Chapter 8

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Shoto nuzzled his nose close to my ear. "I want you to moan his name." He whispered and chuckled when I twitched and wiggled on his lap.
"W..What? Why?" I whimpered softly throwing my head back.
"Because his response will be funny and as much as I'd like you to moan my name I can always hear that later. And use the nickname that will invoke way more of a response"
"What the hell are you two whispering about?" Bakugo snapped at us.
I had slowly realized how much whispering we had been doing.
"Wouldnt you like to know?" Shoto chuckled in response.
His face was still a bright red and he was trying to avoid looking at us. Since Shoto wasn't blocking the door I was surprised he hadn't left.
My thoughts were racing as I felt Shotos hands move up my thighs and onto my length. I let out a small moan remembering what he wanted me to do. As many times as I had done that alone it felt so embarrassing to do it in front of him. The things that were going on is not what I expected to happen when I went to get advice.
"You can do it Izuku. Just pretend I'm him." He whispered into my ear.
I could picture it clearly in my head. Somehow thinking about him made it even more pleasurable.  I softly whimpered biting my lip. My eyes couldn't stay open.  I thought Katsuki would have left by now even if it was just because of embarrassment. Earlier today I wouldn't have thought this would have been happening I hadn't even thought of telling Sho and now we were here. Honestly, I thought I would be dead in a ditch somewhere after what had happened but no.
"Hey, sexy. His eyes are on you. He's sitting on the floor by the door. They've been on you since I started messing with you." He whispered to me. He had never called me that and I wasn't exactly sure how I felt.
I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth but quickly released it gasping as a sensitive spot on my neck was bit. He was sucking on it softly making me twitch against him through my jeans.
On top of all of that and my thoughts of Bakugo, it was enough to drive me insane.
"K...Kac..chan..." it slipped through my lips with ease as it had so many times before when I was alone.
"He's calling you Kacchan." Shoto said slowly and seductively.
"Todoroki what type of sadistic shit are you doing?" Katsuki replied with a slight quiver to his voice.
I whined softly feeling Sho's movement. The aching I had been feeling was just intensified.
"Sadistic?" He slowly undid my jeans so he was able to pull out my length. I felt exposed but it didn't bother me too much at this point. "I'm just giving him the pleasure he craves. " his words lingered for a moment as he softly bit my ear.
I felt myself twitch in Shoto's hand as he ran his thumb over the head of my length.
"Don't you think h...he's embarrassed?" Bakugo asked with not just a quiver but a whole crack to his voice.
I looked up to Shoto and he immediately pushed his lips to mine. He sped up his hand causing me to gasp softly.
"Do you want Kacchan to play with you?" He said softly in a teasing way.
"What the hell man? I..." bakugo said in reply before I could answer.
"Don't even say that. If you don't think that I can tell your turned on you are wrong."
I glanced over to him. He was adjusted on the floor to where I couldn't tell if he was turned on. I wondered how Sho could tell.
"I'm not." He said very quickly not even taking a breath.
"Then you don't want to pin him down and push your hard cock in him?" He said it without a care in the world of how he'd sound.
I slowly moved my eyes to look at Bakugo after glancing at sho for a second softly whimpering.
"I... I mean.." he started in his repose
"K..ka...c..chan.. i..if you're uncomfortable i..I'm sorry... I didn't t..think t..this was g..going to happen. I.. I thought you would hurt me w..when you f..found me.." I continued to softly whimper thinking of what Shoto had said a moment before while he pumped his hand.
"H..How can you think of how I'm feeling when he's exposing you to me like this? Aren't you embarrassed?"
I blushed shaking my head slowly.
"He's a slight exhibitionist. It's very obvious if you just pay attention."
"Obvious? It's not obvious!" Bakugo whined
"Yes obvious. Now watch and I'll prove it to you." He put his lips to my neck near my ear "tell him what you've been thinking of Izuku..."
I shook my head slowly.
