Blood Crown - 34

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Liana's POV

I woke up from my well needed sleep by an annoying knocking on the door. Kaden had me pressed against him and I smiled before kissing his chest

"Baby, someone's at the door" I whispered, Kaden groaned in response before swinging his arm around and grabbing the sheets, he tiredly dropped it over our naked bodies so that I was practically covered head to toe and his upper body was uncovered.

"Come in" he growled before turning slightly so he could see who was at the door. Kristiana's head popped in timidly before she slowly walked in, Kaden groaned again in annoyance and turned back to face me, he draped his arm around me again and closed his eyes.

"Just go away" he muttered loud enough for her to hear, Kristiana looked hurt and my heart went out to her, Kaden had to come to terms with this, I understood he was a protective big brother but still, she was grown, and should be allowed to be with whoever she wanted and do whatever she wanted to do. She still walked over to the bed and sat on the end before sighing.

"He makes me happy you know-"

"I don't care" Kaden said shutting her up, I frowned before moving slightly, Kade opened his eyes and stared at me while I glared at him, I think he got silent message that I was pissed at how he was behaving, he rolled his eyes and huffed.

"Alright Kristiana, I get it, it's fine go away" he said annoyed before staring at me, his eyes portrayed to me 'was that good enough?' I shook my head subtly, no that was not good enough!

He looked completely frustrated but pushed himself up, he sat up making sure the covers were secure around his waist and me since we were both pretty much naked under it.

"Look Kristiana, you are damn well old enough to make your own decisions and I've never questioned your choice in men apart from Sebastian, he was a dick but that was against the point. The point is that Dragon made us, he is literally the devil and our creator, he is known to be manipulative and evil, of course I'm not going to be praising your relationship because I'm worried and I care about you, sure he and I are close but I'd never wish him as a 'boyfriend' on any woman especially not my sister. So you are going to have to give me some time to come around to you and him being together okay?" Kaden said with a power behind his words, I was proud of him at least he faced the situation head on and handled it as maturly as he could. Kristiana had tears in her eyes but she looked down and nodded.

"Thank you for talking to me, you're my older brother and your opinion means a lot to me, so does our relationship, I don't want to lose you and I'm sorry to put a strain on us because of this but just to let you know I actually do love him and his actions shows me that he feels the same way, anyway Kaden I guess that's all. I love you" she said honestly, Kaden looked like he was letting her words seep in and nodded before she got up and left the room, she locked the door behind her and I sat up before wrapping my arms around him from behind and laying my head on his back. 

"I think you handled this well, and I know you're stressed out but I'm proud of you baby" I said softly before I kissed his muscled, strong, broad back, wow, my husband was ripped.

Not the time Liana!

"Thanks baby, I appriciate you being there for me" his deep voice said softly, fuck, his voice was so smooth and deep yet husky, it just sent chills straight to my core.

He turned to face me and immediately his eyes looked to my chest which was on display, he groaned and pulled me towards him encasing me in his massive arms. My breast was pressed up against his chest and I stifled a moan, heat and wetness pooled between my thighs as Kaden kissed my neck tenderly before he trailed a hand down my back then under the sheets where he found my pussy which was aching in need, he paused as he felt how wet I actually was before chuckling and lifting the covers off us.

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