Chapter 7

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By the time I arrived back to the dorms pretty much everyone was in bed. Curfew had probably been up for a while but I wasn't caught by the robot on camera. Also, all I was doing was walking back so it seemed unlikely for Aizawa to get upset.
Despite the long day, I wasn't really tired. The common room was empty except for Mina and Bakugo who I guessed were waiting on me.
"What the hell Deku?"bakugo raised his voice slightly "where the fuck did you go?"
"I took some time to think things over and went to get advice."
"All Might I'm guessing."
I nodded slowly. He jerked around to Mina.
"I thought you said he wasn't in there and All Might didn't know where he was!" His voice got louder and he clenched his fists.
"I guess I just missed him." She said softly throwing her hands up into an overdramatic shrug and ignoring his yells.
"And you. You fucking idiotic asshole."
Here it comes. He's going to punch me. He's going to pummel me into the ground so hard I can't feel my face.
He picked me up and put me over his shoulder. Mina giggled looking up from her phone at the situation.
Was I that light or was he just that strong?
"Bye Izuku..." she waved as Katsuki carried me off.
"You're lucky I don't kick your ass for telling Todoroki and I'm guessing you told All Might." His voice was quiet but still intimidating nonetheless.
I guessed he was trying not to let anyone else hear what he was saying but Mina had seen us. Did she know? I doubted it. She probably just thought he was carrying me to Shoto. He walked all the way the todoroki's door and kicked it. Why were we going there?
"The idiots back. I'm taking him to his room. Just figured I should keep your sorry ass from worrying. Just hope you're actually in there. Not like I really care though." He let out a loud groan of annoyance.
Katsuki was still carrying me over his shoulder and I didn't want anyone to see us. That was his main problem, right? People knowing that he was attracted to me? Truthfully I didn't completely believe he actually liked me but there was an obvious reason for that.
He started walking in the direction of my dorm.
"Will you put me down?'
"Shut up will ya?"
I groaned.
"Put me down!" I slightly hit his shoulder trying to get him to drop me without hurting him.
"Shut the fuck up and stop fucking hitting me you ass."
I groaned "I'd stop hitting you if you would put me down." I kicked my legs along with hitting his back like a small child.
We came up to my room.
My door was still wide open. No one thought to close my door. Great someone could have stolen something. It's not like I didn't trust the other people that lived here. I just didn't want that chance taken.
"You guys couldn't have closed my door?" I went limp over his shoulder.
"You couldn't have not jumped out the fucking window?"
I let out a loud groan hitting his back again.
"Could you freaking put me down. We are in my room."
"Could you shut the fuck up?" He said as he threw me onto the bed rolling his eyes.
He kicked the door shut behind him. I glanced to the window. It was closed.
"You guys could close the window but not the door."
"That wasn't me it was that asshole boyfriend of yours."
"He's not my boyfriend when are you going to get it through your thick head."
"I'll stop calling him your boyfriend when you stop fucking him."
"Bakugo you don't get to choose who I sleep with. Also if he's not my boyfriend, he's not my freaking boyfriend!"
Within seconds, he pinned me to my bed. What was with him lately? I could feel my heart trying to beat out of my chest. His crimson eyes were intense and almost seemed to be full of lust. It was obvious that I was quickly becoming flustered.
"What's with the red face Deku?"
"I..." My words were cut off by his lips colliding with mine. I wanted to pull back but at the same time, I didn't. I wanted to kiss him back but I couldn't help think of how todoroki would respond. Sure he wanted to verify Bakugo's feelings but I knew he liked me in some way. In the back of my head, this all just didn't seem real. I've heard of guys being mean to girls they liked but never guys being mean to guys they like. Maybe that was because that kind of relationship was only now becoming more common.
I pushed back against him softly with my lips but was only met with more force. His hand gently tangled into my curls and tugged softly causing my lips to part in a small gasp. He took advantage of it and shoved his tongue in. His grip on my hands that were pinned above me tightened as he tried to guide my tongue into his mouth.
He was so attractive and made me feel so much less but I still craved to be near him. Even when I was fed up with his bullshit I craved this. The need to be near him had always overwhelmed me. He was the most beautiful person I knew. I just couldn't help myself.
