Chapter 21

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The room was filled with immense amounts of laughter. I sat in Kacchan's lap. The smell of alcohol also filled the room. Sho's face was the color of his hair and he was being really flirty but it didn't seem like Katsuki had caught on or he just didn't care.
Katsuki was hugging me tight against him from behind. Ever so often he would whisper little thing in my ear. Usually, it was just "I love you" or "Are you sure you don't want a drink?"
They were playing a game of truth or dare and usually, the dare resulted in a lame prank call or something of the sort. It reminded me of that night that I told everyone our secret. My chest began to ache just thinking about it. I still had a large scar from her. Thinking back to that night if I would have just stayed there and let him explain before wandering off all of that wouldn't have happened. I didn't need to think about it but I couldn't help it. The nightmares had subsided but that could be only temporary.
It was hard to stay out of my own head about this particular situation. I couldn't even fight back because I was still tipsy. I couldn't risk something happening.
"Izuku are you alright?" Sho had worry in his eyes. His face was red from the warmth of the alcohol but he could still sense when I wasn't okay.
"Yeah... I'm just in my head a bit. I zoned out and my brain went to a bad place." I looked down at my hands and felt Kacchan's arms tighten around me.
"I won't let your brain be stupid." He slurred softly rubbing his cheek on my back.
Kirishima laughed "that's one way to put it but that sounds so rude Bakugo."
"Oh shove it shitty hair. He knows what I meant."
"Who's turn was it for truth or dare anyways?" Denki said with a small hic.
"I think it was Kirishima's turn." Todoroki said softly then looked back to me his eyes still full of worry.
"Okay so since I went last, I get to do the dare or truth for him." He hicked again.
A small giggle escaped my mouth that seemed to quell his concern.
"I'm going to do truth since the prank call to my mom didn't go over that well. I'm pretty sure shes pissed since you didn't block our number and tried to prank her anyways." He glared at Denki who was laughing like a schoolgirl.
"Kaminari you can't handle the phone anymore." Kacchan said sounding a bit soberer than he had a few moments before.
"Fine but I'm still picking his question." He put his hands together and pushed them against his pursed lips. "Ah, I've got it. Who do you like besides Momo? Since she's with that purple dude."
I laughed once more at hearing the way he described Shinso.
"Uh, can I pass on that?" Kirishima's eyes glanced in my direction but I was sure that he was thinking about Kacchan.
"Uh nope." Denki hicked and shoved Eijiro softly. "We all know~"
He pushed him again and then glanced over at Sho who shrugged.
I couldn't remember if I had told him about the interaction between the two while I was sick but if I did he wasn't saying anything.
"All know what?" He whimpered softly staring down at his hands. It looked like he was twiddling his thumbs.
"I just wanted to verify what everyone in the room is thinking." Kaminari had an oblivious smile on his face. It was as if he really didn't know but wanted to pretend he did.
The game had been going on for at least half an hour but probably a lot longer
Kirishima sighed and glanced back up in our direction.
"I... I like Bakugo..."
"Yep, I knew it.... gay." Denki said and immediately something flew across the room hitting him in the head.
"You didn't know shit you electrodud."
"Kacchan.... don't be so mean... but Kaminari that was a bit uncalled for."
Electrodud. Weird insult but okay. He had done a few new ones like that lately.
"The way he looks at you Katsuki. It's like I look at Midoriya." Sho said softly
I glanced over and saw the huge blush on Eijiro's face.
"It's okay I don't think Kacchan minds that you like him."
"I think you flustered him Eijiro." Denki chuckled.
"He didn't do shit now shut your fucking mouth."
My eyes met Kacchan's crimson ones as I gazed up wondering if he was blushing.
That was exactly what he was doing. The color of his cheeks compared to the color of his eyes.
"You like him too don't you...?" I sighed and started to get up. My hand was grabbed immediately.
"It's not that I like him the same way as you. Don't let that idea into your head for a fucking second got it?"
"But..." I was quickly cut off
"It's kind of the way you feel for Todoroki. Like- fucking hell how am I suppose to say this without sounding fucking ridiculous?" He groaned.
Kaminari chuckled to himself clearly drunk.
"I'd fuck him. And if I didn't love you I might date him but relationship-wise you're all I need. I would never do anything to hurt you that you didn't want." He caressed my cheek his eyes showed sincerity.
"Wait... did I hear him right...?" Kirishima looked over at Sho who nodded slowly while sipping his drink.
