Blood Crown - 2

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(A/N): Picture of Kaden
There is also mature content in this chapter.

Kaden's POV

"Dad, I don't understand why I can't just take over the kingdom on my own. This is all so unnecessary" I attempted to reason with the stubborn king of the vampire realm, also known as my father, although he could pass as my brother seeing as he looked thirty for the most, when in fact he was bordering 850 I believe.

He grunted and I knew I was wearing his patience thin since I kept pestering him on this but I had every right to! Why did I need a 'queen' to rule. I had a perfect girlfriend as well who could take up the role but no! He was adamant that I marry some Evangelina Roselina to become the king.

"Kaden, I have spoken to you enough regarding this. I will repeat myself once and that is final, the kingdom needs a suitable queen-"

"Why can't Crystal be queen! We have been together for over a century and she is fit for the role!" I interjected pissed as hell.

"Kaden! Listen to me now, for the millionth time Evangelina holds royal bloodline and she is the rightful heir" he explained, he kept droning on about how he was supposed to marry her great great grandmother or some shit, but she died before the marriage could happen due to some battle, and that's how he ended up marrying my mother.

"Father! This is unfair, you expect me to just end things with Crystal because of this bloodline crap! This is wrong and you know it. This girl doesn't even know of our world, she has lived as a mortal for twenty six years. She knows nothing of being queen!" I growled out in a low threatening voice knowing my father would most likely get furious with me, but at this point I didn't care!

We had been back and forth over this absurd, arranged marriage for years now and he still never budged but today apparently my nightmare was actually becoming a reality and Evangelina, my future wife was actually arriving at the palace.

"Kade-" my father was cut off by a knock on the throne room doors thankfully. We both sat up and my father ordered the doors open "we will speak later Kaden" he muttered quietly to me causing me to roll my eyes.

I'm sure we will.

In walked the head of the royal security flanked by two other men on either side, he strode up to where we stood and dropped to one knee bowing.

"My king, my prince" he said respectfully, greeting us "we have found and brought the future queen to the palace" he finally said, my father smiled while I scowled.

"Stand up Chase" my father ordered "See to it that she is comfortably settled into Kaden's room and is tended to" he replied with a nod.

"Like hell she is-" I exclaimed shocked in my fucking room!?

"Kaden!" My father bellowed before excusing all the guards, once the doors were sealed once again he turned to me "you need to get to know each other better Kaden, the coronation is to happen in the next few months" he spoke looking tired, while I fumed.

"Father! I will not be forced to share my room with this stranger! Where will Crystal stay? She stays with me" I shouted at my father who looked unfazed.

"Crystal will be escorted to the guest bedrooms in the lower floors of the castle, Kaden you have been raised to take over the throne. This is your destiny and your duty to your kingdom, just accept it please" he said before turning and walking towards his chambers, I felt like I could kill something, but at the same time, I knew it was my duty whether I fought it or not. I just wished I could do this on my terms, with my Crystal.

I stalked through the halls of the castle, the place where I grew up and loved but was slowly turning to resent as of late. I made my way to the lower floors where the guest bedrooms were and smelled the air for Crystal, I knew I'd find her here, my father was very punctual when it came to doing things his way.

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