Chapter 5

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A few days had passed since the encounter with Bakugo. We hadn't spoken other than a few passing glances that honestly left me a bit flustered.
I tried to ignore the winks that were included in those glances as well as the little kisses he blew at me when people weren't looking. He just couldn't let me live it down and it made me so uncomfortable for multiple reasons.
I had been spending more time with Todoroki as Uraraka and Iida had been working on a project for Midnight's class. They had been busy a lot lately since I had started messing around with Shoto. It was almost as if Uraraka was avoiding me and was using Iida as an excuse though I didn't like thinking like that. She had seemed so disappointed in the fact that I didn't like girls. Maybe she was going to set me up with a friend or something and I hadn't realized it. It made me feel bad that I had been making her uncomfortable if I had.
I laid on my bed with Shoto sitting in a black beanbag chair that he had gotten for my room. Music was playing over the stereo my mom had gotten for me to feel more at home.
"Hey, Izuku?" I glanced down at Shoto who was looking up at me from the beanbag.
"Yeah?" I sprawled out so I could see him better.
"So it's been a few days but what took you so long the other day in the bathroom? We never talked about it."
My face flushed hot red and I let out a groan. This was embarrassing and I had been secretly hoping he forgot. Of course, I was going to tell him but I still needed more time.
"Do we really have to talk about it?" I whined trying to hide my face in my pillow.
"I mean I'd like to you know? You said we would. I figured you would bring it up but..." he sighed and tried to take the pillow from me so he could see my face.
I had to tell him. There was no way around it.
I turned down the stereo with the remote and looked at him.
"If I tell you then you have to make me two promises."
"Okay, sure. Now tell me." He looked concerned and hadn't even let me tell him what the promises where.
"Well, first you need to not speak a word of this to anyone." I paused trying to stop my heart from beating out of my chest "Second, you can't get mad." I flipped over onto my stomach meeting his eyes directly.
"I promise. Please just spit it out." He looked at me frustrated that I hadn't said it yet. It was hard for me to gather the words when all I really wanted to do is hide. If this had to do with a villain I could just use my quirk and fight or even run away but it wasn't and I couldn't. This was real life and I had to use my words. I couldn't just hide.
I let out a loud exasperated sigh."It started with him, Bakugo, pressing for information on what had happened. He came up behind me in the bathroom and put his hand on my shoulder."
"I told him it was none of his business though..."
"You really think he cares? This is Bakugo we are talking about. He doesn't listen to anyone. Not even his parents." I rolled my eyes "anyways we started shoving each other and yelling. He pushed me against the wall. I thought he was going to hit me"
"Did he hit you? If he did I swear-" He interrupted. He had started doing that a lot lately. I wondered why.
"Please just let me finish." I paused looking at him to make sure he wasn't going to interrupt me again. "He spoke softly to me. Still sounded scary just he wasn't as loud. but then... and this is why I said you can't get mad." I took a deep breath before continuing "He kissed me. I was in shock at first didn't know what to think. All this time he kept asking what you were to me. I still have no idea what's making him act like that. Maybe he's been brainwashed? Maybe he's trying to mess with me?" Towards the end of my talking, I realized I had started to mumble to myself.
"He kissed you?" His words brought me back to focus. They were full of irritation.
"Yeah... I knew we weren't dating because you confirmed it at lunch but..." I had trailed off slightly.
"You should have told me." He cut me off again.
"Are you mad at me?" I whimpered softly.
"A bit. Is there another reason you didn't?" He was looking directly in my eyes.
I nodded "He threatened me. Saying if I told anyone he would deny it and destroy me..." I pulled my gaze away from his.
Shoto let out a groan. "He wouldn't destroy you if he liked you."
"He obviously doesn't like me. If he did he wouldn't treat me so badly." I mewled softly.
"He obviously does. He probably just doesn't know how to treat people he likes."
A groan escaped my mouth in response. There was no way he actually liked me. He probably liked making me uncomfortable.
"Do you like him?" Shoto asked suddenly
I started thinking back to all the times that I had had weird thoughts about him. How often he made me blush and I just pushed it off. My face flushed red as I thought back to him pushing me against the wall. I felt my body shiver.
