Blood Crown - 38

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(A/N): Hey guys! I apologise for this chapter being so short :( but I'll make up for it!

"No problem darling" Lucifer purred, I smirked as he neared her, the poor girl looked red as a tomato and sucked into his charm, honestly, I can't blame her, he was a literal sex God, well sex demon, it was in his nature.

He finally reached her and pulled her by the waist before lifting her in his arms and speeding to the bathroom where he swiftly locked the door. I chuckled to myself and laid down

"Oh wow!" I heard before there was sucking and thrusting, loud banging and loud moans from the girl. I didn't hear Lucifer at all and I knew he wouldn't really be enjoying this but I was thankful he did it regardless because he would be helping me out.

"Can I get a kiss?" I heard the girl moan through the vibrating of the wall.
"No, I don't kiss darling" Lucifer replied before she wailed and came I suppose. The banging and groans continued for a long while after before it stopped and the shower turned on.

"Alright, how about you go and get a pill, and bring it up here so I can see you take it" Lucifer said before I heard movement.
"But you didn't cum in me" she said to which I heard Lucifer groan 
"You could never be too sure" he retorted before I felt the power resonate around the room, I knew he was using his powers of persuasion 
"Okay! No problem" she replied chirpily before the door open and she walked out looking smug but disheveled, she smirked in my direction and I rolled my eyes, she was extremely brave I'd give her that. 

A short while after the bathroom door opened again and Lucifer walked out wet, well his hair was wet and his body was covered in a robe, similar to mine just longer.

"Happy?" He asked annoyed before slumping on the bed next to me, I laughed lightly and nodded.

"You're not forgiven but yeah I'm happy, thanks" I muttered the last word, Lucifer looked to me and smirked.

"Was that an act of gratification? From you? The goddess of-"

I slapped his arm lightly and rolled my eyes, he laughed in response which caused me to giggle-

We both stopped and turned to the door which opened and the same girl walked in with a small pouch next to her and a glass of water, she looked at us on the bed skeptically and pouted.

"I brought it" she said with a smile at Lucifer and walked over to him, probably hoping for a second round. Lucifer smiled and nodded before standing up, in a flash his hands were placed below her chin and at the back of her head, he slapped his hand around with strength and speed, a sickenly snap was heard before she slumped against him unconscious. 

I smirked and stood up as he placed the unconscious girl on a chair next to the bed, she was a vampire or demon, so she wouldn't die, she would just be out for a while.

"Here, one emergency pill for you" he said in a deep husky voice as he placed the pill from her pouch into my hand and walked for the water, I gratefully took it and gulped the water down with the pill.

"Thanks Lucifer-"

"Don't, it's no problem, we have enough to stress about and a pregnancy is not something we need right now" he said softly before he tucked some hair behind my ear, I shook myself out of staring at his eyes and walked back over to the bed. I couldn't deny the connection I felt with Lucifer but I was married and in love with Kaden, Lucifer had no place in my life, sure he would always be someone I would hold dear to me but that's all, there couldn't be anything more. I heard him sigh softly before he walked to the bed and laid down next to me while keeping distance between us. 

"So what are we doing about the maid knocked out on the chair?" He asked before I closed my eyes.

"Shit, I completely forgot about her" I replied with a huff.

"Yeah you were too busy thinking about me, I know, no need to hide it-"

"Oh shut it will you" I cut his smugness off, he laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's true though and you know it babe" he replied with a wink, I shook my head and sat up, I looked over to the girl to see her still knocked out.

"Well, I highly doubt she's gonna remember you snapping her neck so how about you just bring her on the bed and make her think you knocked her out with mind blowing sex?" I said skeptically, he laughed and so did I, it sounded far fetched but he was Lucifer so it could happen.

"So you think my sex is mind blowing?" He teased before getting up and picking the girl up, I groaned and decided not to reply to that.

"How come you told her you don't kiss?" I asked changing the subject when he placed her on the far side of the bed, he was forced to sleep closer to me and I couldn't really complain since there was no space left on the bed anymore.

"I don't" he simply replied before laying back "it's too intimate for just fucking" he said softly, I frowned he kissed me I thought to myself, I didn't voice it since I didnt want the conversation to go in that direction anymore.

"I know what you're thinking and yes, you are the only woman I kiss" he said before turning to face me on the bed, I was laid on my back and turned my head to face him.


"I know, I'm not trying anything with you, I'm just telling you" he grumbled before shutting his eyes. I sighed and followed suit, I needed some rest. Before I fell asleep, my thoughts raced to my husband, I missed him so much and I just hoped he was okay. Please be okay Kaden. I love you.

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