Chapter 26

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*Midroyia's POV*

I didn't know how long it would take for me to find him. I had my phone though which meant if anyone got too worried I could call and tell them I was okay. I considered cutting my hair but how upset could that make Katsuki if I found him. I doubted that I could get away with it without a lecture. It was doubtful that even dying my hair would be passable to that man. Though depending on the color he might have liked it. It would have been a good idea if I didn't worry about him not liking it. The only people who really would recognize me would be those people either obsessed with heroes or obsessed with the school. I mean we were the closest big school.
I decided to get a motel room that way I wouldn't be sleeping on the ground while looking. I couldn't rest until I found him but I would sleep if need be. My bag hit the floor in the room with an audible thud. Sho had called while I was on the train asking where I was and I told him what I had done and there was no turning back. He told me he would have come with me and I should tell him where I was going to be but it didn't seem like a good idea. I may have been alone but that didn't phase me. Honestly, after Kacchan leaving because he was jealous I doubted he wanted to see someone else with me.
I let out a small sigh. This town was big enough to where I didn't know if I would find him but maybe I could start at the convenience store he was seen near I could find him. I had sent a message to Sho when I had arrived in my room to see if I could get any information and got lucky. Somehow he got All-Might to spill the info. Something about how he thought his dad might be going to find Kacchan.
The store was across town from what I was told and it wasn't too popular of a franchise. Maybe I could get some answers?
The walk wasn't too long with the use of my quirk and with me staying in the shadows no one should have seen me. This town was a bit dingier than the last time I was here. I remembered it being known for gang activity. Did someone come all the way out to the school just to bring him here? Maybe they were trying to recruit him like the league? It was possible. They could even be trying to use him as leverage against the school itself. For the most part, they were keeping the fact he was missing on the down-low so there wouldn't be backlash against the school. His parents one request for them to be able to do so was that they hire more people to patrol the school before he came back. That way it didn't happen to any more students. They wanted him safe so as far as everyone knew he was on his way to visit his parents with school permission. That was also included in what Mina had put on her blog.
The cold air stung my face.  If I had been going any faster I'm sure it would have blistered. As I neared the store the town got more colorful and neat. With how big the town was my feet started hurting at about 30 minutes or so away. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if I hadn't eaten since when I had left the night before.
I did have my wallet right? Frantically I smacked literally everywhere a pocket could possibly be before finding it in my left inner jacket pocket. I could get a snack when I got to the convenience store.
My stomach growled as it had been doing for the past 10 minutes or so. It was nearing lunchtime. Should I send a message? It might be a good idea.
I'm going to find you myself even if it kills me. I found some information out but not much. Just enough to be able to find you and bring you home if I work hard enough. I love you.

It sent. I walked a few blocks more feeling extremely low on energy when I felt a buzz in my pocket.

What the hell are you trying to get yourself killed over a guy for? You don't even have the right fucking number dipshit!

This was his number. It was the same and his parents hadn't shut off his phone in hopes that he would call. I triple checked to make sure that I was indeed texting Kacchan.

Kacchan I know it's you. Please just meet me at the convenience store you were at a few days ago. I want to take you home.

I had finally made it to the store. I was so hungry I felt like I was going to fall over. I could smell the meat buns they were placing in the hotbox. The drool overflowed from my mouth as I stared through the glass of the box.

The lady behind the counter chuckled her long brown hair swinging with slight movements.
"I'll take 4 of those." I said pointing to the meat buns. It had been a little while since I had any.
She nodded walking back over to the warmer to pull out the food. I placed my change on the counter and checked my phone again.

Is it really going to take me meeting you in person for you to fucking believe I'm not him?

I sighed. Either his phone was messed up, someone else had it, or he was lying to me. Either way, I knew that if I didn't try to see him this would all be a waste. I could still try to find him either way.

"Will that be all Mr. Midoriya?" The woman said softly
I raised my eyebrow wondering how she knew my name. Was it from the school or possibly she had seen something about the sports festival on tv?
"How did you know my name?" I slightly stumbled over my words.
She stepped back a bit
"How could I not? You're in here all the time. Though there is something different about you sir. Oh, wait. I'm thinking of your dad! You don't come in here that often!"  She twirled her hair nervously. "You look a lot older than when you were in here last."
I cocked my head to the side in confusion.
"I've never been here before. I'm just in town looking for a friend."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess maybe they are cousins of yours. Although you are a spitting image of Hisashi..."
I swallowed hard. Did she just say my father's name? No, that couldn't be right.
"Yes. He comes in often with his daughter and son. They recently adopted another kid not long ago as far as I know. A pretty sad story too." She slouched propping her head in her hand
"He has more kids now? What?" I almost yelled
"Wait... You're his kid too?"
With my eyes widened I slowly nodded.
He had left my mom saying he was going to work in America and now he was back in Japan with another woman and three children? I didn't even get to see him. Almost my entire life besides focusing on heroes was waiting for him to come home.
I turned around and walked out of the store with my food in one hand and my phone in the other. My chest hurt a bit. He had an entirely different family. I felt like screaming. Slowly I typed a message to Sho trying to figure out the right words.
So apparently my father lives here and has a new family. This is way too much to take in.

I let out a sigh. I needed to find Kacchan and leave. I needed him back with me. I walked back into the store. With a picture of Kacchan pulled up on my phone.
"Have you seen this guy?"
"Yeah, he was here with Hisashi not too long ago. He comes in once a week to get cigarettes and soda. Kai is a really sweet kid."
"Kai?" I laughed "that's not his name. His name is Katsuki Bakugo." My expression hardened "and he's my boyfriend. He went missing 2 months ago. He was last seen here."
The girl behind the counter seemed very concerned.
"Hisashi would never..."
I sighed and shook my head
"He's not a good person clearly. Now, what day do they usually come?" My voice trembled

"They were here about 2 days ago which was honestly a bit out of the ordinary because they usually come on Fridays. So they may be back in 2 days." 
I nodded and sighed.
"I will be back in 2 days then."
My dad kidnapped my boyfriend? What the hell was up with that? I haven't seen him since I was a toddler. My emotions were so mixed up. Was I sad or angry? Either way, I had to get to the bottom of this myself.

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