"Maybe in a sexual way? I'm not sure about a romantic way."I hid my face in my hands trying to shake those thoughts out of my head.
"Well, do you want to cuddle him and see him happy?" He sighed pulling my hands away from my face.
"Um yeah but..."
He cut me off "and would you go out of a date if he asked you?"
"Maybe but" and again he cut me off. I knew he was trying to make a point but damn. It seemed like he really didn't like the word but.
"Then you like him in a romantic way."
"I'm pretty sure he's with Kirishima." I sighed sitting up completely and looking down at my hands.
Shoto laughed.
"Kirishima? Yeah I mean they are good friends but I don't think Kirishima actually wants a relationship at this point. Even if he did I'm pretty sure he prefers girls." He was right. Kirishima seemed like he didn't really care about romance at this point but instead having fun. Not like you couldn't have fun while dating someone. I hid my face again as my thoughts circled back to him asking me on a date.
"Are you sure?" I mumbled softly
He chuckled once more "I mean I'm pretty sure but we could always test that theory."
"What does that even mean?" I brought my hands away from my face slightly and looked at him. I raised my eyebrow letting them fall completely into my lap. What did he mean by theory?
"Well if he does like you, he will get jealous. It seems like that's what happened but we should make sure. You got his number still?"
I nodded slowly trying to hold my phone away from him. This was a really really bad idea.
"Are you going to call him?" I half yelled as he grabbed my phone out of my hand and paused the music with the remote.
"No, you're going to butt-dial him."
"Noooo." There was a slight squeak to my voice. I threw myself backwards on the bed dramatically.
"Yes. You know it's going to happen so we can stage it with a bit of improv. If he reacts later on then you'll know."
"Can we at least put it on speaker so we know how he's reacting?"
Shoto smiled and let out a small chuckle while scrolling through my phone.
"Definitely. I bet he will react badly too. It will be pretty funny I'm sure. Now I'm going to lay the phone on the bed. So I need you to follow my lead okay?"
I nodded slowly biting my lip.
He set the phone on the bed and pressed the button to put it on speaker. The ringing started getting louder and louder to me however it didn't faze Shoto.
"Hey, moron. The fuck do you want?" I heard Bakugo say over the phone. Shoto started chuckling slightly but didn't respond.
"Deku?" Bakugo said again.
"Izuku you're a really good kisser. Hey, keep your hand away from there though. That tickles." Shoto smirked pressing his lips to mine. I whined softly as our lips crashed together.
"Oh my god." Bakugo groaned.
He didn't hang up though.
"Am I? I really don't feel like I am..." I muttered slightly when pulling away from his kiss.
"Is this a fucking joke?" Katsuki whined.
"Yes, one of the best kissers and I've kissed a few people." His hand touched my cheek then he tangled his fingers in my hair.
"So sweet." He said softly and gently rubbing his nose against mine.
"Dekuuuuu!" The voice yelled from my phone. Why wasn't he hanging up?
I felt a hand slip to my thigh which caused me to squeak. Shoto's lips almost touched my ear. I softly chewed my bottom lip. "Just go with it. Okay. Pretend he's not on the phone and we are just messing around. I want him to have a real reaction not just mess with you. The way he treats you fills me with a burning rage. I'd like to fuck with him." He whispered to where only I could hear him. It was so weird to hear him curse but it was attractive to me.
Bakugo was groaning on the phone. Shouldn't he just hang up? We obviously 'butt dialed' him.
I felt Shoto's hand grip my thigh causing me to softly moan.
"Why do you keep doing that? We have to be quiet. It's the middle of the day." I whined pushing him back gently.
"Because I like the noises you make." He had a very seductive smile on his lips.
Was this fun for him? Maybe he thought this was like teasing two people.
His hand slowly moved up and I squealed "stop... someone is going to hear us."
"What if they do hear? Maybe I want them to hear." He said just loud enough for Katsuki to hear on the phone.