"Would you do it if I gave you a blowjob while you told him?" He softly nipped my neck.
I nodded just craving something more than just his hand. I needed something more.
"Say please first." He chuckled softly
"P...Please.." I managed to croak out. He scooted me off of his lap and onto the edge of the bed.
"Now look at him. I will stop if you don't tell him okay?"
I nodded blushing deeply. Katsuki was hiding his face by putting his head against his knees.
I felt Shoto's mouth around my length his mouth was warm and wet causing me to softly moan as his head bobbed.
"S...Shoto t..told me that I h..had to t..tell you or h..he'd s...stop.."
"He's blackmailing you, idiot."
"I.. I don't w...want him to stop though..."
"Do what you want dumbass. The only reason I'm not leaving is because I don't want someone to see me." His voice shook slightly. It seemed to me like he actually wanted me to tell him.
"H..He t..told me to pretend it was y.. you... S...Somehow it made it more pleasurable f..for me. P...Picturing" I whimpered softly continuing to pretend it was Bakugo so it was easier to talk to him.
Shoto licked the underside of my member making me squirm.
I heard Bakugo sigh softly. "He told you to? Are still doing it?" He glanced up at me
I nodded slowly and let out a soft moan
"I...It makes it e..easier to talk you."
I found it hard not to moan his name and also not to moan Shoto's with how good he was at giving head. I placed my hand on his head and unintentionally gripped his hair.
"Enjoying yourself nerd?"
I nodded letting out yet another soft moan. Shoto pushed his head down all the way and then pulled off. He glanced over at Bakugo.
"Want one?"
The look on Bakugo's face was priceless. It was almost a look of shock.
"What the hell IcyHot?"
"Oh, not from me." He chuckled and glanced up at me licking his lips.
"He wouldn't do that." Katsuki chimed in quickly.
"I..If you asked I would..." shoto laid his head on my leg.
"If you don't take advantage of this situation I won't let you have another chance. I won't speak a word either way but he will be mine and only mine. I won't let him go."
I blushed thinking back to the conversation earlier about how if he wanted me he could have me at any time. I legitimately just wanted to have a relationship with someone who liked me as much as I liked them.
"Relations..ship wise or..?" I mumbled to him still stumbling over my words.
"Either or. For a while just continuing as we are. Without him but eventually maybe more." He gently grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"Will you stop rubbing it in my face that you have him wrapped around your finger?" He snapped at Todoroki
"K...Kacchan... he's t..trying to get you to want it doesn't seem like you want to."
My face was red as can be.
"You haven't really used that dumb nickname for me in a've used it a lot today though.."
"It's not dumb..." I muttered quietly to myself.
He stood up and I could clearly see the bulge pressing against the fabric of his jeans.
"Deku. You like me right?" He still sounded intimidating but seemed like he legitimately wanted to know.
"And you actually want to do things with me?" The intimidation became so much less.
I nodded.
"I want head then." He was very demanding.
Shoto laughed looking up at me. My face flushed red in embarrassment.
"Want me to leave?"
I shrugged not really caring much.
"Yes." Snarled bakugo walking over to the bed.
"I'm asking the guy whose room this is. What you can't handle knowing I put my dick in your boyfriend?"
"I already said he's not my boyfriend!" Bakugo snapped at him again
Todoroki's lips collided with mine he quickly shoved his tongue in my mouth. Mine danced with his. The very passionate kiss ended almost as suddenly as it started leaving me breathless and dazed for a moment.
"I'll see you later. I hope you don't mind since you two aren't dating." He laughed walking towards the door. He quickly walked out shutting the door behind him.
Bakugo didn't waste any time pinning me down.
"God that guy annoys the shit out of me."
"I... I like him..."
"You like him because he sucks your dick."
I shook my head embarrassed.
"Oh, so you just like him? You also like me though don't you?"
He harshly kissed my neck once more like he had earlier that night.
"K...Kacchan..." I softly moaned as he nipped my neck and started to grind against me.
