Chapter 16

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I let out a loud groan retching in my dorms' toilet. It felt like I was getting the flu or something of the sort. It was hard to move and last nights dinner tasted disgusting coming back up. Katsuki was asleep on my bed. There was no show of a date in the workings but anything could happen. I wiped my mouth and slowly trudged back to bed. My stomach ached. A small whimper escaped my mouth as I hit my alarm not wanting to go to class. I had spent a good thirty minutes dry heaving over the toilet. With going to bed at 2 and my alarm at 7 there wasn't much sleeping to be had.
I pulled the blankets over me whining softly.
"Deku you need to get up or you're going to be late." A groggy voice mumbled next to me.
I could only groan and whine holding my stomach.
"Deku get up." His voice sounded much more awake as he softly nudged me over. I gripped my blankets hard making sure that he couldn't pull them away. I was so cold.
He shoved me off the bed and the blankets came down with me.
"Kacchan you're so mean..." I whined.
"I'm not letting you be late for class." He got up and flipped on the light. I let out a small moan of annoyance and curled up in my floor with the blanket.
"Are you really this stubborn Deku?" His voice filled with attitude as he pulled the blanket off of me.
"Oh damn... Izuku you do not look like you feel good." He put the back of his hand to my forehead. My eyes heavy with sleep or better yet the lack of it and the light was hurting them as is.
"You're burning up..." he sighed. "Can't be helped. You're staying home. If I didn't have so many missed days I would stay with you. I think Aizawa would kill me if I missed though. " he glanced at the time on my alarm clock. It had only been about two or three minutes since it had gone off. "I've got about an hour to just lay here and try to help you feel better."
I slowly climbed back into the bed small whines escaping my lips. I felt like I might hurl again. What would come up? Who knows. It didn't feel like I had anything left in my stomach.
Even though my eyes hurt from the light I wanted to watch Kacchan get ready for classes. He had kept his uniform and his hero costume in my closet to make sure he didn't have to run back and forth between rooms. I watched as he finished putting his uniform on and attempted to tie his tie. It seemed like he was in a rush even though he had around an hour. I thought back to his words. He wanted to lay with me for a while so I could feel better. His hand ran a brush through his Champaign colored hair swiftly before spraying it down with a bit of hair spray as he did every morning.  I softly chuckled at how precise he was about his hair.
Katsuki jumped onto the bed and popped his face up on his hand. To me, he looked like a supermodel. That was a day to day thing though. I could see his crimson eyes clearly. They had small speckles that looked a darker shade than the rest of his iris. His eyes were so beautiful.
"You better stay here and get some rest today." He pulled me close to him
"I will... it hurts to move... and I feel like I'm going to puke."
His hands slowly ran through my green locks before getting up.
"What are you doing Kacchan?" I said softly while he walked into the bathroom. He came out with a trash bag and a wash rag that was wet.
"Nursing you back to health before I go. I can't have you sick on me forever." He smiled softly
"I'm going to miss you today Kacchan.." I whined softly. The truth was I was afraid to go to sleep without him because of how bad I had felt mentally. It worried me that now of all times I would get sick. Maybe it was the lack of sleep affecting my immune system. If it wasn't it was just bad timing.
"I know but you need to rest. You were stirring all night" he rustled my locks in his hand then placed the cool washcloth over my eyes. "This should help the fever and there's a bag by your head if you need it. Don't try to get up unless you have to." His voice was soothing to me. He wasn't nearly as intimidating as normal. It was probably because I'm sick. I needed to know though. Even though he liked me this was so unlike him. There was little to no cursing and he was getting things for me.
"K...Kacchan..." I groaned softly lifting up my wash rag to look at the Male laying beside me.
"Fucking put that thing down. You have a fever." He hissed
"Please just let me talk." I paused for a second and took a deep breath "Why are you not acting like yourself?"
He cocked his head to the side.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
A sigh escaped my throat. "You're normally so mean... lately it's been less but still there and today... well you're being nice. I don't understand."
He groaned "Deku are you a fucking moron? You're fucking sick. I just want to take care of you."
He was about an inch from my face "Why do you want me to be mean to you?" He practically yelled it
I winced up a bit. "I guess I've just gotten used to you calling me names and being mean... lately as much as I love how kind you've been I just don't know how to feel." I rolled over onto my other side avoiding his gaze. "I don't want you to be mean I just have trouble processing that you aren't doing anything wrong by being nice."
His arms snaked around my waist pulling me close.
"We need to change how your brain associates me with being mean."
"Then maybe don't be mean to me around others?" I sighed softly as his fingers laced between mine
"I'll work on it but I can't make any promises just yet."
I glanced at the clock. 7:30. We had been lying there for 30 minutes.
"Kacchan... can I ask you a question?" I needed to find out exactly how he felt. If this was going anywhere or I was hoping things were going to flourish between us for nothing.
"Deku that is a question." A small chuckle caused his chest to shake.
"That's not what I meant." My bottom lip puckered out in a pout.
"I know. I'm just teasing. Don't be such a crybaby."
I looked over my shoulder and saw that he was propped up on his elbow looking at me. "You know I'm going to have to leave soon right nerd? So ask your damn question before I have to go."
"Do you love me...?" I mumbled softly.
"Deku you need to fucking speak up. How do expect me to hear you when you're mumbling?" His arm retracted back to his body and he pushed himself up.
"W..where are you going?"
He groaned "I have class remember? I don't want to have to run."
I sighed watching him put his shoes on. There wasn't going to be another chance to where he would have all day to figure it out. He could either tell me no, yes or even I'm not sure. This could go three ways and I worried about the possibility of getting a no in response.
"Do you love me...?" I said with a sigh after a moment. Unsure of how he was going to respond I tried to avoid his eyes.
"What kind of question is that Deku? Why the hell are you asking me something like that right before I have to fucking leave?" He yelled
I hugged onto my pillow sadly. That wasn't the response that I was hoping for not even close. My eyes wouldn't meet his. My body was full of shame for even asking. There were a few annoyed grunts and then the door slammed.
Had I messed up again by asking about his feelings? A small whimper escaped my lips my eyes welling up with tears.
Today had started out like garbage and it just felt like it was getting worse.

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