Chapter 6

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I had narrowly avoided Bakugo and even Shoto for the rest of that day but there was no telling how long I'd be able to avoid them for. Any time someone would come around I would duck behind a tree or even in it. Hell, I had almost gotten caught so many times. In this situation, I needed some advice. I decided to talk to the one person who always had some idea of what to do. All might.  This may have not been the best thing to talk to him about but hey it was a step in the right direction. I took off in the direction of his 'office'. I use the term office loosely because it was nothing more than a spare classroom that he had just taken over. It was hard to avoid all of the other students especially when I knew that Bakugo probably had people on the lookout just so he could punch me. The thought terrified me. I focused hard on where I was going and used my quirk at 5% so I could get there faster. I couldn't chance them finding me. This probably wasn't a good idea since all might didn't really seem the type for relationship advice. There was a chance I could say it was my friend having this issue but then he might think it was Iida or Uraraka and ask them about it. No one could know. I should just give him basics and if he asks then give him little details. Nothing huge.
I made it into the classroom.
He was joined by Mina Ashido. The almost alien-looking girl with pink hair, pink skin and black eyes with yellow pupils.  Unfortunately, I had already opened the door and they had both saw me so I didn't have a chance to dart.
"Oh, there he is! Thanks All Might!" She smiled and skipped over to me. "Todoroki and Bakugo are looking for you. They said you jumped out your window?" He laughed a bit
"No, I just uh went for a walk."
"Without shoes?" She lifted her eyebrow and pointed to my feet seeming skeptical.
"Yeah. They are feet prisons and I thought it was a good idea. I also didn't jump out any window..."
I tried to avoid eye contact.
"I guess I'll go tell them I found you." She shrugged "I don't know why they would both be asking around together though if you didn't do something like that." The flaw with my lie had been pointed out. She walked towards the door.
"Mina wait." I grabbed her arm and sighed causing her to stop in her tracks. "Please don't tell them you found me. I'll be in class tomorrow. I've just got a lot on my mind and I honestly think Bakugo is going to murder me when he finds me. I'm begging you."
She looked at me for a second. I could only hope the desperation on my face matched how I felt.
"Fine but you totally owe me one."
"I'll get you back on this one I promise."
"You better!" A giggle left her lips as she turned around to leave.
Mina walked the rest of the way out the door and shut it behind her.
"Young Midoriya. What trouble have you gotten yourself into?" The normally buff and strong-looking man had the appearance of a skeleton.
"We can talk about that later I just need some advice..."
"Sure just come sit down. You've got all your classmates worried."
I let out a sigh and slouched into the chair at the desk in front of him.
"Okay... and I know I've just got a lot to deal with."
"Alright just go ahead you can talk to me about anything."
"Anything? You're sure?"
He nodded.
"Okay so... I was messing around with this person and then everyone noticed that I was in a much better mood. I had gotten to do a lot with the person. Then this other person followed me into a secluded area and pushed me against the wall and kissed me and honestly I don't know what to do because they threatened me if I told anyone and then I ended up making things worse by telling the first person and... and..." I was talking so fast I was losing my ability to breath.
"Slow down Midoriya and this person that person doesn't give me too my insight and messing around with what does that even mean? You young people talk so weirdly."
I sighed and hit my forehead against the desk.
"You can't say a word to anyone or I will never speak to you again. Not for anything."
He nodded once more "as long as I have some more insight I might be able to help." All Might replied avoiding the first part of what I had said.
I groaned trying to think of the words to say. I had to say which people they were or he would think I was holding back on him.
"I'll try to sum it up for you... Okay." I took a large breath in. "And I'll tell you where it started."
I looked up at him with so many thoughts racing through my head that honestly, I thought they would come out like vomit.
"It started with me oversleeping to Aizawa's class. Bakugo came to get me with Uraraka. He blew down my door instead of being patient. I was literally almost ready to go before he started knocking. That was about a week ago or so. Almost a week." I carefully thought over my words.
"That explains why he was so irritated last Friday and muttering about doors."
"Yeah... Well me and Bakugo basically got detention. We had to train. I only got one hour and he got two for blowing down the door. He was mad at me for it and was being extremely rude. Todoroki decided to come train with us and offered to let me stay with him. Which I knew made it easier on Aizawa because he had to replace the door." I paused and looked up to All Might who's eyes kept darting to the window where there were people being extremely loud.
