Chapter 22

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None of us continued after what had happened. Besides a small panic attack and mental break down before I dressed nothing of importance really happened. Kirishima kept trying to blame himself but after explaining that I had been jealous and apparently so had Kacchan he started to ease up on the self-blame.
Sho walked me back to my dorm hoping that he would come back but he didn't. It was around 6 before I even fell asleep and still nothing. Multiple phone calls went directly to voicemail and so many unread messages. Maybe he had blocked my number temporarily if I had upset him. It didn't seem unlikely because of how he had been in the past. With only about an hour of sleep, I trudged to get ready for classes. If I had upset him enough maybe he had gone to his own room and I would see him in class so we could sort this whole thing out. Kacchan wasn't there. I was starting to get worried. The only thing I could get a laugh out of was the fact that the bright red circles on Denki's cheeks from the night before hadn't washed off. Mina made a point to pinch his cheeks and crack a few jokes at his expense for kicks.
I let out a heavy sigh worried that if I had just acted differently he wouldn't be missing right now.
Sho and Kirishima hadn't seen nor heard from him since the night before either and seemed almost as restless as I was.
I didn't even get a chance to ask where he was going it happened so suddenly. Even so, it wasn't like him to miss classes even on a Friday especially with him taking remedial classes so he could get his hero's license.
"Hey, Izuku? Have you seen Bakugo today?" Denki said as if no one else had filled him in. "All I remember from last night was playing truth or dare and calling Kirishima's mom."
I sighed realizing he didn't remember Eijiro's confession to Kacchan.
"Some stuff happened and he needed to take a walk to get a breather and never came back. At least that's where I assume he went. He didn't tell anyone anything." My eyes were starting to well up with tears as I struggled to choke out the words.
"Wait that's why he's not here?" Ochaco pushed Denki out of the way grabbing my shoulders "have you reported this?"
I shook my head. "I figured he would come back but he hasn't so far so..."
"We should go see his mom after classes. He's been going home a lot more lately so maybe he's just there." Kirishima said softly as he helped Kaminari out of the floor.
"Sorry..." Uraraka said looking at him and gently brushing dirt off of his shirt. "I was worried about Izuku... but if you guys don't find anything out please report it. It's not good to keep this from the teachers."
I nodded. "I will. I'm worried but I know he wouldn't want us making a big fuss over this until we know for sure what's going on."
"Do you want us to come with you?" Kirishima asked scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
"If you want to come with to see his mom I don't see a problem with it but she may ask what caused him to storm out in the first place. She can get a bit nosy sometimes."
He nodded "I know. I've met her before. She got a bit too personal.." he said quietly before slightly chuckling. Eijiro sounded uncomfortable thinking about whatever it was he was thinking about.
I scratched the back of my head nervously thinking back to the last time I had gone over there. She had pestered us with a few too many questions, made a lot of innuendos, and then a huge argument broke out between the two. That was only a week or so before he made his trip over last time.
"I know what you mean..." I said quietly chewing on my bottom lip.
"Wait is his mom scary or something? Is she a pervert?" Uraraka cocked her head to the side confused.
Eijiro shrugged his shoulders "maybe not a pervert but more of thinking that everyone is sleeping with her son?"
I held back a small chuckle thinking about it. "She doesn't think that." I spoke quietly "she likes to tease everyone because she knows that she's got an attractive kid. Someone who swings both ways at that.." I glanced down at my hands "
"I guess that makes sense. It's just a bit hard to tell shes teasing with some of the things shes said." Kirishima said glancing over to Denki who looked as though he had something he really wanted to say.
"Shouldn't we head out? I can't remember much about last night but... he's not answering the phone.." He stopped bouncing on his feet to dig out his phone and turn it around to show all of the messages he had sent Kacchan.
I sighed looking at the immense amount of messages that didn't even say read by them. He hadn't even seen the texts.
"If he was taken... he probably didn't have his phone or it's off. Have you called him?" Iida said placing his hand on Uraraka's shoulder to calm her silent panicking.
"Every time I called it went to voicemail directly... " I sighed glancing down at my phone.
"I tried too and the same thing happened... " Kirishima sighed.
"I highly doubt he blocked you both. We need to report this to the school. If a student has gone missing they need to know." Iida pushed his glasses up and took ochaco's hand causing a small blush to cross her cheeks.
"We will if he's not at home. We need to verify that he's not just visiting his mom instead of going to class." I sighed pulling out my phone to check it for messages then reluctantly sliding it back into my pocket.

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