"It's kinda hot for you to moan my name. Even if it's that stupid nickname." He placed his hand on my cheek his thumb fairly close to my mouth. I turned my face just enough to put his thumb in my mouth. Closing my eyes I sucked gently on it. I opened my eyes just enough to see him. I licked it slowly then went back to sucking on it.
"Deku..." he mumbled his eyes widening looking down at me.
I felt him twitch against me.
"Why suck on my thumb when you can suck my cock?" He bit his lip
I blushed looking up at him continuing to suck his thumb.
"I can't very well do that if you're on top of me..." I said licking my lips after he removed his thumb from my mouth.
Bakugo got off of me and started to undo his jeans.
"You better do a good job with how much teasing you've been doing today." A smirk crossed his mouth momentarily.
"Teasing? I haven't done anything." I looked up trying to look innocent.
He was biting his lip and looked so sexy.  His jeans fell around his ankles and he stepped out of them. A large bulge pushed against the fabric of his boxers. A small giggle escaped my mouth.
"The hell are you laughing about?"
I shrugged and blushed sitting up.
He grabbed my face and forced his lips against mine. The kiss was full of lust but also passion. My chest quivered slightly as he pulled away.
"I'm going to face fuck that pretty mouth of yours." His thumb ran over my bottom lip. I scooted onto the floor after putting my hard length back into my boxers still aching. Everything that had happened over the course of the last hour or so had just been edging and teasing me.
I slowly pulled his member out of his boxers blushing while looking up at him.
He was thick and long. I just hoped I could fit all of it in my mouth. 
Slowly I licked his tip wanting to get him to twitch a little. Taking the head into my mouth I started to suck swirling my tongue around. I could hear a small gasp come from his parted lips. I tried to force as much into my mouth as I could trying to get him to moan as much as possible. His hips bucked causing me to gag a bit.
"Your mouth feels fucking amazing." He softly moaned gripping onto my green locks. I bobbed my head as quickly as I could and he pulled my head off. It had been about five minutes maybe since I had started.
"I don't want to come yet. I want to actually put my cock inside of you. Do you have any lube? "
"T..theres a bottle under the bed. In the shoebox."
"While I get that you finish undressing okay?"
I nodded and complied. Truthfully it seemed bizarre that he wanted to be intimate with me. He had been my bully since we were kids. It made it all the more bittersweet.
He quickly pulled the box out letting out a small chuckle when opening it.
He held up a small vibrating dildo that looked realistic.
"Is this yours? " he smirked in a teasing way.
I nodded slowly trying not to meet his eyes letting a small whimper escape my lips.
"So what do you think of when you use this?" He turned it on with the remote.
I watched as it wiggled in his hand slightly embarrassed. 
"Y...You most of the time.  Once or twice Shoto.. a few times both of you..." I felt weird telling him about my private time.
"Ohh. Both of us huh? God, you're kind of a cock slut aren't you?" He had a seductively devilish grin on his face. I couldn't respond to his question. I didn't know how honestly.
"We can use this some other time. " he glanced at the other toys in the box while putting turning it off and putting it away and another chuckle escaped his mouth.
"But these we are using." He held a pair of red leather cuffs in his hand.
I had originally gotten them to try out later on with a significant other but he could become that in the long run.  I laid on the bed on my stomach as Kacchan pulled my arms behind my back and cuffed my arms together.  I heard the lube bottle open but I couldn't see it from where I was sitting.  He repositioned me to where my ass was in the air and my legs were slightly spread leaving my face in a pillow. I felt two fingers push their way inside of me.  I softly gasped as his fingers pumped in and out of me.
"How often do you and him fuck?" He chuckled catching me off guard
"We've only done it twice..."
"Has he used these on you yet?"
I tried to shake my head.
"H..He hasn't s..seen them..." I said barely able to get my words out as he picked up the pace scissoring his fingers inside of me.
I moaned pushing back against his hand.