It was almost like a battle for dominance that I was severely losing in.  I softly took his bottom lip into my mouth and softly sucked. This resulting in a low groan from Kacchan. I released after a moment and crashed my lips back into his. My heart was pounding in my ears.
Suddenly he pulled away from my lips and moved his to my neck. Harsh kisses and nips were placed randomly along my neck and near my collarbone. I was sure that there would be small bruises from it but I didn't care.
"Do you do this with everyone or are you just letting me use you?" He whispered in my ear.
I couldn't think of the words to reply. It was like I had a lump in my throat so I whined in response.
"You know. That phone call earlier." He said in a whispered tone pausing to nip "I can see why you drive him crazy. You're a real slut arent you?" My breathing hicked slightly and I felt my body twitch. I blushed deeply and closed my eyes.
"P..please don't call me that."
"And why not?" He pulled away from me. It looked as though he was looking over every aspect of me. "I can call you what I want when I want. Don't tell me what to do." I bit my lip softly.
"But I don't like it..." it was a lie but it was weird for me to like being called something like that.
"You dick wad. You think I liked getting an ass dial of your foreplay?"
I groaned "Why do you have to make this about that?"
"If he's not your boyfriend then what is he to you anyway? I don't really see a point in you hiding that relationship and that's what you're doing."
"I guess a friend with benefits... he makes me feel good about myself. Something you've never done. You always put me down..." I paused and sighed "get off of me."
"Why should I? You seemed like you were enjoying yourself."
"Because I said so and you should respect that."
"Because you said so." He got up and started walking towards the door. "Just so you know Todoroki told me."
Told him what? God, what did he say? Could I trust no one? My heart was beating fast again.
"Wait! What did he say?"
"Wouldnt you like to know?" He smirked
"Are you fucking serious right now?" I yelled at him
At this point, he could just be saying that to frustrate me. He gave me a look that sent a weird twitch through my entire body. I started to wish I didn't say anything.
"I know you like me. God you can't even decide on one crush can you?"
I started mumbling to myself feeling slightly betrayed. The guy who didn't like talking to really anyone told him how I felt. This was after I slept with him. Of course, he knew I liked Kacchan but I also liked him and he couldn't understand that! I wanted to scream. I felt like I should but my jumbled thoughts were interrupted quickly.
"Deku. Shut up for a minute damn."
I looked up at him still quite upset.
"He only told me because of how you reacted to his question. Neither of us were expecting that. It worried him a lot..." the tone of his voice sounded like Shoto wasn't the only one who was worried.
"We talked for a while. Mostly arguing but decided we would have a little competition to find you. Gathered up teams filled them in as little as we could and no one found you. But technically I won because I saw you first. "
"Competitions usually have a prize too you know." My door creaked open slightly. It was Shoto.
"It looks like you've been busy." He said softly while glancing over at me.
"What do you mean half and half?" Bakugo groaned
"His neck. I didn't do those and I don't think he's messing with anyone else. You're in here with him. Alone."
"What do you know? He's attractive. There could be a girl."
Shoto rolled his eyes at him.
"This is coming from the guy who called him a loser and made him feel like shit then moved in on him when they got jealous."
I thought back to a word a kid that was in me and Bakugo's class had used to describe him in middle school
"Tsundere." I said softly.
"What did you just call me?" He practically yelled
"It fits."
Shoto chuckled at my response. "It does."
"You're going to pay for that Deku."
I laughed softly. "It fits..." I murmured to myself
Shoto blocked the door to keep Katsuki from leaving.
"Move out of the way asshole."
"You can't just leave your boyfriend like that." Shoto smirked at him.
I had never seen Bakugo's face so red before. "He's not my boyfriend you dick."
"Are you sure because you left some pretty visible marks on his neck?"
"Everyone is going to think you did it though." Bakugo snapped back at him trying to push past.
"And I will gladly correct them that it was you because he's your plaything. That's how you treat him." Shoto narrowed his eyes at him.
I wasn't sure how I felt being called a plaything. The fact Sho noticed the marks on my neck meant that they were extremely visible.
"You better not say a word. No one will believe you."