"He only had one bed though and he refused to let me sleep on the floor and I didn't want him to sleep on the floor so we shared the bed. On the last night, one thing led to another and well..."
"OH. I feel so stupid." All Might facepalmed "and with endeavor's son..."
My face turned a deep shade of red that almost matched his blushes coloration. I couldn't meet his eyes. The embarrassment was overwhelming just talking about it.
"I was in a better mood and wasn't thinking about everything that was going on. Maybe it was the way we walked in but it was like everyone already knew. It was embarrassing."
"That is a hell of a way to get in a better mood..." All Might mumbled to himself and I could only barely hear him. It wasn't the kind of thing I was expecting to hear him say.
"They were all asking questions and Bakugo kept throwing things at me. When I didn't give him the answer he wanted he cornered me in the bathroom. I told him I didn't know if we were dating and he kissed me. He pinned me to the wall and kissed me. Threatened to destroy me if I told anyone which I'm making the mistake again. He also said he would deny it all anyways."
I glared towards the window where the noises kept getting louder.
"Class 1-B is training out there with their teacher. Something about needing to perfect dealing with danger at any time. They were having problems with there training during class today." He said when he noticed me staring "Continue, please. It seemed like you weren't done."
I let out a sigh.
"I told Todoroki and he wanted to prove a point so he called Bakugo and had me try to make him jealous. Not going into details about that but Bakugo showed up at my door and I was upset. Things just got out of hand and Todoroki mentioned the kiss between Bakugo and I. Then I jumped out the window and ran away."
"You jumped out a window. So Mina wasn't wrong.. Okay. Just give me a minute to process this."
I looked down at my hands "I know it's a lot to take in."
"So let me run this by you to make sure I didn't miss anything." He paused and laced his fingers together in front of him "you lost your virginity to Todoroki. Bakugo didn't know how to respond and it seems like he got jealous. He took advantage of his own jealousy and honestly what was left of your innocence. Then Todoroki wanted to prove a point made him jealous then made it worse by saying what happened after I'm guessing you told him not to say anything so you jumped out the window without your shoes and It seems like you hid from them for a while before coming here."
I nodded trying not to meet his sunken-in eyes.
"Before I give you advice on anything." He paused "I hope you used protection it's so dangerous for a kid like you not to. You could end up with so many problems because of it. Yeah, you won't end up pregnant but still better safe than sorry." His voice got louder as he scolded me. I groaned refusing to reply to that. I was already way too embarrassed.
"Please just give me advice... I really don't know what to do.."
"Have a meditator and talk about it with Bakugo. Then you need to make a decision on what to do with Todoroki. If you want to continue being the way you are now. You will most likely have to make a big decision but I can't tell you what to do or how to do it.  Just try not to let what's going on affect what you become. Alright?"
I nodded still not meeting his eyes.
"Did that help?"
"I guess. A little bit. I'll probably have todoroki mediate.."
"Is that a good idea?" He sighed rubbing in between his eyes with what seemed like frustration.
"I mean he's the only one who knows what's going on 100%... I really don't want to get too many people involved..."
"I understand that. I just don't know if that's a wise decision."
There wasn't anyone else at this point that I thought was a good idea to bring into this. If I were to bring someone else into it it would probably be Iida because while he has a thing about rules he's a pretty neutral party. Though he honestly didn't like Bakugo much because of his reckless attitude so he may say something. I really didn't want to make this worse on myself by telling anyone else.
"Probably not but to keep me from being pummeled into the ground it's what I'm doing."
He sighed."Well better not keep them waiting since everyone is looking for you."
Things were about to go so bad. No matter if todoroki was there or not things would be bad. He wasn't going to react well and I really didn't want to deal with that. Maybe if I avoided them tonight I'd be okay tomorrow. No, they would ambush me in class if they didn't just stake out my room all night.
"Do I have to talk to them tonight? Cant I just skip class for like three weeks till this blows over and work on training with you?"
He shook his head.
"You have to go to class and also fix your problems. It's the right thing to do and what kind of mentor would I be if I knowingly let you miss class for no reason?"
"Alright... thanks for the advice."
"I can't make your decisions for you all I can do is offer some insight."
I nodded and slowly started walking back to my dorm. If they saw me they saw me. I couldn't avoid it anymore.

Dont Tell Me What To Do. Midoriya X Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now