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"Kacchan you have to get up now or we are going to be late. It's not called a double date for nothing."
"Shut the hell up its only going to take me a few minutes. I was up all night patrolling the city. I think I deserve five fucking extra minutes of sleep."
I sighed softly "you've had your extra five minutes Kacchan." I tugged on the blankets covering him. "You promised..." I whined
One of his eyes opened. "And you promised to stop using that whiny voice. It sounds way too close to your begging voice." A smirk crossed his lips.
"Hey!" I threw one of our many pillows in his direction as a blush covered my cheeks.
"Sorry I can't help it if you turn me on." He laughed under his breath.
I let out a groan. "If I have to call my brother and cancel because you try to stay in bed again we are going to fight."
"It's not like this is the last chance you are gonna get to meet this girlfriend of his Izuku. Come lay in bed with me babe."
"We have already canceled once. I'm not doing it again. He's been off at school for 2 years in a completely different country. I want to meet this American girl he likes so much."
"Fine, I get it. I'm getting up." He tossed a pillow back in my direction.
"It's like you're forgetting what tonight is anyways."
"Am I? Hm, its been 7 years today hasn't it."
He remembered. Seven years since we had officially decided to be together. We had graduated UA together and now we're both pro heroes. Life had just fallen into place for us.

"I wouldn't forget something like that Izuku." Kacchan kicked his legs over the edge of the bed. He pulled his arms over his head and stretched.
After a few seconds, he pushed himself up with a faint smile spreading across his lips. His pajama bottoms hung loosely from his hips. He wrapped his arms around me placing his forehead against mine. Our chests pressed up against one another.
"As much as I'd rather stay here and spend quality time with you I know how important tonight is for you."
I sighed gently pressing my lips to the tip of his nose.
"You done with all the cutesy shit or is that going to be going on all night?" He chuckled softly
"Trust me ill make tonight worth your while if you will just get dressed." I halfway whined at him.
Suddenly my nose was caught between his thumb and index finger. "Quit that whining shit. Seriously... but I'm sure you will. I know you just got done showering so I won't ask you to join me but you owe me for this since I was up all night."
I scrunched up my nose to get kacchan to release which took a moment. "That really hurt..."
"Oh, it wasn't that hard. I've bitten you hard than that in the last two days."
I rolled my eyes crossing my arms over my chest.
"I know but it's not the same. That was just mean."
"And so is your fucking whining when I want to sleep. Fuck I'm starting to look like Eraserhead with these damn bags."
"Just go take your shower. I already hung your clothes up in there because someone wouldn't get up in time to shower with me." I put emphasis on a few key words causing his face to turn slightly red.
"Fuck did I ignore you that hard?"
I nodded slowly letting out a small laugh
"So you're saying we could have?"
"Yes but now we have no time. You'll have to make it up to me later Kacchan."
He let out a small groan before huffing off into the bathroom.
I checked my phone for messages from Kenny.
Do you have it or do I need to take you to get it?
I thought back to my plans for tonight.
It should be in my jacket pocket. Are you sure this won't ruin your plans with Emily?
I heard the water turn on in the bathroom.
"You better be fucking lucky that I get along with your brother Deku or you would be stuck here all night with me. It's our damn day after all."
I sighed letting out a familiar small laugh. He was so possessive of the little bit of time we had together. His passion was still there after all this time. Maybe it's because of everything we went through in high school. The constant attacks by the league and hell our friends losing their abilities for a while. Us feeling like we were to blame for everything. Maybe that's what caused him to cling to me so hard and I to him. It didn't matter the reason. He was still with me and I couldn't lose that.
Are you a fucking idiot? She's going to love this. I mean she's a photographer so if she can capture this then hell you'll have made her day.
Good my plans didn't mess up anyone else's. I'd get to meet the girl my brother had fall for and get to do something I had been wanting to do since before me and Katsuki ever got together.

