Chapter 10

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Things hadn't changed much during class between us. I was still a weakling in his eyes that needed protecting but he acted like he wanted to pummel me into the ground. The only one he permitted me to talk to about everything was Shoto and that was because he knew most of it already. Over a week had already passed since our first sexual encounter. It flustered me slightly just to think about. He had sent me messages that had made me awkward around to even see him. Things that would make a dominatrix blush. I only recently found out what that was in passing strange conversations with him.
Uraraka and Iida had finished their project for Midnight's class and had brought up the idea of a weekend lake trip before it got too cold. September was starting to roll in so, soon it would be too cold to do anything. We had to go out and have fun while it was still warm enough to swim. This weekend looked like it would be perfect.
"Hey Izuku?" Uraraka piped up while I was stuffing my face during lunch.
"Yeah?" I replied with my mouth half full of burger trying not to let her see the mashed food.
"I'm sorry I haven't really been hanging around much. I just needed a little space after what happened with Todoroki. I kinda had a slight crush on you and..."
I choked on my food a bit.
"W..wait what?" I coughed trying to process her words.
"Yeah... I know you two aren't dating but it still took me by surprise. Though you guys aren't hanging out nearly as much anymore. Did you have a fight?"
I shook my head taking another bite trying to think of a way to explain without giving away what happened with Bakugo.
"He's just been really busy lately. I think he's had a lot of homework. We've been texting a lot though" That wasn't exactly a lie. He had gotten behind on his homework and we had been texting quite a bit.
"So you never really answered me though about whether or not you were gay..." she mumbled softly.
I could barely hear her but it seemed that my hearing was getting better with the amount of mumbling people were doing around me lately.
"I think so... I'm not really sure but I haven't found a girl I feel like that about. I'm more awkward around girls than anything."
"Like a bad awkward?"
I nodded "Only if I don't know them. Like with that Camie girl. She made me really uncomfortable at the exam for our hero licenses... but I still find girls beautiful. I just don't really want to put my dick in them."
"It didn't help that our classmates reacted the way they did when they heard she was naked near you. Or sort of naked?" She placed her finger to her lip raised her eyebrow and cocked her head deep in thought. Soon she snapped back into focus processing the last part of what I said. "I understand that. Sexual attraction is pretty important when figuring out your sexual orientation." She sighed quietly. I figured that she didn't think I would hear her.
"Uh yeah..." I mumbled softly.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I grabbed it and glanced at it.

Hey Deku turn around.

It was Kacchan. I glanced back and saw him walk in with Kirishima through the closest door. They were deep in discussion and he was laughing but the moment our eyes met he blew a kiss in my direction.
It wasn't one of the obvious ones because he didn't use his hand only his lips.
Mina was sitting at the table behind us so it was pretty obvious she was in on it because she giggled. Kacchan must have had to tell someone and that someone was Mina. The only person besides me and sho that knew he liked guys.
I rolled my eyes in his direction. My phone buzzed again.
Attitude much?
He saw me? Well, it did look like he was staring at me.
"Who is texting you Izuku?" Ochaco said softly taking a bite out of her food.
"Shoto. He said he wasn't coming to lunch unless he got his work done but I swear I saw him a few minutes ago in line." I shrugged
"He's kind of hard to miss and I didn't see him." She looked a bit confused.
You'd know attitude seeing is that's all that comes out of your mouth.

"This weekend is going to be so boring." Kirishima groaned from behind us. I assumed he was talking to Bakugo.
Buzz buzz. I glanced at my phone

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