Chapter 29

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Warning: explicit sexual content

Kacchan had pulled me into his lap. The water was running over all of my fresh wounds and it caused me to ache everywhere. My whole body hurt but I was glad to be in his arms.
"What are you doing?" I softly whispered to him
He gently hugged me closer and his breathing hicked.
"I'm not sure. It's like my body is acting on its own. I just want to protect you."
I let out a quiet whimper as he placed a small kiss on my neck.
"P...Please don't do that." I could feel my face flush red.
"Why are you blushing so much?" He smiled before doing it once more. A soft moan escaped my parted lips.
"O...Oh." his face began to turn a bright red that could put the shade I was to shame.
I turned myself around the best I could in my weak state to straddle him. I could feel him pressing against me.
"Izuku are you sure about this? What if you're wrong and I'm not this guy that you think I am?"
I knew it was Katsuki. My father had already told me it was and I craved being close to him. It didn't have to be a sexual thing but that's what it had become. I nodded slowly as my energy was still very low in the first place.
Within a matter of seconds, our small innocent kisses were no longer so innocent. They were full of passion and longing. Our tongues danced together as they hadn't done in ages. After a bit of time, I was pinned to the floor with the hot water still pounding against his back. It slowly dribbled down his face.
"I'm not being too rough am I? I don't want to hurt you..." he said quietly before rubbing the tip of his nose against mine.
A smile crept across my cheeks as I shook my head.
He moved after a second to my length and began to lick and suck softly. Almost instantly I bucked my hips. I felt his head bob against me as he gently ran his tongue over my sensitive spots. Quiet moans escaped my mouth as he did. My insides felt warm like I was filled with pure ecstasy. After he pulled off of my length my legs were soon draped over his shoulders so he could tease a bit easier. I felt his fingers gently push in and out of me for the first time in 2 months. It hurt but the pain was a good pain. His tongue ran over my entrance ever so often when he would remove his fingers. I guessed it was to make it a bit easier for him to move around inside of me. He chuckled softly at every small squeal I made as he touched all of my hot spots with his free hand. I wanted to do everything I could to make him happy. Physically and mentally.
"You realize this is going to hurt... we don't have any lube." He slipped my legs off of his shoulders looking slightly concerned
"If you don't want to we don't have to." I sighed softly
He shook his head running his fingers through his hair.
"It's not that I don't want to. I'm just worried about hurting you and the consequences of Hisashi. I don't see why he hates someone as perfect as you." With the last few words, he gently ran his fingers over my cheek that had turned a bright cherry red. He was no longer a tsundere and it made me want to laugh. I hoped when he remembered he would be completely himself again. That included all of his rash behavior but this seemed to be a part of him hidden under all of the anger management issues. Using all of my strength I leaned up pressing my lips to his. I had missed him so much. We didn't have to do anything but God I wanted to. His lips pulled away from mine after a moment. He pursed his lips looking flustered
"The water will just dry out the natural oils thinking about it. I know its warmer in here than in the room you sleep in. Would you like to just turn off the water?"
"Will it stay warm?"
He nodded slowly. "As long as we don't open the door."
Within moments the water was off and I was on my stomach, ass in the air, with him situated over me.
I winced up a bit seeing as it had been a while and it being without lube I worried. I heard him spit and realized that he was using it for lubricant.
Kacchan pushed himself against me and my teeth immediately sunk into my lower lip.
"You ready Izuku?"
I nodded trying not to shudder at the sound of my name leaving his lips. Slowly he pushed himself in and I clenched my teeth taking a deep breath in. It was definitely more painful without the lube and I wished these were different circumstances but I needed this. I needed him. After a few minutes, I was able to relax enough to enjoy it more. His hand was placed on my hips and his grip was tight. It was like some part of him missed this and he needed it too. Maybe our relationship was too sexual? Maybe our sexual frustrations from two months were just pent up? Who knew because I sure didn't.
Small gasps and moans escaped my mouth as he began to pick up speed. I could feel him pulsing inside of me. My breathing hicked a few times as I got close to release. I wished that I had the physical stamina at this point to put more effort into everything but I was so weak. I felt my length twitch against my stomach as I climaxed. He moved one of his hand into the back of my hair and gently pulled.
"You're being so quiet kitten what gives?"
I felt a large blush cover my cheeks. Only my Kacchan called me that.
I didn't know what to say. Could it be him? The real him, not some persona that my father had created. I let out a small whine and heard a chuckle escape his lips.
Soon his thrusts became sloppy and he released inside of me. I let out a small moan as he pulled out.
I glanced up at him with pleading eyes hoping that he remembered. That wasn't my intent in the beginning because I had no idea how my brother's quirk worked.

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