The water stopped. I had to hurry. I quickly tied my shoes after shoving my phone back into the pocket of my slacks.
After a few moments, Kacchan walked out of the bathroom struggling with his tie.
"Do you need help babe?"
His eyes narrowed.
"Why do we have to go somewhere fucking fancy to meet this girl? Why do I have to fucking wear a tie? My fingers are fucking pruned and its bullshit. "
"I'm taking that as a yes."
He pursed his lips looking off to the side like an awkward child as I proceeded to tie his tie. It was crimson like his eyes. The suit itself was a grey color that brought out the cream undertones of his hair.
"Freckles you're gawking. If you're gonna stare then you better pay up."
"Pay to look at my boyfriend?"
He laughed "yeah three good kisses. None of that cheap 1-second shit."
I glanced at the time on my phone "can I pay you later handsome?"
His cheeks tinged pink for a moment "are we running that late?"
I nodded and sighed.
"Fine later but there will be interest."

I grabbed my jacket and shoved my hands into the pockets as we ran out the front door. I awkwardly fidgety with a small velvet box between my fingers. Tonight was the night it had to be.

He pulled on my arm towards the car as I was distracted by the thoughts of the upcoming events. What would he say? Would he even respond?
"For someone in a rush, you sure are distracted tonight. Are you that worried about meeting this damn girl? It's not like you're marrying her. He may not even be."
I chuckled at his wording as it seemed all too coincidental.
When we arrived at the restaurant my brother was there to greet us with a small redheaded girl on his arm. We chatted about how things had been going for him in America and school as well as the hero scene here in Japan. Kacchan didn't look too interested in their conversation but seemed like he was trying to be on his best behavior.
As we finished our meal I fidgeted once more with the box in my pocket while glancing at the love of my life. I looked over to my younger brother for guidance. Could I do this? I know I had planned to. I had bought the ring and came up with this whole night as a cover so I could ask him without him suspecting anything. It was now or never. I stood up pretending to stretch. That was a good move into it. I glanced at him, he wasn't suspecting a thing. His head was propped in his hand he looked over towards me for a second softly smiling then glancing towards the musicians who had started playing a song that he liked. It was purely coincidence but I would take it. I moved down onto my knee gently digging my hand back into my pocket to pull out the ring.
I watched as my brother tapped the table to get his attention and pointed him in my direction.
"Izuku what are you doing?" He choked on his words a bit.
"Something I probably should have done a few years ago. " I took a deep breath my heart pounding in my throat.
"Katsuki Bakugo, we've been together for 7 years today. Honestly, I don't know who would be a better match for me. You're an asshole but you make me so happy. You're fun to be around even when you tease."
His face was beginning to turn a shade of red I had never seen him turn before. I watched as he glanced around seeing all eyes were on us. The music had gotten softer but was still playing.
"What the hell are you trying to say?"
He looked as though he wanted to either hit me or kiss me hell maybe both.
"Kacchan, marry me." I flipped the small box open to reveal a black gold ring with small rubies around the edges. His favorite gemstone.
"You want to be with me forever?"
"Without you its no forever Kacchan." I glanced up at him seeing as tears welled up in his eyes. It was something I didn't even expect.
"It depends. Does that make me the bride or you the bride?" He chuckled softly
"Does that mean your answer depends on mine?" He shook his head laughing
"I just need to know if I'm taking your last name or your taking mine. Either way, the answer is yes. Yes, I'll marry you, shithead."
"It's not the way I was expecting you to answer but I'll take it." I let out a small laugh "we can discuss the last name thing later okay?"
He nodded as I placed the ring on his finger.
"If you don't fucking kiss me I'll give it back." He said pulling me up to stand in front of him.
We shared our second most passionate kiss that was only bested by our first real kiss and that would only be bested by the kiss on our wedding day.

The perfect engagement photos were taken by Emily and soon me and Kacchan would get to start our perfect family. At least everything was perfect to me.

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