Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes to the sound of loud thunder and looked up at Katsuki who was sleeping soundly after our long and interesting night. I checked my phone. The time was 9:00. We were late. Someone was bound to notice we were both gone. Shit. He wasn't going to like that fact. I went to check my messages because it said I had three. Probably people freaking out about us missing class.

Attention All UA Students: Classes will be canceled today due to severe storms and flooding. They should resume tomorrow.

Luckily there was no class. I could cuddle up to Kacchan a little longer. It made me happy to know that he was lying next to me in my bed.

I glanced at my phone again. I still had 2 unread messages.

Hey, Midoriya have you seen Bakugo? Last I heard he was looking for you. I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon. We had plans that he didn't show for 😓

It was Kirishima. I felt so bad and sent a quick reply he passed out over here after an argument last night. I told him to sleep here because he was too tired to walk back. I slept in the floor because he took over my bed. Maybe you guys can reschedule? It's my fault I'm sorry.

Who was the other message? It was Uraraka. There was a picture of her with Iida. She was on his shoulders and laughing. The caption said he's finally out of his comfort zone
It looked like they were at a concert. The time was at 10 PM. Wow, they were out late for Iida's rule of everyone in their bedrooms by 11. I chuckled softly. It was nice to see them having fun though Iida didn't look exactly too comfortable. It looked more like he went because Ochaco had begged him to go.
I hope you guys had fun. What band did you go see?
A few minutes later I got a reply Lol Deku it's a teen club not a concert

Oh. I'm glad you guys had fun. I sent my message and laid my phone back down. Maybe the next time they went I could join them.

Bakugo stirred in his sleep. He jumped awake with a scream.
"Deku what the hell are you doing in my room?"
I sighed gesturing around to all my posters and figurines.
"Look around Kacchan. You're in my room."
He glanced around and then went red in the face I'm guessing remembering the night before.
"It's light outside. What time is it?"
The thunder cracked outside making me jump.
"About nine. Classes were canceled."
"Cool, I can go back to sleep. Fucking you into oblivion took a lot out of me."
He groaned yanking the blanket over himself and rolling over.
"Hey, Kacchan? What were you supposed to do with Kirishima yesterday?" I said after a moment. His eyes shot open and sat up quickly. "Fuck! We were supposed to check out the new restaurant in town and go to a movie!"
I thought about it for a second and sighed "did I ruin a date or something?"
He laughed "Brick for brains thinks I'm straight. He also thinks I'm interested in Pinkie. He likes ponytail as if that's going to happen though. He may be hot but I don't think he's got a chance. Not really her type."
He covered his mouth after a second.
"It's like you took a truth serum." I laughed softly.
"I ramble when I first wake up you asshole!" He pushed me out of the bed. 
I let out a small whine after hitting the floor and crossed my arms looking up at him
"Why Mina though?"
He glanced down at me "because she knows I like guys. She caught me watching some stuff that I almost killed her about." He paused for a moment." she walked into my room without knocking and I'm sure you know what I was doing since your a little whore." He glanced over at me smirking " I told her the only way I wouldn't murder her was if she let me pretend to be into her and she kept her fucking mouth shut." He shrugged "Shes not bad looking honestly I'd bang her. Though she's a bit of a ditz."
My heart hurt a bit but I knew I couldn't say anything because we weren't actually dating.
I climbed back onto the bed. Thinking about the last sentence.
"Are you bisexual?" I cocked my head to the side asking the obvious.
He shrugged.
"So you can shrug but I cant?" I whined softly shoving him.
He laughed "I guess I am. Why are you asking so many fucking questions though?"
I shrugged slightly annoyed that he had pushed me off of the bed for his rambling.
I sat on my knees on the bed in front of him. He crossed his legs.
"Kirishima is probably pissed at me. Oh well, I'll make it up to him later." He said thinking back to our earlier conversation.
"Maybe with a blowjob." He joked.
"No...." I quietly whispered. I wanted him to be only mine but I couldn't do or say much because of the fact he wasn't.
"Oh shut up I'm fucking kidding you fucking nerd."
I slowly moved myself onto his lap. I wanted to be as close as possible to him. I needed him to know I was hoping for more out of us. He looked down at me with an eyebrow raised.
"What the hell are you doing Deku?"
"Cuddling you?" I whimpered.
"Why? I didn't say I wanted to touch you freckles."
I softly whimpered trying to scoot off of him.
He grabbed me and held me close. It completely contradicted what he said before but I was glad he did.
"You better not say anything to anyone about what's happened between us." My chest hurt. I was starting to feel used. It was as if he only wanted me for sex and the cuddles were just to get me to shut up.