Shoto sighed."they are more likely to believe me over you."
"That's what you think but.." he started in but was quickly interrupted by Shoto
"I know. Not think. Know. And if you would stop treating him so badly then you might have been dating him by now."
Bakugo sighed "he clearly likes you more anyways you fucktard."
Did he really just say that? Was he showing that he liked me? Is that what that meant? I mean he had just pinned me to the bed but...
"He clearly wants someone who is going to cuddle him and give him affection. He doesn't want someone who is going to make him feel like shit. He wants to be protected. Honestly, I'm glad I was able to give him that sense of protection but you're the one he actually wants." Shoto looked him directly in the eyes "His reactions with me are purely lust but with you it's different."
He glanced over to me. That was far from true. I loved being around him in general just as I loved being around Kacchan.
"He's practically attached to your hip what are you talking about?" Bakugo looked annoyed with his own words.
"And wasn't he attached to yours? As much as I would love to date him. I'm not ready for that. I don't really think you're ready either honestly."
Was the reverse psychology to get him to admit that he wanted a relationship with me? It sounded like it.
"I'm ready for a relationship if I want one! I just don't want one." He took a step back and crossed his arms.
"Maybe you're just afraid of being rejected. But if you hadn't noticed. He hasn't rejected you yet." Shoto walked over to the bed and sat down by me.
"By now he knows that this isn't a relationship. Basically, we are fuck buddies until one of us doesn't want it anymore or wants more than this." He paused glancing down at me and winked. What was the wink for? "I could have him at any point if I wanted to."
My face flushed red as he placed his hand on my hair and softly tugged. I bit my bottom lip and sucked it into my mouth in a mixture of embarrassment and flustration. Why were they both pulling my hair today? Sure I liked it but it was a bit uncalled for.
"That contradicts everything you just said you, idiot!" Bakugo barked at him not removing his eyes from me.
"Does it though? I mean it makes sense to someone smart like me." His hand moved to my thigh and he gripped softly on a sensitive spot causing my breathing to hick. I immediately bit my lip again trying not let out a moan. "Until he tells me otherwise I can toy with him all I want. Something that you won't get the chance at unless you're dating him." Shoto's eyes narrowed at him again. That didn't seem one hundred percent true but I could see where he was coming from. He moved his hand from my hair gently placed it on my cheek and turned my face so our foreheads touched. It seemed like he was trying to be overly seductive to make Kacchan jealous. I couldn't tell if it was working because I didn't want to take my eyes off of Sho.
"Who's a better kisser Izuku?" He whispered to me slowly pressing his lips to mine I could feel not only my heart beating so loud I could almost hear it but Bakugo's eyes on me. I slowly kissed Shoto back almost like I needed the affection. Like I was starving for it. He was so gentle with me. It was as if he thought I would break if he was too rough with me.
Shoto pulled away slowly and glanced up to Bakugo.
"If you want an accurate answer from him you'll have to remind him what your kiss is like because it seems like he's forgotten."
I tried to hide my face from them out of embarrassment but Shoto held my hands down.
"Why are you doing this Todoroki?" Katsuki glared so hard I thought he would burn through Shoto's head.
"Because I want him happy." He paused pulling me into his lap "as much as I love toying with him and hearing him moan I would give all that up to see him actually happy." His lips moved to my neck gently kissing on my sweet spot making me shiver.
"Why are you toying with him like this in front of me?" Bakugo tried not to look at us his cheeks were a bright shade of red.
"Honestly because it's fun to mess with him and it flusters the both of you. You wouldn't get turned on like this if you didn't like him." He softly bit my neck. It was a pain that I welcomed as it sent a surge of pleasure through my whole body. I let out a small moan.
"I...I'm not flustered. Not flustered whatsoever." His voice shook in the beginning but quickly stabilized.
Sho let out a small chuckle. I felt myself twitch. I wiggled on his lap trying to get the pain I was starting to feel to stop.
"You okay Zuku?" He whispered softly in my ear.
"I ache.." I whispered back quietly my face probably showing my sexual frustration.
"We can deal with that in a second okay?" His face nuzzled into the crook of my neck causing me to shiver.

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