Blood Crown - 1

753 11 1

(A/N): Picture of Evangelina

"I need the roses watered and brought into the main hall immediately!" I said for probably the seventh time, I hired these florist since they were supposed to be reputable but now I was doubting myself. The fucking bouquet of roses looked like they were all wilting on the tables outside when they were supposed to be inside and on the guest tables!

Anyway, I'm not usually this flustered or unorganized for that matter, I happened to be one of the best wedding planners in Los Angeles but today was just not going as planned. It all started when I spilled my perfectly brewed cup of coffee all over my MacBook this morning while in a rush to come to work... I definitely killed it. Then, my right hand man, and also my best friend, Daniel was super late to work this morning, since he was out for the entire night in some secret club that he would never carry me to, last night. On top of that, my flower arrangements were all over the place and the bride was freaking out... This may just end disastrously, or I could be over reacting.

"Wait a minute, where are the photographers?" I questioned an unfortunate member of my staff who happened to pass by.

"Miss Roselina, if I may, the function does not begin for at least four more hours, the guest will also begin to arrive at ten which gives us enough time to complete all the necessary work." She finished with a gentle smile, I could tell she was trying to be gentle and not set me over the edge since she spoke to me as though I were a mental patient, which to be fair to her was quite accurate currently. I sighed, I felt horrible, my team was always working very hard and here I was just adding pressure, she was right though but for some odd reason in all my four years of working in this profession as a wedding planner, I felt uneasy. Completely and utterly uneasy, as though my undying streak of good luck with planning weddings was going to go to shit today. I looked up at her and offered an apologetic smile and nodded.
"You're right, I apologize" I returned a tight lipped smile before turning on my heels and walking off, I definitely needed a drink, and against my better judgment, I made my way towards the indoor bar.

"Evangelina Roselina" I rolled my eyes at the mockery I heard in my best friends voice as he stalked toward me from across the room "is that the open bar I see you making your way towards?" He asked full of amusement as his eyes lit up.

"Daniel, please, I beg you now really isn't the time" I began before sitting down on the stool and ordering a scotch on the rocks. I felt him sit next to me before I heard him chuckling.

"Does this have anything to do with Derek sleeping with your sister?" I heard him ask before I almost choked on thin air, I narrowed my eyes at him with a scowl on my face,
"Dan, what in the world made you think that was the smartest thing to bring up right now?" I muttered angrily but the sadness still lingered from my most recent betrayal. 

What further depressed me was that I wasn't even that distraught over Derek cheating on me with my sister, but I was over the fact that I had barley any normalcy left in my life now. I hated that I missed having a routine with him more than I missed him.

My family was already a no show in my life and after what my sister did that further wedged the gap between them and I. My life revolved around work, constantly work, but with Derek, there was another life in the making for me, there was the prospect of children, me cooking us dinner even though I couldn't boil water without nearly setting the kitchen on fire, us watching TV until we fell asleep and even us having fights like what normal couples did, but obviously that all went to shit and I basically just wasted my time fantasizing over a normal life. Maybe that wasn't in the cards for me, having a family and a regular life, maybe I was destined to be alone and work forever until I die...

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