Chapter 23

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Weeks had passed since the message from Kacchan. I had tried to be persistent about calling and messaging but the constant fear that he was hurting and I couldn't do anything was really getting to me. Ever so often my phone would buzz from a silly game notification and my response, when met with it, was more than just sheer disappointment.
Eraserhead had started putting together a search party but there were no leads. He refused to let me be a part of it because of my connection to him. It was so impossible to sit still during this. Kirishima had joined the search party in his free time and I was visiting Kacchan's parents almost every weekend. Even his mom was starting to worry which was odd for her. She would always brag about how strong he was and how he would get through this but you could tell by the look on her face that she was distressed. Mina had started an online blog with updates on what was going on with the search and asking for tips and leads.
"Anything helps you know." She said with a scowl at Mineta when he said that it wasn't worth it and that he would either come home or the pros would find him. I tried to push the thought away of the last part of what he said but it rang in my mind. "Whether it be dead or not just depends."
I tried to think about the messages as time passed by. Day after day. Sleepless night after sleepless night.
Classes dragged on and I couldn't stop watching the clock. Its as if watching the clock made time itself freeze. Would he message again? Was it even him that messaged? Would he just come back and pretend like nothing happened and he was fine? Was he even going to come back? Thousands of questions raced through my head. I had to know who took the love of my life and if he was ever coming back.
The only reason I hadn't gone out to look for him myself was a threat I had received from U.A. staff. I was told if I acted rashly and without proper guidance, there was a chance I could get expelled depending on the circumstances. I knew that Katsuki would kill me if I got myself expelled over him. I just needed to let the pros handle it and everything would be fine. At least I hoped. I just had to push what that little creep had said out of my mind. I didn't hate Mineta it was just that this wasn't the time for him to mention death even quietly. If he didn't say half the things he did or do half the things he did I probably wouldn't have an issue with him. It just wasn't a good day and if he would have said anything else I probably would have hit him. That's not really something I wanted to do.

I let out a sigh slouching down on the sofa in the common area of our dorms. It had been way too quiet and the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife.  I was still deep in thought and obviously blinking back tears.
"Things are going to be okay Midoriya. They will find him. They are pros after all." Iida said breaking the silence after a moment while flipping through his textbook for math class. Surprisingly he was behind on homework and was studying with Ojiro.
It was hard to bring myself to even speak. Every time recently that I had either the words wouldn't come out or I would talk too much. Everything about this hurt. Either my friends wouldn't shut up about the situation or avoided it like the plague. There was no in-between. I wished there was honestly.
I felt a slight nudge to my shoulder. My eyes met Sho's. His were more than full of concern.
"I can't say that I know everything will be alright but I can say this. There's no way in hell that he's going to go down without a fight. No matter who's taken him."
Even if just for a second I felt calm. I didn't feel as panicked. Sho had been really the only one who knew what to say to me throughout the entire ordeal so far.
I laid my head against his shoulder and sighed once more.
"I know he's strong but..." I cut myself off. There wasn't a single person who knew about the message Kacchan had sent me, not even the search party.
It didn't seem likely they would take the message seriously but in the slight chance that they did think he just up and left they might give up looking for him.
"I'm surprised they've kept him this long without there being some lead. He's loud and hardheaded remember?" Sho softly touched my leg pulling me back into the present.
"Yeah... that's what worries me."
I needed some space but I didn't know how to say that without worrying the others. Anything I did since Katsuki disappeared meant all eyes were on me.
As soon as the clock hit eight I booked it out of there and towards my room. Maybe I could get an answer from Kacchan if I messaged. Even if I didn't get an answer at least I was trying. That's all I could do at this point.
I plugged my phone into the charger and quickly searched for our messages.
What could I send to him? Nothing really seemed like it would help so all I could think to type was I miss you.
My phone's battery was pretty low when I plugged it in from looking through all of our pictures and videos. I wanted to watch them over and over. All-Might told me I needed to try to get my mind off of him but that wasn't possible. I couldn't not worry. All I wanted was to wrap my arms around him and to know he was alright.
A small buzz from my phone snapped me back into reality. It was from Kacchan's phone. It didn't seem like him though. Or rather it seemed like how he use to be.
Quit messaging and calling.
That's all it said. I felt a pain deep in my chest as it became hard to breathe.

Days had gone by after that and there wasn't another message. I had texted his phone so much more just to get a response that I knew was him. It was to the point where giving up seemed to be the only option until he was found.

I sighed and laid my head down on my desk. Classes were almost over for the day and today marked 8 weeks that he had been gone. I didn't know what to do anymore.
"Midroyia! There's a lead!" I heard a familiar voice say.
My head jerked up and my eyes met Iida's he was too close and certainly enthusiastic.
Ochaco's arms were wrapped around his left bicep gently tugging him backward. It's as if she realized he was a bit too close.
"It's not much but he was spotted by a surveillance system in the next town over. He was with another guy. They were near a convenience store downtown."
Another guy what could that mean? Was he being kept hostage? It was very unlikely for him to just go with something like that. Katsuki was always a fighter. Was he just tired of our situation? My heart dropped at the thought.
Ochaco being perceptive once more placed her hand on my shoulder.
"I don't think it's like that. I overheard the teachers talking about it. He seemed dazed and confused according to midnight..." she forced a smile in my direction but her words didn't help. I had to find out what was going on for myself.
I couldn't think of any words and the only action that I could take was a simple nod before getting up with my bag and walking out of the classroom. Usually, when talking about the towns the next town over meant the one in closest proximity so it was safe to assume that's the one Kacchan was in. If he was going to disappear for 2 months with someone else I would find him and make sure he was safe.
It only took me a matter of minutes to throw some clothes into a bag with a few supplies and swap into street clothes. I couldn't be seen leaving the campus. With my hood pulled over my head I quickly darted out the exit near my room. If I used my quirk to jump the security wall near a wooded area by our dorms I could easily and effectively get to the train station within a matter of minutes.
I used my quirk to jump the security wall and increase my speed like I had been working on in class while also being mindful of my hood. Most likely I would be recognized anyways however there was a higher chance if someone saw my hair. As far as I had seen around the area no one else had the dark green curls that I did so it would be a dead give away.
I let out a sigh of relief as I reached the station. I had to find him it didn't matter the cost anymore. After a moment of rummaging around in my bag, I pulled out precise change and headed towards the train for Dieka city.

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