Chapter 33

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I sat in my room crisscrossed on my bed trying to figure out what to do during my suspension. Being home for the first time in forever was starting to seem boring. Kacchan's parents told him he had to stay on campus so I was alone. I couldn't go near campus until my suspension was over so I was separated from the love of my life again. When Aizawa and Nezu had come to visit me a few days before they had told me that my suspension would start once I was released from the hospital. It seemed like one of the most stupid things but I guess it made sense to them. I did their job for them and even though I was back it wasn't like I was going to be able to do any training anyways.
"Izuku I'm going out to run some errands. Don't you dare get up unless you have to. I'll bring dinner back when I come home." My mother yelled from the other room.
She was coddling me a lot lately so the peace and quiet, as well as the alone time, was going to be nice beside one thing, there was no Kacchan. I needed to be in his arms again. I needed him. A small sigh escaped my mouth as I kicked my feet off of the bed. If she wasn't here she couldn't make me stay in bed.
My energy conservation was getting a bit easier as time went on. I was able to tell when I was about to pass out a lot sooner than before. I placed my hands against the wall and slowly walked down the stairs into my living room. Things were definitely a lot harder to do now but it wasn't like it was impossible.
My phone buzzed in my pocket.
Let me in
It was kacchan. Why was he here? Didn't he know he would get in trouble? I opened the front door as quickly as I could with a smile.
"Shits going down. And you aren't going to like it." He walked through the door and sat on my couch.
"What happened?"
"Your brother."
I blinked a few times trying to process.
"Inviso girl doesn't have her power anymore. Icy hot is in the hospital without his either."
"Hagkure and Sho?"
Kacchan clenched his jaw and nodded.
"Your dad has him basically doing a hit list of our classmates. I think it because we got out."
"How do you know it was him?"
I cocked my head to the side hoping this wasn't my fault.
"It's the same issues me and you both dealt with. Eraserhead thinks that if we can catch him that he can negate it with his power of erasure. To be honest I'm not so sure." Bakugo groaned
"My own little brother..." I sighed not really knowing what to say.
"If we can get him away from your father we can convince him to stop I know it. That kid is a pushover just like you."
"I'm not a pushover!" I leaned against the couch however my hand quickly slipped causing me to fall.
"More like a fall over." He gently pinched my cheek. "It's okay it's cute on you."
According to what kacchan had told me about Kenny he was almost an exact replica of me. I had to do something and only someone so close to himself could convince him that what he was doing was wrong.
We talked for a while before my mom came home and scolded me not only for being up but for having my boyfriend over without permission. It was as if we had never been alone together before in her eyes.
I had to fill her in on all of the details of what my father was doing. Honestly, I think that was the only reason I didn't get in trouble for being out of bed.
She had brought me katsudon for dinner. I sat up eating while kacchan had his arm wrapped around my shoulder.
"To be honest I don't know if this is going to work but there's another kid exactly like izuku and he's being manipulated into hurting others. As much as I don't want him going back out and getting hurt I think the only way this is going to go smoothly is with his help." Kacchan sighed laying his head against mine. "If Hisashi comes anywhere near Izuku though I'm going to burn him alive."
You could tell the seriousness in his voice.
"You don't think there's another way?"
He shook his head.
"No one else has dealt so closely with these two. He likes to work alone and most likely won't think that izuku will be anywhere near the scene seeing as his energy and quirk are limited."
Katsuki's fingers laced with mine.
"What do the pro heroes think?"
He groaned "they think they can handle this but underestimate these kids' abilities. The closer he is the more he can shut down and he can do multiple people at once. I'm not sure how many." I squeezed his hand in reassurance.
"If they think they have got this-"
"They don't. They are too distracted and this is putting multiple lives at risk. He's already blocked Midoriya's energy and quirk. If we can separate them he can get through to him!"
"Are you sure this will work?"
He nodded "This kid even mumbles like Izuku. I just need to get them alone together. His sister hasn't been anywhere near the fights that we've seen and he's very protective of her. If we can get Kenny on our side we can win this."
My mom let out a sigh. "It's not like Izuku is going to listen to me anyway. Just please protect him..."
Bakugo nodded "with my life."

We came up with a plan. I had to sneak back onto campus with Kacchan. The attacks were happening around dusk near our dorms. There had been 3 already this week. It was like they were waiting for either me or Kacchan and never got the right person.
Within a few hours, our plan which didn't have all the details we needed was in action. I let out a sigh my curls falling in front of my face.
In plain view, two figures began walking up the pathway to A-1s dormitories. It was very clear who they were. I hid around the corner while Bakugo instigated a fight with my father. My younger brother seemed tired. A purple bruise could be seen clear as day under the street light. He chased after the two that were fighting as if he were trying to concentrate. It was obvious he was more focused on getting in closer to Kacchan instead of his surroundings because he ran right by me without realizing I was there. This left me an opportunity to grab him and confront him.
I had to do this for not only my friends that were hurt and myself but also for Kacchan. If we were ever going to be together I needed to fix this and help my brother escape.
I grabbed his white button-up and covered his mouth so he couldn't scream for our father. He was in shock. It was easy to tell.
My energy levels were low but I had to do something. "Kenny listen to me. You're safe and we need to talk."
He immediately recognized my voice before even seeing my face.
I sighed and nodded.
"Did you orchestrate this just to talk to me?" He gestured towards the fight of explosions and fire.
I sighed once more "actually it was my boyfriend's idea."
He crinkled up his nose a little after turning to look at me.
"You realize I could make you pass out right?"
I nodded "but you won't."
"How would you know?"
"Because we are basically the same person. You don't like our father any more than I do. You're just scared of him."
He smirked a bit "what if I told you you were wrong?"
"Then I guess I'm risking my life to save you for nothing."
"You might be a bit right. It's not like I fear for my life. I just wish..." he cut himself off. "Why would you care?"
"You saw what he did to me just because of who I love. I don't want to see you going through that."
"Maybe I like the pain. Did you ever think of that?" He crossed his arms.
"Do you?"
He sighed and shook his head letting his arms fall to his sides.
"I didn't think so."
"It's not like there's much can do. If I don't listen to him he threatens me. I don't want anyone else hurt but I don't wanna be hurt myself. I want to help people."
I knew what I needed to do. This would take the help of one pro hero to nullify one idiot father's quirk so he could escape.

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