Chapter 32

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When we arrived at our destination I slowly shook Katsuki awake. He was so exhausted. You could see it so plainly in his face. Kacchan wrapped his arms around me with a small smile across his lips.
"I'm so glad that I'm home. Its almost like I was walking through a never-ending foggy maze and finding you was my way out."
Bakugo helped me to my feet and wrapped his arms around me.
"That's really poetic."
"Don't fucking tell anyone..."
I let out a small chuckle and then gently placed a kiss on his cheek. "I won't but if you think they don't remember that kind of stuff you're wrong."
"I never said shit like that around any of them!"
I let out another laugh lacing my arms around him to help myself walk.
"Sure you didn't."
We stepped off the train and were met with not only our friends Sho, Mina, and Kirishima but also our teachers Eraserhead and All-Might. I was in deep shit and I already knew it.
"Thank goodness you're alright Young Midroyia!"
I sighed still feeling weak
"You are alright aren't you?" Mr. Aizawa raised his eyebrow looking me over clearly noticing the bruises and other wounds.
"Not exactly."
"What the hell happened man?" Kirishima exclaimed
"Long story." Kacchan groaned "and honestly I really don't want to relive any of that."
"Well you're going to have to tell the police exactly what happened and Midroyia you are in big trouble. Your little friend got you out of about 2 days of class then when the third day passed and you weren't there people started asking questions." Aizawa started in.
"You're going to punish him for doing what you fuckers couldn't?" Katsuki piped up tightening his grip around me.
"He will be lucky if we can get him off with a suspension after the stunt he pulled. Nezu already said he would expel him if he got involved."
"Then you have to fucking expel me too asswipes."
"Young Bakugo I understand you are traumatized but you can't use that kind of language talking to a teacher." All-Might sighed
He shook his head.
"We aren't at fucking school if you haven't noticed. So like I give a damn. He risked his life to follow a lead you guys wouldn't have gotten any information on and you want to punish him? That's bullshit. He had to deal with the most bullshit from someone he never fucking expected to see and you guys are just dumbasses."
My body was starting to feel heavy as I stood beside him. It was taking all of my energy not to just fall over and pass out.
"Izuku.. are you okay?" Sho said quietly after a moment.
I could barely shake my head before I felt myself losing grip on Kacchan.
"Izuku!"Katsuki yelled as my vision started to fade. I was so tired.

When I came around I was sitting in a hospital room with my mother sitting beside me in a chair. There was a book bag hanging on the back of an empty chair beside her.
"Mom...?" I said quietly as my vision became less blurred.
"Izuku. My sweet boy." She threw her arms around me hugging me tightly. I could feel the teardrops on my shoulder through the thin hospital gown
"I'm sorry mom."
"You should be. You said you were going to stop worrying me like that! It's okay though. I'm just glad you're alive."
"I met dad..."
I heard her gasp under her breathe.
"You... what?"  She let go of me and looked at me sadly "he did this to you?"
"Didn't Kacchan tell you...?"
She shook her head slowly "Anytime I would ask what happened he would get so upset he would have to leave the room. Your father did this to you?"
I nodded not taking my eyes off of her.
"It explains the horrible burns on your arms..." she paused for a moment running her hand over my cheek. "Why did he do it though?"
"Because I'm garbage and a mistake. Because I ruin people's lives." I felt my eyes starting to water as I remembered the days before.
"Honey you arent garbage or a mistake."
"He wanted to take the only happiness I've had in a long time from me and he succeeded for a while..."
"What do you mean Izuku...?"
Had I not told my mom about me and Kacchan? I didn't think that I had. She didn't even know I was gay. Fucking shit. I hadn't told her anything. She thought I did all this for a childhood friend.
"He took Kacchan from me, mom!"
"Your friend? Why did he do that? Why would he do that?"
She was never one to really catch on quickly.
"Katsuki Bakugo? My boyfriend?"
She backed up for a moment.
"Wait, you and Bakugo are dating?" She blinked a few times as if she was trying to process this.
"Did my deadbeat father catch on before you mom?"
"I just never thought..." she paused again "he was always so mean to you..."
I sighed "he's like that to everyone."
I heard the door creak open. Glancing over I saw Kacchan talking to the doctor through clenched teeth. I could only guess he was explaining the events that had just occurred.
"One of Hisashi's biggest issues was that I was gay... he kept telling me over and over that, I was wrong for it and disgusting." My eyes began to sting with tears.
"Being gay isn't anything to be ashamed of dear. I just wish you would have told me... but to think your childhood bully..."
Kacchan glanced over towards me "Izuku you're awake!" He almost sprinted to my side leaving the doctor in what seemed to be mid-sentence.
"He didn't leave and you thought we were just good friends?" I raised my eyebrow looking over at my mom.
She sighed "he just always got you into trouble. I don't really know what I thought. I just know it wasn't that." She looked over towards Kacchan and shook her head. "I figured if you turned out to be gay you would go with someone a little nicer to you."
"I just don't know about this. If it weren't for him you wouldn't be hurt right now."
"What?" I was in shock at the words coming out of her mouth. Was she just looking for someone to blame?
"If it wasn't for him you wouldn't have gotten hurt. You wouldn't be laying in a hospital bed right now. If it wasn't for him you would have been a lot happier as a kid."
"Mom stop." I could feel the grip Kacchan had on my hand tighten.
"He was your bully! Why would you go for someone who hurt you?"
"Listen Mrs. Midoriya. I wasn't a perfect kid. Hell, I'm not perfect at all but I care about him. He went through hell because his dad is a piece of shit who fucking brainwashes people. Your son is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me I just am terrible at showing how I feel. This is taking a lot. Trust me I want to do a lot of horrible things to the man who is to blame for this. Yeah, I am partially to blame because I wasn't stronger. I love him though. No one is taking MY IZUKU from me again. Not you or anybody else." Bakugo's eyes were locked on me through the entire speech he had just given.
My mom didn't speak. It was like she wanted to but didn't know what to say. This continued on for about ten minutes before she broke her silence.
"Just protect him okay?"
"I will. No one is going to hurt him and survive it ever again." His thumb ran over my hand and a small smile crossed my lips.
She was accepting us. That made me happy.
She had to leave not long after because of work leaving me and kacchan alone. My low energy caused me to randomly fall asleep but he only left my side to go to the bathroom and yell at the doctors.
They told me they would release me within a few days because there wasn't much they could do until my brother's quirk wore off. I just needed to avoid any strenuous activity until then.
Over the next two days, I got a visit from Aizawa and also principal Nezu. I had to explain what had happened multiple times to them as well as narrowly trying to avoid more than just a suspension. I was suspended for a week because of my reckless behavior according to Nezu. Though he also added that he couldn't expel someone with that much heart in his hero work. He told Bakugo he would have to make up his missing training and school work during our next break. Everyone now knew about our relationship. It was no longer just speculation. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not but honestly, I didn't mind. I had the love of my life back and that's all I needed.

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