Blood Crown - 25

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(A/N): Picture of Xander and Lucifer above

I yawned as I stretched and woke up from a well needed nap, I did have great difficulty actually falling asleep seeing as my heart felt like it was being constantly shattered. The pain was so intense that I had to conjure potions and recite enchantments hoping it would sedate it enough so that I could actually fall asleep.

Xander was slowly getting frustrated since all his advances towards me were being shut down, I really didn't know why but I felt no need to be sexual. Not even my gift was helping me feel the least bit horny, I actually felt like something was wrong with me. I was constantly thinking about this entire situation, I tried to remember if I even touched alcohol and if that's why I blacked out and ended up in fucking hell next to Kaden. This all made no sense, especially when Kaden kept calling me Lina and everyone was acting strangely with me. 

I fucking hated it!

"Liana? Are you up?" Xander's voice shook me from my wandering mind, I mentally rolled my eyes,

Of course I was up dimwit.

"Yeah" I simply responded before turning to my side and gazing out at the bright sky through the window, I usually loved the sun and the rays that shone down on the heavens but now, the sun was irritating my eyes and I despised the feeling.

"Talk to me Liana, what's wrong? You're acting so strangely and I hate it" Xander said in an annoyed voice, I felt my attitude spike and I didn't even know why, he was just asking a question and being sweet which he usually was.

"Xander, why don't you tell me what's going on, I know something is wrong, I can feel it and sense it. I never get sick and all of a sudden I feel so fucked up it hurts. My heart, my chest, my entire body feels like it's on fire! What the fuck is really going on? Stop lying and just tell me!" I was panting by the time I finished, I hoped I had at least shaken him up so he would spill.

Xander just sat on the bed staring at me completely flabbergasted.

"What's gotten into you honey?" 

"Everything! Everything is so weird! I feel like something is wrong" I said before trailing off and gazing back out the window. Xander sighed before he shuffled closer to me and began kissing up and down my neck from behind. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to feel something, anything, but I felt nothing. 

I should maybe just try, maybe I'd feel something eventually and maybe this could keep my thoughts away from that scumbag Kaden, I wasn't supposed to even feel remotely attracted to him but here I was, wishing Xander was him. 

What the fuck is wrong with me? 

I groaned in frustration but Xander smirked against my skin, obviously he thought that was a sexual groan.

He slowly mounted atop me and laid me flat against the bed, I kept thinking maybe I would feel something deeper into the but as soon as his lips hit mine it was like a sharp, hot rod was pierced straight through my heart. I jolted back and used my powers by mistake, throwing Xander across the room. I screamed and shuffled to the edge of the bed.

What the hell was that? 

I panted as pain spread through my body, I realised it was emanating from my palm, the tattoo. 

I stared at it in fear as it started glowing. 

"Xander! What is happening" I nearly screamed as the fire roared through me. I immediately started chanting the first thing that came to mind to ease the pain.

"Honey! What is happening?" Xander screamed through my slow demise.

As I finished mentally chanting, the pain slowly eased away until it was a dull ache. 

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