Chapter 14

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Kacchan had become almost as clingy as I was after the incident with Toga. He never wanted to admit that he wanted to be around me but always made sure to know where I was. I was almost certain it was because of pity. The only reason I believed this was because he had stopped saying much but sat there in silence avoiding everyone and everything. It was like I was an infant and he was my parent. He just had to be there. It wasn't because he wanted to be. It had been two weeks since everything had happened and I was still waking up screaming every night. People had started coming to check after the first night of screaming that I just couldn't pull myself out of. Sho and Kacchan had started taking turns sleeping in my room just so I could have someone to pull me out of it. About a week in Katsuki got in Sho's face telling him he could do a better job making sure I was safe and a whole fight erupted. A completely pointless fight at that. It was hard to feel okay after being used in that way. It was starting to affect my focus in most of my classes. Slowly but surely I could get back to normal I just needed time.

"Alright, class today we will be working in pairs. Please pick the person you work best with and follow me to the training area." Midnight said walking over to the door followed by Aizawa. Kirishima looked at Bakugo and then Kaminari. I looked over to Sho who was already paired up with Tokoyami. He shrugged and mouthed sorry. If it were groups of three I could be with Iida and Uraraka or even Shoto and Tokoyami but that wasn't happening. For some reason, everyone paired up except Kacchan. Maybe they remembered how he had acted before going back to his normal self or even just that he had been sleeping in my room and just assumed we were dating. I wished we were dating. He made me feel so safe and I knew the truth behind his words when he was being mean. I really loved him but I doubted that he felt the same way.
"Hey, fuckwad. We are partners. Don't screw this up." He had a devious grin on his face and I just loved it. He drove me insane just with that smile. I couldn't bring myself to do anything with him because I was afraid of being back in that place mentally. I wanted to though. God did I want too. I took a breath focusing on what Aizawa and Midnight were explaining.
The lesson included putting 2 heroes against a group of another two and we ended up going against Denki and Kirishima. Aizawa had explained most of the rules but there were still a few things left unsaid.
It was about knowing your opponent and their weaknesses and what to do if they didn't have one though most people did.
I started thinking about what could knock Denki out of the running. All he had to do was overuse his quirk and he would short himself out. Kirishima was a bit harder of a target but if Bakugo used his quirk right we could knock him out and he would go soft.  I thought of how my brain had worded that and chuckled to myself.
"Quit muttering Deku!" Kacchan punched me in the arm. I rubbed the sore spot whimpering a bit. I dodged plenty of the concrete like punches and electric shocks trying to distract them and Kacchan made easy work of Kaminari. He was being the airhead we all knew and loved because he had overused his quirk. Even with his modifier Bakugo was too powerful for him.
I kicked multiple things into Kirishima's way but it didn't seem like he was going to go down so fast.
"Yo teach. Are we allowed to actually hit people? Like without our quirks?" Kacchan yelled. He had the look of determination on his face.
"We have recovery girl on call so as long as you don't go too overboard it's alright." Midnight yelled back
Denki was already shorted out and being well...Denki. Kacchan grabbed him by the ankles and swung him at Kirishima. Kaminari flew through the air at Kirishima. Him not wanting to see his teammate and friend hurt more than he already was(at least that's why I guessed) he turned his quirk off sending them both flying about another foot or so back. They both ended up hurt. I stood there in shock for a moment while processing everything that had just happened.
Kacchan didn't seem the least bit phased. I ran over to them in a panic as I zoned completely back in. Kaminari was completely passed out and Kirishima was bleeding from the head.
"Don't you think that was overkill?" I yelled at him trying to help Kirishima up by pulling Denki off of him.
"In a real battle, you do what it takes to win. As long as innocents don't get hurt it doesn't matter what happens to the lowlifes who decide to be villains."  Katsuki barked at us.
"Are you guys okay? I'll help you get to the infirmary..." I sighed picking up Denki who looked like he would be unconscious for a while.
"Wow, Midoriya you've gotten strong." Kirishima said slightly limping beside me.
"Its all the strength training I've been doing. Especially at training camp..."
I flexed my arm a bit which resulted in a small but loud laugh from him. Carrying Kaminari on one arm while also helping Kirishima walk to Midnight and Aizawa to explain what happened I thought about how strong Katsuki had also gotten.

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