"P..please Kacchan don't tease me..." I whimpered.
All I heard was a low chuckle as he slowly pushed in another finger. I mewled softly while biting the pillow in front of me. I wanted more and it was almost as if I needed it. I struggled a bit in the handcuffs letting out a small whine.
"God, you better fucking scream my name Deku." He groaned softly
I could hear a wet slapping noise
"What's that noise...?" I lifted up my head softly to speak but it was hard to look behind me to see.
He removed his fingers and lined himself up with my entrance. The head of him pushed against my hole but not in. He was teasing me again. I felt my length twitching softly. I knew that I was dripping with precum and he wasn't even inside of me yet. I moaned biting onto the pillow to muffle the noise as he slowly pushed his head in. I assumed the noise was him putting on the lube. With every thrust, he was pushing more and more of himself into me. I could feel him pulsating inside. Soft moans and whimpers escaped my parted and bruised lips.
I felt myself pushing back against him more than I had with Shoto. It was like an instinct. He held firmly on to my hips causing me to squeak with every thrust.  God, I loved this. I needed more. His fingers gripped harder against the pale skin of my hips. The longer we went the harder it got until the point his nails were digging into my skin. There was an overwhelming urge for more but how could he give me more than he already had? I knew in the back of my mind he wasn't putting all of his force behind this. My length was rubbing against my bed at this point and it slowly had become drenched in a puddle of precum. I wanted to release and I wanted him to be the reason for it. Him not just the thought of him.
"Harder Kacchan...p..please" I mewled.  He complied quickly with loud moans of his own. I felt his stomach and chest press against my back. My breathing hicked a bit at the closeness.
"You're a little slut aren't you Deku? You just want a big cock inside of you." He moaned getting as close to my ear as he could. 
I nodded in reply to what he had said.  I couldn't form words in the state of pleasure that I was in. 
"I knew it." He paused for a second letting out a loud breath of pleasure "No one else gets to fuck you unless I say so Deku. You're my little whore.  Got it? I expect a reply."
"Y...Yes..s..sir." where the sir came from I didn't know but he seemed to like it.  Soft mewls escaped my mouth though they were muffled by the pillow I was being forced down into. I loved the bit of pain I was feeling. If I could feel him forever I would. The only ache I couldn't stand was the one causing me to buck my hips and rub against my sheets.
Over time his thrusts got sloppy but he continued going harder and faster to try to make up for it. I felt him hitting a spot inside me that made me feel like I was going to release soon.
"Kacchan don't stop. Katsuki..."
I moaned his name over and over alternating between that and my nickname for him. Slowly I was moaning so much I had lost the ability to speak. I had reached my peak and released while my length was pressed between my stomach and my bed. Katsuki continued while digging his nails into my hips further than before causing me to bleed slightly. I didn't mind it felt nice actually. The sting made me twitch a little. Was I still hard regardless of the puddle of warm wet seed below me?  I felt like I could probably come again if he kept up.
"Fuck.. say my name Deku." He growled low in my ear.
"" I moaned releasing again and biting the pillow so I didn't scream it. I could feel his warmth filling my insides. He twitched inside of me making me release once more. The overstimulation burning my head slightly.
"Pretty damn good for a nerd. " he said out of breath.
I felt him pull out and he uncuffed me. The cuffs clinked on the floor as he dropped them
"I should probably go. " he muttered.
My heart sank hearing those words. I wanted him near me.
"Please stay and cuddle me..." I whined grabbing ahold of his arm.
"If it will keep you from blubbering. Fine."
I couldn't tell if he was just doing it to please me or because he wanted to. My hips stung as I pulled my boxer shorts back over them not worrying about the bruising or dried blood. He pulled his boxers back on as well.
After changing my bedding I curled up next to him sighing happily. I nuzzled my head into his chest. Stretching softly I let out a yawn and looked up at him. I swear for a second I saw his lips curl into a smile.
My eyes closed thinking about that beautiful smile.

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