I let out a sigh looking up at him "why do you even want to be this close to me? It seems like you just wanted to use me and throw me away..." I thought back to the night before. How could he be okay with doing that and go back to being like this? Who cares if someone knows? I sure as hell don't but he obviously did.
My head dropped and my eyes began to well up with tears. I pried his hands off of me and slid off the bed, moving myself to try beanbag chair in the floor.
"Deku what the hell? You wanted to be in my arms and now you're acting like this?"
I groaned through gross sounding sobs. "Acting like what? All I wanted and all I've ever wanted is to be close to you! I wanted you to want me around but all you want to do is use me and then pretend like nothing happens!"
"I'm not pretending for shit! I was fucking holding you, you idiot!"
I threw my head back groaning. "Treat me with some fucking respect then! You called me yours last night and now you get mad because I want to cuddle you and just talk?" My breathing hicked.
"When did I fucking say that?" His eyes narrowed at me
"It... was in the middle of things.. I'm not repeating it..." I sniffled.
"That...That was just sex talk." He stuttered a little.
"Was it? Because if it was then don't think for a second I will ever let you touch me again." I glared up at him my face stained with tears.
"What did you expect? We would have sex and then we would just end up together? That doesn't always happen, moron." He groaned hitting his hands on the bed in annoyance.
"If you didn't want to be with me, you shouldn't have started messing with me when I was happy!" More salty tears rolled down my cheeks.
"You weren't happy. He was using you and you couldn't see it." He let out a sigh of annoyance
"He always asked how I felt. Constantly tried to make sure I was happy and even tried to help me figure out if you actually liked me."
"I do like you dumbass." He half yelled
"Then why don't you act like it!" I yelled back standing up. "You treat me like shit and all I've ever done is be nice to you. "
"I wouldn't stay around if I didn't like you. By now I would have figured that you knew I liked you!" He groaned

"I would have figured you knew I was in love with you Kacchan! I have been for years! You never felt the same and I finally thought I had a chance. No matter how much you say you like me it doesn't make up for how much you acted like you hated me."

"How the hell am I suppose to act Deku? This is all I fucking know!"
I let out a sigh "then let me show you?"
I sat back down in the beanbag and closed my eyes.
The room was silent enough that I could hear the rain coming down outside.
After a moment I felt a hand on my head.
"I'm here for you Kacchan. No matter how much you hurt me... I will always be here. No matter how many times I say I will leave. All because I love you. It probably isn't healthy but.. still..."
I glanced up to him. The way he was laying reminded me of a cat.
"Please don't tell anyone how I act with you. They will think I'm weak. I can't show any weakness. People getting their weaknesses exploited if they are known. The league is already after me. I don't want you getting hurt again dumbass. You've already put yourself in harm's way too many fucking times for me."
I tried to take in what he told me. "I have a quirk now Katsuki. I can defend myself."
"Just because you can doesn't mean you should have to. I can't lose you. You are the only one who's really stuck around. Yeah, I've got friends now but no one that will actually stay."
"I want to protect you. Don't you get it? I care about you. You have a lot of people who care about you. A lot of people who will stay."
"And that's why I know you will get yourself in over your head. Don't be a fucking moron Deku. Learn to not rush in. You almost got yourself killed by that ugly bastard along with Kirishima, Momo and Iida."
I let out a sigh. He was right in some aspects knowing that I would do anything to protect him. Would die for him because not only was he my friend and one of my idols but he was also the guy I loved more than anything. No matter how many times he pushed me away when we were young I couldn't stay away. I couldn't ever chance losing him. If he didn't want people to know that he felt the same way in the least I wouldn't tell.
"You mean the world to me Kacchan. Please remember that."
He let out a small groan.
"I know that. I won't let you sacrifice yourself for me though. That is because you mean the same to me."
I watched as he scooted to the end of the bed. His hand gently touched my cheek his thumb wiping away the tears from before.
"Please don't cry anymore. As tough as I make myself out to be it hurts me to see you sad."
I nuzzled my head against his hand.
"I'll try not to but I can't make any promises. Can you try to be nicer to me?"
"People will suspect if I start being nicer to you now. It's not like we are dating. I don't know if I want that yet."
I nodded understanding what he meant.

Dont Tell Me What To Do. Midoriya X Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now