to see him like this when he was always my top when we had sex. His moans and soft mumbles of pleasure were so attractive. I whimpered my length twitching.
"A...Are you ready Sho?" Slowly I pulled my fingers out.
He nodded and sat up so I could lay at the end of the bed. I softly gasped feeling his insides. Our fingers laced together to help him stay steady. My hips bucked naturally. I couldn't help myself I wanted him to feel just as good as I was feeling. I was aching inside though like I was missing something or rather someone.
"K...Kacchan.." I whimper glancing over at him my bottom lip between my teeth "I still feel empty without you.."
He smirked as if he knew it was going to happen.
"Well, why didn't you say so sooner Deku?" He chuckled. God that chuckle was attractive. I let out soft moans bucking my hips unintentionally. Sho seemed like he was really enjoying himself. Our fingers had unlaced and he was using one hand for support on my stomach and the other hand was touching his cheek though he was biting two of his fingers in pleasure.
I felt Katsuki move between my legs. My breathing hicked as he pushed against my entrance. I hadn't ever felt in more ecstasy as I did now. I let out a whimper of pleasure as he entered me. My aching ceased a bit. Sho gasped softly his moans gaining more and more volume. I felt his walls clench around me which resulted in small mumbled curses to leave my lips. A warm liquid covered my stomach and dribbled down his length.
"I..I'm s...sorry.." he whimpered as he continued to bounce and roll his hips.
"S...Sho are okay?"
He nodded his face a crimson color that almost matched his hair.
"D...Do you want to stop?"
He frantically shook his head. "I...I w...want to come again..." he almost whispered.
My breathing hicked hearing his words. He felt so nice to be inside of and I was glad that he was enjoying himself. I moaned loudly as Kacchan started getting rougher.
"K...Kacchan..." I couldn't keep myself from moaning his name.
"Are you getting close?" His voice was husky and rough as if he was holding back a moan.
I nodded then realized he wouldn't be able to see me. "Y...Yes, close..."
Sho pressed his stomach against mine despite the fact he had just covered me in come. He moaned softly closing his eyes.
"I..I feel I'm going to come again..." he whined quietly
My hips bucked causing his breathing to hic. I felt like at any minute I could release.
"S...Sho... can I r...release in" I mewled biting my lip harshly.
"P...Please..." he came on my stomach again. It was a bit more than before. His walls clenching around me as they had before but harder. It gave me that final push over the edge of pleasure causing me to release inside of him. As I did my arms instinctively wrapped around him holding him close. He shivered in pleasure.
"F..Fuck I'm about to come. D...Do you want me to pull out or do you want me inside?" Kacchan groaned deeply his thrusts becoming sloppy.
"Sho do you still want to share my treat?" He giggled in response.
Katsuki could clearly hear what I had said. He quickly pulled out while grabbing my arm forcing me to sit up with my length still in Todoroki. I watched at his member twitched before spurting out a large amount all over Shoto and I's faces. I had opened my mouth but he didn't have the chance.
"You look more like a slut than I do Sho..." I giggled and hugged him gently licking a bit off his face. A cherry red blush covered his cheeks.
"But you act more like one Izuku." Katsuki chuckled placing a kiss on my forehead.
"You can get off him now..." his eyes narrowed at Sho who then got up slowly a bit dribbling out of him. The first thing he did was dart to the bathroom.
"Can he stay and cuddle for a while?"
Kacchan looked a bit irritated and raised an eyebrow.
"B...But what if he has sub drop...? I don't want him being sad."
He groaned and then sighed "Fine but you remember you're mine. Did you have fun?" he ran his fingers through my hair smirking slightly.
"Yes, sir. So much fun" I nuzzled my head against his hand. He chuckled softly.
"You really like calling me sir, don't you?" He bit his lip
"I... I'm sorry.." Why did I have to say that? He probably thought it was weird and I'm weird. Internally I was punching myself. I looked down and saw the almost glaze that covered my stomach and chest.
"Don't be sorry. I like it. It's a submitting thing for some people." his hand continued to run through my hair.
"I.. I need to shower..." I whimpered softly.
"Well gather up your stuff. We could all probably use a shower. We will each shower together and if I finish first then I'll come back and fix the bed." He knocked on the bathroom door "Hey icyhot. We are going to the showers. Meet us over there if you want. Either way, I really don't fucking care."

The rest of the night consisted of cute movies, take out and cuddling. He only really cared when I was a bit too close with Shoto. Romantically I was his. Sexually I was also his but there were exceptions when he said so. And for the first time in a long time, I didn't have a dream of her.

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