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The rain pounded against the ground as i was pulled through the Town. I could feel the warm blood running down my legs from the bites and scratches left on me after the fighting. Lightening strike across the black sky leaving a loud crackling along with it. I feel my chest tighten when i see Mewtwo glaring at me. The whole town gathered around yelling in rage and anger, was i really this bad? Did i deserve this? "Don't you have shame!" Someone yelled at me and I can see a Flareon at the corner of my eye's. He was the mayor of the town and he yells again. "The law is clear and so is Arceus way of life! sin and break the law!" But mewtwo rased his hand to quit all and he glares at me with a death look. " killed other mated with your own sex.... And disrespect Arceus! Your sentence will play death!" Every pokemon cheared and my eyes widen. "Death....wait i didn't kill anypokemon!.....the only crim i admit to is yes i matted with a female, but i never disrespected anyone!" I say feeling out raged by this Mewtwo yelled looking pretty angry now. "THAT IS VARY DISRESPECTFUL!" Everyone yelled their rage making me narrow my eye's. So this is how they see it eh? Well fine if they think of me as a disrespectful bitch then fine! Mewtwo then used his power to pick me up, He then yells "kill her!" He throw me against a rock and i bash my head on it, I letting a pain full cry out as pokemon started jumping on me and clawing and scratching me. They where ripping my skin open and i could hardly breath at this point, someone scratched my left eye out making me feel dizzy. "PLEASE STOP!" I hear a voice screach and i know who it was, but i hear her voice cut off and the sound of choking blood was heard. "No Solar!" I cry out i then use Discharge hitting every pokemon away to see. I couldn't see vary good, I could tell that my left eye was gone and i could hardly move. My face burns with pain as more and more blood fell from my face and chest, but i could still see with my right eye that they had killed the love of my life. I stared at Solar's lifeless body, the Espeon didn't move i felt my breath thicken as the pokemon leaped back on top of me. I couldn't stand for my right paw broke against a rock, i hiss out in anger. 'Fuck these guys....i did nothing....Solar did nothing!....there the ones at fault! Not me!' I use discharge again and this time i spik up my fur and shoot pin missile, before i bite someone by the neck and kill them fast everyone started growling even more with hate, but i force all stranth in to my lages and bolt away as fast as i could. I could hear Mewtwo yelling in rage but i keep running, my right paw was failing me though, but i do get away from them. When i come to a stop i feel tears falling from my face as i sit beside the river looking at the jolteon in the river. I could see that I had only half a face and nasty scars all over my body. They wrecked my good looks but who cares. "Solar." I whisper, i swear i could still feel her beside me. 'but who rattat us out?....and who lied about me killing?' I shake my head i don't give a fuck i only knew one thing, 'revenge! Will be sweet.' i promise i will make all of them suffer for this!

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