"Midoriya likes painn~" Kaminari said a bit too loudly
"Shush." A shoe that was by Sho's hand flew and narrowly missed Denki.
I put my lips close to Bakugo's ear. If things were the same as with Sho I didn't have to worry. "If you want to do stuff with him I really don't mind I just need to know about it..." I spoke quietly so only he could hear.
"Are you sure?" He said softly while pulling me back onto his lap.
I nodded and his eyes narrowed at Denki.
"Kaminari fuck off for a bit. You're way too drunk and kind of killed the mood."
Denki responded with a loud whine.
"Sho can you walk him back to his room? You may be sort of drunk but you seem to be a very quiet drunk where he's not..." I said softly and received a nod from Shoto.
With much struggle and arguing Kaminari and Sho were out the door "I'll be back." Left Shoto's mouth before he closed the door.
I scooted off of Kacchan's lap and onto the floor in front of him.
Kirishima glanced up from his hands at me. He looked embarrassed.
"Do I need to go too?" He stood quickly before I had the chance to answer but didn't take his eyes off me.
I shook my head and inched my way over to him.
If Kacchan wanted to mess around with him I didn't mind but this could be a good chance to tease him. Ever so often I'd look back at Katsuki who had his eyebrow raised in confusion. The silence was almost awkward but not quite. It was as if Eijiro didn't know what to do.
"Are you sure I don't need to go?" His eyes were locked on Kacchan
I tugged on the leg of his pants to get him to look at me. A blush covered his cheeks.
"Izuku are you okay?"
The blush on my face almost matched his but it was a tad darker. A shook my head. He kneeled down which I presume was to ask me what was wrong but he didn't get the chance.
I pressed my lips against his leaving him in a small shock but he didn't fight it. He kissed me back softly. His lips weren't as harsh as Kacchan's but not as soft or warm as Shos'. I could feel his sharp teeth poke against my tongue as he granted entrance. A soft moan was muffled by my mouth as I slowly fell backward being slightly pushed by him. I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol talking although he hadn't drunk much. In fact, out of the four of them, he had drunk the least. I whimpered softly as his sharp teeth bit my bottom lip and he pulled.
"I think that's enough kitten. I know what you were doing and you're in trouble."
My eyes that were closed in pleasure shot open and over to Kacchan who's arms were crossed. He looked a bit satisfied like he didn't want to stop it but felt like he had to.
"Sorry, Bakugo... I..."
"Oh, fucking save it." Kacchan stood and took a few steps over to where we were. "This was his doing anyways." He glanced down at me.
Yes, I had succeeded. A smile spread across my face in response and a giggle escaped.
"See? He knows how I feel about other guys kissing him. I think I can make an exception though." He grabbed Kirishima's chin and leaned down pushing his own lips to Eijiro's.
After a moment he pulled away with a smirk.
"You wanted to fuck me when you were sober didn't you?" The devilish grin spread across his face. He licked his lips as Kirishima's head nodded.
A whine escaped my lips in slight jealousy. I had started it yet I still wanted the attention.
"Baby don't think I forgot about you. You're still in trouble. I didn't say you could kiss him."
"But you kissed him too so it's fine." I whined wondering what he was going to have me do.
"It's not fine." He held out a hand to help Eijiro stand and then picked me up putting me over his shoulder.
"What are you going to do to him?" Kirishima looked a bit worried.
"Nothing too big of a deal. Something he won't mind." He set me on the floor beside the edge of the bed. "He's a cumslut after all." The smile on his face mixed with his words made me quiver slightly.
"A.. what...?"
I giggled softly looking down at the floor.
"Someone who likes it when people get off on them and in them." Katsuki chuckled when he noticed I was biting my lip.
"Oh... Izuku... I didn't know you were so... well... kinky?"
"We talked about the BDSM thing a while back brick for brains or did you forget?"
I watched as he rubbed the back of his neck "Well I didn't think you were being serious..."
Kacchan chuckled once more then looked back at me. His eyes were intense.
"Your punishment you might like. If he's up for it your going to give him head. You got him turned on so you have to at least deal with a little bit of it."
He looked over to Kirishima who looked a bit uneasy about it. "Are you sure? I feel like I'm intruding a bit."
"I'm sure. It will show him he can't just turn someone on and leave them. Like he's been doing a lot lately."
"It's not like I mean to." I whined in response. "Just kissing me turns you on for some reason." I stuck out my bottom lip and pouted.
"Its because every time we've kissed lately you're pressed against me or you do those little things that drive me fucking insane like the little brat you are." Eijiro looked like he was taken back a bit.

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