Chapter 25

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*Bakugo's POV*

Things just felt off for me since I had been with Hisashi and his family. It didn't feel like I was in the right place even though they had told me I had been taken in years ago. I wasn't allowed to go out without either him or Kenny which didn't make a lot of sense to me but I shrugged it off. He had told me he had taken me in after my mother got sick as a small child but there were no pictures of me. To be honest there were no pictures of anyone. It was awful. He said that's how it had always been because he was in a gang. That he didn't want the kids being a target if any violence and that included me. Izumi tried to include me in things that might help me remember the past but said it may not work because most of our stuff got destroyed in a fire that was caused when we were joking around in my room.
It had been almost 2 months since had lost my memories. I spent a lot of time at the house while Izumi and Ken spent time at school. I helped Hisashi with his mob stuff because I was coming of age as he put it. The only thing I really did was mess around with the finances and firearms. He didn't want me trying to mess around with the heroes though. Hisashi was persistent in the fact that they ruined lives and that I deserved a good one. He told me he would find me a nice wife. The thought slightly repulsed me. I wanted to go out and fall in love. Not have some arranged marriage. He only laughed and said, "you learn to love."
I sighed laying on my bed in the lonely room while waiting for the others to get back from school.
"Hey, Haruki. Let's go into town and get some food. How about katsudon?"
I jerked my head up and sighed. Something about what he said hurt my heart a bit.
"Sure. I don't see why not." I said softly pulling a shirt over my head "I am pretty hungry and I've been stuck here for what seems like forever."
He chuckled "Izumi and Ken are going with their mom tonight to see some family. They are going to be gone for a few weeks. If I have to go anywhere please don't leave. Here catch."  He tossed me my phone. "Just finished charging it. We need to get you a new charger."
My phone buzzed in my hand as I turned it on.
"Another game notification kai?" He chuckled as I didn't answer anything else he had said.
I set it beside me on the bed to tie my shoes. "Probably. Also, I still don't see why I'm not allowed to go out without someone else you never fucking told me."
He sighed "I didn't want you to feel bad about it. Also," his head snapped up "what did I say about watching your mouth? Just because your parents cursed like sailors before we took you in doesn't mean you can talk like that. The others are impressionable."
I let out a loud sigh and rolled my eyes. If I had been there for years and nothing had changed with my cursing why would it?
"Well, what did I do then?" I laced my arms slipping my phone into my pocket.
"You had a tendency to go a little wild when you were angry at people. Still do. Someone said something about Izumi and you caused some trouble. They've been retaliating ever since. Let's just say we don't want to find you in a ditch somewhere."
That made sense. I may have no memories I do still have an immense amount of anger and the slightest thing pissed me off.
"Because you aren't related to us it's hard to be able to get the extra back up to take care of you. To the others in the gang, you're just some kid. I can only do so much kiddo."
I sighed and nodded. At that moment my stomach rumbled. It had been over 24 hours since I had eaten last seeing there wasn't much in the run-down house we were staying in. It was all supposed to be temporary until we could find somewhere else to stay.
"I'm going to go find my jacket. It's getting pretty cold out then we can head out okay?"
I nodded pulling on a jacket that was a bit too light for how cold it probably was outside.
My leg started to vibrate I was so glad that my phone was almost always on silent when I had the data turned on. I got so many calls and messages from random people trying to get ahold of some missing guy. I really needed to reset my voicemail with my voice so they would know I wasn't him
I let out a sigh seeing there were 3 new messages. I didn't know who it was but they seemed desperate.
Kacchan please message me back.
Please I love you and miss you.
I hope you are seeing these messages.

I sighed and tried to think of a response. Maybe I should be mean? I thought if I ignored the messages all these people would just stop. I didn't want to destroy their hope but I just wasn't who they were looking for.
My phone buzzed again.
I'm sorry I just miss you so much and I just want you to come home. I love you too much to just give up.
I needed to wait and give my response some thought. Something about those messages made my chest ache harder than I had ever felt. It was always that number too. No one else looking for this person made me feel so sad.

The food at the restaurant was pretty good. If I could only remember the name I would need to see if Izumi and Kenny had been here before. Kenny rarely ate anything so maybe if I could find a place he liked he would eat more. He reminded me of someone but I just couldn't figure out who because all of my memories being from since I woke up in that room. I felt protective over Kenny specifically for the reason of the person I couldn't remember. He was so young and defenseless. For some reason, he was the only one in the house that Hisashi treated like garbage. It pissed me off but I couldn't do anything about it. If I didn't have their protection the people I hurt would have me killed. He didn't hurt him nearly as much when I was around so I had a tendency to stick close unless he was with his mom.
I had only seen her maybe twice the entire time I had lived with them but never really saw her face. Izumi said it was because her mom didn't like guys very much and as I had gotten older she tended to avoid me more.
I wondered to myself if I had done something wrong to upset her before I lost my memories.

Another message buzzed my pocket. I'd rather have messages to the calls anyways.
Bakugo listen I know you aren't answering and there's probably a good reason for that but you have to come home man. Your boyfriend is going nuts. He's crying so much more than usual and I'm pretty sure he's going to kill Mineta.
That name slightly irritated me though I didn't know why. I thought about the message again. Boyfriend? So this guy was gay? Not that it mattered much.
Maybe I should send a message to the other kid and tell him to fuck off? No, that wouldn't be the appropriate response when someone is hurting. Not from something like this.
Quit messaging and calling.
I hit send and shoved my phone back into my pocket. As we were passing a convenience store my hood blew back exposing my hair. If the other gang found out I was out they might hurt the others. I quickly pulled it back up.
"Haruki I'm going in to get some cigarettes. Do you want something?" I shrugged in response
"You sure?"
After a sigh, I glanced at him shoving my hands into the pockets of my jacket.
"I'll just steal a cigarette when we get back home. Might as well."
"I'll get you a cream soda too okay?"
I shrugged once more causing him to groan in response.

I stepped outside onto the enclosed back porch and lit my cigarette. I tried to think about everything that had happened recently. It wasn't like there was a ton that I had done besides hanging out with Hisashi.

I took a long drag and sighed. Maybe this kid who was missing was out on a great adventure and im just here with my adoptive family avoiding cops and gang members.

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