Chapter 4

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Todoroki and I got up early enough to be in class 15 minutes before it started. Pretty much everyone was there when we walked in. I had my arms around Shoto's arm.
"Do you want to eat lunch with me Shoto?"
He smiled and nodded prying me off his arm as we sat down in the seats by each other. I could feel the eyes on me. Kirishima's jaw looked like it was going to detach from the rest of his head with how far it dropped. I wasn't completely sure if it was because of the fact Shoto had such a big smile on his face or because I was so cuddly with him.
"Izuku pay no mind to anyone okay?" Sho's voice was smooth and calming. After nodding I glanced around with a blush covering my cheeks as I noticed the eyes that were following me.
It didn't take long for Uraraka to slam her hands on my desk.
"What happened? You seem like a different person!" She squeaked directly in my face.
"Someone got laid." Bakugo yelled from the other side of the room looking rather irritated. "Not surprising it's two losers though."
My irritation was clear towards him
Uraraka's hands moved to my cheeks and squished them looking a bit disappointed "you're gay?"
I shrugged because honestly, I didn't know if I liked girls or not.
"How can you not know if you like boobies?" Mineta almost screamed from the other side of the room. "They are so bouncy and squishy." He was practically drooling when I glanced back at him.
"You guys are severely invading his personal space." Shoto said sternly glaring specifically at Bakugo.
"It looks like you're the only one who actually invaded his personal space." Bakugo rolled his eyes at him groaning then made hand signals that obviously meant sex.
"Anything that I do with anyone is none of your business. As well as anything izuku does with anyone. That's only his business. Don't go around making assumptions." Shoto glared at him.
"Everyone to your seats. Class is starting." Aizawa said walking in.
He looked directly at me "Your door will be fixed before class is over."
I nodded pulling my book out of the bag while smiling.
"Whatever has you in such a good mood in the morning. I hope it continues because lately you haven't been focused." He said turning around to the board starting to write.
"Me too.." I mumbled softly. I liked being around someone who wanted to be around me.

Minutes into the class I felt something hit me in the back of the head. It was a wadded up paper ball. It looked like it came from Bakugo. I glanced back and he pretended to unfold a paper ball.
A note from Bakugo? On Friday he was being a jerk. Was this him apologizing or harassing me more?
I grabbed it off the floor and opened it.
Hey Deku. I asked you a fucking question and I expect an answer. Did you fuck him or not?

I crumpled it up and shoved it in my bag. I needed to clean the bag out anyways so I could just chunk it later. He didn't ask he just assumed and pretended like he did anyway. Another ball hit me in the head. I clenched my fist. Trying to pay attention. I jotted down the notes that Aizawa wrote on the board. Shoto shoved the uncrumpled piece of paper on my desk.
"He's just going to keep throwing things at you if you don't read it... I read it though and..." he whispered then glanced back after pausing
"He doesn't look too happy about it" shoto had a small smirk on his face seeming to be pleased that he had irritated Katsuki.
I looked back at Bakugo who looked like he was going to break the desk.
Quickly I glanced at the new note.

Hey, asshole. It's rude not to answer. I'm just going to assume it's a yes. I bet a lame-ass like you was a virgin too.

I groaned and shoved this one in my bag too. I was hit by yet another note ball. I opened the note reluctantly

So Todoroki is your boyfriend now...? It's not like I care but I want to know.

I turned back and he was staring intensely at me. Easily tiring of the paper balls hitting me I crumpled it while looking at him. He didn't look angry. I just shrugged and faced forward
"How the hell can you not know?!" Bakugo yelled at me slamming his hands on the table.

Dont Tell Me What To Do. Midoriya X Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now