Chapter 30

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Kacchan glanced down at me with a smirk on his face and held out his hand to help me off the ground.
"You're still a little slut kitten." He chuckled and shook his head
"K...Kac..chan?" I felt my eyes fill with tears as I wrapped my arms around him. I was overwhelmed with sadness and joy. Everything was happening so fast but I had my Katsuki Bakugo. I had my Kacchan back. I couldn't let anyone take him away from me again.
Without a word, he turned the water back on and rinsed the remnants of our fun off of me.
A few seconds later he turned off the water and grabbed our towels off of the sink across the room.
"Your dad is a fucking prick. He's a homophobic asshole who for some fucking reason wants to torture people who don't fit into his little world of perfect. It's fucking disgusting. He's like a Japanese Hitler. He's just not too powerful yet." As he spoke he wrapped me in a towel and used his towel to gently rustle the water out of my curls.
I was taken back by his words. I mean I knew he was awful and homophobic. Just look at what he had done to me. Had he done this to others?
"He has your siblings fucking brainwashed. He hates your brother because he looks like you and your sister despite how sweet she is shes becoming a psychopath."
I leaned against Kacchan feeling weak. He sighed looking down at me sadly. I could see him eyeballing my wounds and every time he touched anywhere on me he was very cautious of my gashes and burns.
"Let's get you dressed and back to bed. Until he comes back we cant break the suppression. I don't think your quirk will be back unless I can convince him that you aren't bad."
"Wait... we have to get him on our side?"
Katsuki let out a deep sigh picking me up and carrying me across the room. "Without letting him know that I broke through his suppression of my memories. Also, you're going to stay off of your feet."
"H...How did that happen anyways? I didn't think it was going to do that. I wasn't sure what was-"
"I don't know and I don't care. All that matters is that I know who I am and he hurt you." He cut off my rambling "Anyone who hurts you is going to fucking suffer."
Kacchan touched his forehead to mine and sighed once more. "I disappear and you go and get yourself hurt." He sat me down on the toilet and wrapped his towel around his hips.
"Can you lift your arms up?"
I did as he asked with much difficulty.
"Let's see if some rest will help. Luckily the fucker doesn't have cameras in the basement like an idiot."
After helping me finish dressing and also dressing himself, he once again picked me up in his arms. I placed my ear against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and it soothed me. As he carried me back to the room I started to drift to sleep. My eyes had become heavy and he was so warm against me
"I love you Kacchan... My Kacchan.."
I heard a small chuckle pass through his parted lips.
"I love you Izuku I always will even if I don't know myself."
He laid me on the cold bed and sighed.
"I'm going to clean this mess up and get you a blanket. Try to fall asleep. I'll be back in a minute."
I slowly slid my arm under the pillow and hugged it close to me. Through tired eyes, I watched katsuki mop the area around the chair where I had previously sat for hours on end enduring torture. My body still ached but at least I had Kacchan back. I would do it all over again if the same thing resulted. Soon he came back over to the small mattress with a large quilt.
"Scoot freckles."
I attempted to scoot over the best I could and he slid into the bed beside me. The blanket was so warm especially with Bakugo beside me. I laid my head against his chest and sighed happily. This wasn't going to last and I knew that. We only had one more day until Hisashi would be back.
Throughout the night we tried to come up with a plan of how we would try to keep him from hurting me but it didn't really seem likely. If my siblings weren't here and we could escape there was a chance someone could repair what had been done to me but it was a matter of getting back into town.
"We are slightly towards the edge of town. Everyone around here for the most part knows Hisashi and the things he does. They try to steer clear of him if they can. The people in town however believe him to be a saint and it would only take them seeing your wounds to convince them otherwise."
With my eyes closed, I nodded to let him know I was listening.
"Deku you are paying attention right?"
I groaned"yes I'm just exhausted. I know he's going to be back soon but we've been talking scenarios most of the night. It's going to be day soon and what if he comes back early."
"He won't. He's not just a gang leader meeting with other leaders. He's at a meeting with mob members. Big difference from who he typically deals with. He couldn't reschedule and he couldn't leave you here alone. He didn't want me to stay but there were too many factors."
I gently picked my hand up and dropped it back on his chest.
"Kacchan if he's not coming back early then we can both sleep. Please rest."
I sleepily glanced up at him as he rolled his eyes at me.
"Fine." He drug the word out.
After a moment Kacchan pressed me against him and rolled over on his side pushing me slightly against the cold wall. I let out a small whine in reaction causing him to chuckle.
"Don't be such a damn baby. " he threw the blanket over me and pressed his lips against my forehead.
I closed my eyes and waited for the on coming day of relaxing with Kacchan.
The next day was full of home-cooked meals and sweet pampering. Katsuki felt like everything was his fault because he had gotten taken when he left to cool off.
"Kacchan are we going to leave tonight?" I winced slightly trying to prop myself up. My whole body hurt still. Kacchan had made me stay in bed to conserve my energy for our escape.
"We are going to try to. Do you still have the motel room across town?" I thought back to the cheap motel I had been staying in the nights prior.
I nodded "booked it for a week."
"That leaves about 3 days including today but we should get back to UA. We can stay there tonight and leave in the morning." He sat on the end of the bed pressing his finger to his bottom lip in thought "I think there's a motorcycle in the back shed. I was working on it as a gift for Kenny so he could run away but I think it would be better to get us home."
I nodded then cocked my head in confusion "Kenny was going to run away?"
He twiddled his thumbs "I don't know if he would have actually gone for it. He reminded me so much of you that I guess I wanted him to be safe and your father was beating him for every little thing. I didn't even know who I was much less you but... I felt like I needed to protect him from the abuse."
It was an easy thing to understand and no one deserved to be abused. Maybe if we were lucky we could get him out after we escaped.

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