"Only you need to hear my moans. " I tried not to sound nervous or awkward but my voice shook a bit. The words slipped from my lips quickly even though I wasn't sure why I had said it.
Shoto had seemed like he really liked my response.
"But they're so hot. Like the way you make me."
A slight giggle left my lips.
"You're the one whos hot. You make me all tingly." That statement was completely true. 
He was really playing this role well and his reactions to my statements were amazing. I softly moaned and whimpered as he gripped my thigh.
"Oh, God. He's a slut," Bakugo muttered over the phone.
Todoroki chuckled. "Sorry if I'm being more forceful this time but you drive me a bit insane." He leaned back down to my ear "I'm going to say a few things that might make you a bit uncomfortable. I'm also going to get more real reactions out of you. When he either hangs up or I feel we've been doing this for too long I'll stop alright?" I nodded and inhaled sharply as he softly bit my neck.
"You taste good. Do you like being pinned like this?"
"Uh-huh," I mumbled with a blush on my face.
He tugged my shirt over my head. It was getting hard to ignore the phone because of the annoyed groaning Bakugo was doing every time Shoto spoke. 
"God, you're attractive." I tried to hide my face as he spoke. Honestly, any affection like this made me feel nervous and to know that Kacchan could hear everything. I just couldn't do it. I softly murmured my feelings to myself. I actually liked knowing that he could hear everything.  It made me twitch in pleasure a bit.
"Hey, are you getting uncomfortable Izuku? Do you want to stop?" He sighed as I shrugged. Maybe he was reacting to my muttering.
"I told you last time everything is up to you." He ran his hand over my cheek.
"Gay." The voice says through the speaker. 
"I don't know. I'm just awkward is all."
"Just tell me if you want to stop." He pressed his lips to my swollen ones softly.
Bakugo hung up heard the click of the phone. Maybe he was uncomfortable with the emotions. I couldn't tell. Slowly a pit started forming in my stomach and my emotions started overcoming me more than before. I had made him uncomfortable and it made me feel bad. I could feel my eyes watering and the tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Izuku... are you okay?" He placed his other hand on my cheek and slowly moved one of them up the side of my head into my green locks.
"I just feel bad... I don't know why...maybe I'm just feeling guilty for all this."
"He's the one who stayed on the phone. Don't feel bad. You're okay." His lips pressed to my forehead. I still hurt. My chest ached.
Suddenly there was a pounding on my door.  Shoto got up and opened it before my door got blown down again.
"You ass dialed me you cunt waffle ass dicks!" He yelled and then paused looking into the room. He had noticed I was crying. This made me feel worse about everything.
"The hell is he blubbering about?" He glared at Sho
Shoto paused for a moment "he got overwhelmed. Stress. "
"Stress? That's a reason to cry while having sex?"
"We weren't having sex. It was leading up to that but it wasn't happening." His voice was monotone and almost emotionless. "I guess you don't understand consent. He wasn't feeling it. Something happened a few days ago that he doesn't want to talk about."
"Surprising he didn't tell his boyfriend about it." There was a clear blush on his face.
"Boyfriend? Who said we were dating?" His face looked intimidating.
"I heard everything. You don't say that you are going insane because of someone and not be with them. If your hiding your relationship for other reasons it's stupid."
"Bakugo you are clearly an idiot." Shoto said softly narrowing his eyes at Katsuki.
"The fuck did you say to me?" He almost yelled into his face.
I sniffled and wiped my eyes. Was his plan working or was Bakugo just upset he didn't understand what he was going on? I tried not to let any more tears run down my cheeks.
It honestly looked like a fight was about to break out.
"Hey, Izuku." Shoto turned around and looked at me.
"H...Huh?" I replied Bakugo glaring at me.
"Who's a better kisser?"
My face flushed red. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't respond to that. Now Bakugo knew that I told Shoto.
I got up grabbed my shirt opened my window and jumped out. Luckily I used my quirk so I was okay. I just couldn't deal with this right now. I didn't bother to grab anything else. Not shoes and not my phone. This was more overwhelming than literally everything else.
My landing hurt but I had to get out of there.

Dont Tell Me What To Do. Midoriya X Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now