Chapter 12

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I headed off towards the wooded area nearby. Everyone had been having so much fun it felt like it had been ruined by me. All I wanted was to have a good weekend and for things to be alright. I was starting to wish that I had kept my dirty little secret so I could keep Kacchan. Sure they would have called me lame and all sorts of names but it would have been better this way. After all, I could take the bullying. He would probably leave me if he remembered tonight, tomorrow. It's not like we were dating but I wanted him to be there with me. I wanted to be his but there was no chance of that now. He would probably deny everything anyway but this would cause problems. People calling me a loser happened every day so I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I let out a soft whimper, tears running down my face. He was so beautiful and he had told me himself he wanted to be around me but I could have caused him to want to cut me off. My brain was filled with horrible things. I felt terrible and I was sure that it showed on my face. Luckily no one was around.
The woods were quiet and it was a nice spot to clear my mind.  I loved him so much so why had I been so stupid? One could even say me telling them was reckless. Maybe I should have stayed home with Tokoyami. We could have had some good and strange conversations and then at least Kacchan wouldn't hate me. In the distance, I could hear the party continuing and all the laughing. Had someone cracked a good joke? Had they all been too drunk and forgotten already? Maybe I could just take the car and drive away. No, I had drank and if I crashed someone would be angry. Plus if I got hurt my mom would be upset. I had to face this. All I wanted to do was jump off of a cliff and die though. I craved an end to the misery and pain that I was causing myself.
I sat on a tree stump and sighed. Was I overthinking things? Would Katsuki actually hate me? Probably.
"Izuku Midroyia." A female voice said from behind me
I jerked around to see a familiar blonde girl with a psycho smile. "Toga." This crazy girl?
"What do you want? Where did you come from?" I looked around trying to see if there were others.
"Oh, I just came here to gather blood. From your classmates!" She giggled maniacally shaking the large container of blood she had on her back.
How had she found us? This was a spur of the moment thing. There was no one who could have known.
I stood up and raised my fists. Still being a bit intoxicated I stumble a bit.
"Butttt I already got sommeee~ "
"Who did you take it from?" I yelled as she giggled.
"You know you're just my type. Cute and vulnerable!" The question was completely avoided and my voice was drowned out by her giggling. I had a feeling it wasn't from any of our classmates because I had been around them most of the day and the night. She took a step towards me pulling out her knife. She ran her tongue over the blade giggling.
"Stay away from me you weirdo!" I tried to take a step back but tripped and fell.
"Stop being mean to me. You're so cute. Too cute to be mean to pretty girls. You'd be even cuter with some blood on you!" she straddled me pressing herself against my length I had been thinking about Kacchan being naked so I was still hard. All I could hope was she didn't notice.
"Get off of me!" I struggled underneath her.
"Ooh, you're turned on. You must like me just as much as I like you!"
I felt like crying because I didn't want to even be near her.
"Get off of me! For one I don't know you! For two you're insane! For three I like guys!" I groaned trying to push her off of me. Using my quirk with even a little bit of alcohol in my system was almost impossible. I was also afraid of being stabbed.
"Ooh I can be a guy~" she stood and took a step back grinning. Her body became covered in a grey sludge that almost looked like clay dripping off of her. It looked familiar. Like the quirk Camie had. Did they have the same quirk...? I tried not to focus on the situation I was in but how I could escape. I tried scooting away from her not wanting to make eye contact.
I glanced up out of curiosity as she stepped closer in a body that wasn't even close to hers. The familiar eyes that called to me and the spiked almost ash-colored hair. The look on his face was close to a look I had gotten when we were intimate. My heart hurt knowing it wasn't him.
"K...Kac..chan..." I whispered
"It wasn't easy getting his blood while he was awake. We took it when he was with the league." It was Kacchan's voice too. My heart was beating fast and I was scared. Was the face of the love of my life going to kill me? If it was actually him I probably wouldn't mind. This wasn't MY Kacchan though.
Her fake Kacchan body snaked closer to me and put me directly back in the position from before. They took his blood and now she could transform into him. Should I think of her as a he while she was in his body? Probably. It was hard to though because I knew who this really was.
I thought about the grin on his face which was familiar almost like when me and Kacchan had messed around. I couldn't help thinking about that.
"P...Please don't be him."I tried to hide the blush on my face wanting to cry.
"Ooh, you don't like this body?" She pouted. "I've got so many that I could use. Maybe this one is more your style since it's obvious you like freaks." She giggled in her own voice while she was still on top of me and went through another transformation. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to get away. I needed to get away.  My body started thrashing as I tried to wiggle out from under her.
"Hey quit squirming. It's not as fun if I have to chase you to get what I want." The voice had changed to a more menacing voice. I recognized the voice but couldn't put my finger on it. I had closed my eyes out of fear but they were forced back open by curiosity.
"I'm not changing again." The deep voice spoke. A man with a patchwork face. Dabi.
"I've collected all of the blood of my segment of the league of villains. So I can be any of them. I even have their powers."
I started to worry about being burnt to ash if I fought back.
"You aren't talking to me." Dabi's voice whined "but that's okay I know how this works."
His body leaned down licking and biting my neck. I winced and let out a small whimper hoping someone would come out looking for me.
"I'm going to have you screaming my name. Just watch. You'll love it." I wanted Kacchan to save me but I figured he was probably too drunk and I would end up dead before someone could help. The knife glistened in the moonlight a psychotic smile across Dabi's face as he ran it over my arms and chest causing me to cry out. I could feel the blood running down my body. The gashes were deep and I just hoped I would bleed out before he could hurt me any worse.
Dabi's body flipped mine I tried to fight back but I found it impossible. I sniffled as my open wounds were shoved into the dirt. It stung. I whimpered I felt my swim trunks being tugged down. I really hoped that I didn't remember any of this but I had sobered up and I knew that I would. Every horrifying thing that was happening would be embedded in my memory.
There was no attempted foreplay the dick was just forced inside of me. No lube whatsoever. I cried out feeling a hand wrap around my length. It hurt burning my insides. I felt like I was going to throw up I felt myself twitch in their hand.
"Stop I don't want this." I whimper feeling the pain throughout my whole body. I may have liked pain but I didn't like this. I didn't want this. Everything about this hurt. Mentally and physically I just couldn't do this.
"Of course you do." The voice whispered in my ear.
"Ka...Kacchan p..please help me..." I cried out. "Sho... p..please... anyone..." I tried to scream but my mouth was covered and the knife that was set down was back in their hand and against my neck.
I was going to die then and there and after everything that happened in the tent, I felt like I deserved it.
"Say another word and I'll slit your throat." Dabi's hand moved from my mouth.
A twig snapped behind us.
"Get off my boyfriend." A voice came from behind us.
"" I couldn't get another word out. I felt faint like I was going to pass out. Had he said, boyfriend...? Was he even there? I was hallucinating in my dying moments. Kacchan was too drunk when I left he couldn't have sobered up this fast. Could he?
Things were going dark probably from the lack of blood.
I wasn't able to hear anything except a buzzing noise.
I felt a whine leave my lips. I couldn't feel my body anymore. And everything went black.

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