Chapter 18

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Most of the class knew about Katsuki and I. It was mostly because Kirishima and Mina had turned out to be blabbermouths. There were small teases every now and then but nothing too major. I had to confront All Might about a really awkward question having to do with seamen and my quirk. As weird and embarrassing the conversation was I was relieved to find out that because it's not the right type of DNA it won't cause problems. He explained that that was the only thing that wouldn't cause a problem if ingested or injected in my case. Blood was his main worry.
I was pretty sure that someone had found out about what happened with Sho because there were little quips that Kacchan never really caught on to being thrown out.
Katsuki had told Eijiro that if any more of what had happened slipped out that he would be forced to reveal what happened between them. His response to this was a total freak out because he was still hoping for a chance with Momo. Truthfully I believed if Momo actually liked him she wouldn't care but I thought she had a thing for Shinso with how she always acted while he was around.
After the day at the hospital when I had confided in him what happened, despite his attempt to steer clear of the topic, we had grown a bit closer. After classes, he would come and hang out once or twice a week but it started happening a bit more lately. Often they would get into conversations that would leave them both dying with laughter in their own little world.

I laid on the couch of the common area watching TV. Kacchan sat on the floor, leaning against the couch with his back while playing cards against Tokoyami and Sho.
Toru Hagakure was still in her uniform across the room painting Mina's nails. It looked like the color was black but it could be purple. Small giggles could be heard from where they sat ever so often getting louder. Toru's feet kicked behind her in excitement at something the pink girl in front her had said. I changed the channel over to the news.
They were talking about the League of Villians. By now you would have thought that their game would have died down a little bit. As terrifying they were wasn't their goal accomplished? All Might retired. He literally couldn't go out in the field anymore.
"The league's whereabouts aren't currently known but there is evidence that they are in connection with many of the newer gangs."
The raven-haired news reporter said in an almost monotone voice. She collected her papers and evened them out by tapping them on the table in front of her.
"Wow is that frightening for all the students at UA. After their encounter with them at almost the start of their training earlier this year we can only hope that the school is taking precautions as the threat rises." The blond male sitting next to her laughed a bit. It seemed ironic.
"You would think that they would have fired that All Might after-"
I switched the TV off.
"Izuku are you okay?" Shoto looked up from his cards at me
"I guess I just feel bad that even though All Might sacrificed himself the media is still portraying him horribly because the league was after him. "
Katsuki looked up at me.
"The media is always going to shit on people. Don't you remember how they treated Aizawa and the whole fucking staff after I was taken?" He rolled his eyes looking back at his cards "They're fucking ridiculous assholes."
Tokoyami threw down a card. "Uno!"
"Damn it!" Kacchan groaned looking over at me. "You're too distracting. I forgot my fucking strategy."
A small giggle left my lips "shush."

"All I'm saying is that if his quirk deteriorates things is that it's impossible to masturbate." Denki said walking in with Eijiro who looked like he couldn't breathe from laughter.
"And what I'm saying... hah... is that he can probably control that quirk like most people." Kirishima facepalmed at his protest.
"Do you know one person that cant control their quirk?"
He put his finger to his bottom lip. "Yeah! Oijiro and Tokoyami."
"I can control my quirk fine. It's just harder when it's dark." Tokoyami sighed and shook his head "and Oijiro can control his tail very well. It's very unlikely that someone cant. Even Midoriya could though it hurt his body."
"Kaminari you're a fucking moron." Kacchan glared up at him. His crimson eyes were so serious as he looked back to his game. "HAHA. FUCK YOU DRAW FOUR BIRD BRAINS!"
I shook my head and laughed as Tokoyami let out an annoyed sigh.

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